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Desperta Ferro

Bad collisions between vehicles and zombies.

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Hey there!


Thanks to chernaruski I have achieve to spawn ravage zombies in my exile dedi server, but I have a problem between the vehicles and the zeds.

Many times, when I collide to a zed is how if I collide against a wall and the car stops. Or there are cases even the vehicle tips over.


When I used ExileZ I thought it was a problem of zombies from Zombies And Demons, but it seems that is not the problem.

Maybe it's a problem with Exile? Or if it is a problem of Arma 3 I can ask in another more appropriate section of the forum.


I've uploaded a video to show you what I am taling about (some times It gets even worse like I've said)


(Sorry for the music, I didn't realize that Spotify was on xD.)




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Sometimes it happens to all of us. That's how things are in Arma , nothing you can do about it really.  Well, not that I'm aware of any solutions for this.



Thanks to chernaruski I have achieve to spawn ravage zombies in my exile dedi server, but I have a problem between the vehicles and the zeds.

Glad you figured it out. Its thanks to your curiosity and tenacity , not me.

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Oh I see... I was afraid of that.


In any case I will ask in the main Arma forum in case anyone knows anything. If only to minimize the problem a bit, because there are cases that are exaggerated.


Thanks again for your help!



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Its how Arma deals with models collision.  Its been around for ages I think.  Physics is not a strong side of Arma , even when assets modeled and configured correctly.

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