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is it a CoD or are we pushing this to become a sandbox playground?

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ok, Said my piece before; this isnt vigor(stealth sneak and loot) anymore. ok, its vigor(run and gun with loot). but today; I played a hour or two.. faster speeds again? (i dont know the technical stuff behind programming) but its pretty random what happens in each game.. (May be server stuff) and the last couple of days I have spotted an increase in players just toying around.. testing things to climb or just doing social pranks.. Even mocking you by running around if you try to kill them.. is this games movement and running ok or is it a behavior coming for a game it has become to easy to break the rules and get away with it? I like social fun and foolery in games but should it be so easy? should we restrict movement again to contain this behavior or is it ok to go this direction and make it more of a open social sandbox you can do whatever you want in? (I got the feeling I dont meet starving survivors fighting to survive anymore) what do you think about the evolution of the game?


good luck out there 

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One things I've noticed in my short time playing is the variety in each play through. Occasionally I hear gunfire from pretty much the start till I leave and other times hardly hear anything. I try to stay out of sight as much as possible and only fighting to defend myself. I seem to find the polaroids often but my knowledge of the map is still poor so often just scout the land for future reference as I've found these to be the most lucrative things so far.


Occasionally I try to interact with other outlanders but this is difficult with the limited emotes. I've seen proximity chat brought up a few times and think this would be and interesting addition to the game. At the moment most players shoot first and ask questions later, I'd like to see incentives for working together. After all, we're all try'n to survive. Maybe some challenges that require 2 players to complete, but watch your backs are they could still shoot you in the back once completed. I know some won't agree with this but this isn't a battle royal, it's about getting what you can and getting out.


Another thing I've seen mentioned is the ability to drop/trade while in the outlands. I often have set item I'm after and will stay until I have them, if I lose what I have before I get these I'm not fussed as they're not what I'm after. Yes people could  just shoot you and take what they want but trade could lead to some interesting encounters. I'm not a fan of battle royal games but I'm really enjoying Vigor and am interested to see how the game develops. 

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I think you've hit the nail on the head Tartan.

This game offers the player so many options. If you want PvP you simply head for congested area's, if you want to quietly loot and upgrade, you avoid engagement, if you fancy a go at the crate you camp the landing spot or take a chance on guessing the exit, etc etc, to mention just a few. So many different tactics available to the outlander that boredom can easily be prevented.

You will soon learn the maps and find you need to look at your map less and less to traverse them and to get to the exits.

I'm personally not an advocate of trading with others as it could lead to teaming, which in my humble opinion should remain confined to duo encounters and has no place in solo encounters.

Glad you're enjoying the game, have fun out there.

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Well for a start, comparing vigor to CoD as a run 'n gun game is incorrect. CoD is the biggest "I'll just camp in this corner from start to finish game.

This is one of the games were the playerbase decided hoe the game evolved. Devs van add, change or remove things they feel needed, but that won't change how the players evolve their playstyle after  some time.


Anyhow, I've been playing Vigor for a while now and I've seen all kinds of different players. The people Just toying around is a phase, they will notice messing around gets them nowhere and they will move on. The whole bunnyhopping thing costs a lot of stamina and is ineffective, that will lose its appeal soon enough as well. 

When getting shot at and just start sprinting around the shooter only works on new or overly agressive sweaty players. It used to be super effectieve back when auto fire got stick or when the auto fire hit registering was broken, these are fixed now. Stop the stressy action-movie shooting and you'll find they are easy kills.

Me and my friends I duo with are always the most agressive players in a match. The main reason for it is that the shelter upgrades are done. Looting to much and gaining weight simply isn't worth it anymore. I have been a hunter from the start, never going trough a match without a firefight. Doesn't mean we just run into every situation guns blazing, but we do take every shot that has a possibility to kill. Players are way to used to winning on "backfire", this means they just run into situations blindly, getting shot by somewhat inaccurate shots and react when the opponent has given its position away. I think this makers it deel like everyone is going into encounters with a run 'n gun attitude.


We avoid the actual "hot zones" but do go for the three marked positions.

It seems most rushers go for the same thing. However most of them lack the tactical insight to best us. Most of my deaths are on the tactical stealth player, not other rushers, exit or crate campers.


As long as what we are doing is effectieve and a fun way to play the game we will nog change our ways. 

Imagine every game being full of stealthy looters and campers. Nothing Will ever happen and the game would be boring in no time.

For now the game still needs plenty of updates and corrections. Still hoping to see the full potential vigor has.

Me and my duo's partners all dislike the BR games. There are also plenty of games like vigor, but this one really has a different feel compared to the other games in this genre. It will be (and most likely stay) at hit or miss situation for the devs every time they implement something new.

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thanks for a very good response guys. good pointers. 


I think merc has made out my worry of concearn; the "backfire subject" I use this myself now because overtime its effective. (and why I am calling it CoD is because I now use that playstyle. not aggresive but when I want to win fights) but with it it becomes a battle royal "cod'y" game.. if they turn sprinting sounds (heard from further away too) way up again so you actually become vourneble running in giving away your position as an easy mark.. (like it was once upon a time) i think the game will tune back into vigor and not a pure battle royal and area control by running wich it is now. 


(sound is broken atm) its aggro camping paradise.


other than that I agree on everything really.


have a good session today guys 👍

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