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avibird 1

Looking for pros and cons for setting up tasks using the new task modules versus triggers versus Description.ext setup.

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What do you guys think is the most efficient easiest way to setup tasks for a mission.


We all know with arma there are many ways to setup things within the game environment especially with all the new Eden editor functions 


I am definitely a creature of habit when it comes to Arma but I am trying to open knowledge how to accomplish things within the game.


I typically setup my mission tasks using triggers before that it was using Description.ext. I have not really experiment using the new test modules it just seems to me there's a lot of things you need to place down and syn just to get a task to work. I only need two triggers for each task using triggers.


will using Triggers over the new task modules affect game performance.

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@avibird 1,


"... it just seems to me there's a lot of things you need to place down and syn just to get a task to work."

Tasks are easy. You can create a single task and move it around as need be. Or create/delete/cancel/unassign, ect each time a new objective is determined.


This is how I  use a single task for everything,

// create a task by pasting it basically anywhere script will go (init properties, init, trigger, whatever)
[true,["task1"],["Mission Objective","Objective","Target"],objNULL,1,3,false] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
["task1","ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

//to hide the task from the player
["task1",[objNULL,false]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination;

//to show the task at position (replace _pos with any known object or location)
["task1",[_pos,true]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination;


Check this out,

Have fun!


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