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Camo netting on retextured tank

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Hey there,


So I'm trying to get a retextured Kuma and Moira to have the option in virtual arsenal to use the camo nettings. Whenever I add any netting or even change the setting that changes the type of camo (aaf, aaf desert, aaf green) it reverts back to it's basic AAF skin. The Kuma is already forced to spawn with the extra armor platings, so I tried adding it on that piece of code but no luck.
I've looked around but can't really find any topics or answers about this.

I'm betting it's a really easy fix, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.


Thanks in advance!


Got it working! For anyone in the future having this problem, you need to add


class TextureSources {
                "A3\Armor_F\Data\camonet_NATO_Desert_CO.paa", (obv depending on type of color camo)
                "A3\Armor_F\Data\cage_sand_CO.paa", (same as above)


Hope this helps for anyone else struggling 🙂

Edited by shiftysean

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Issue was a bit similar, maybe it will help

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Thanks for the input, but no luck.

Thought for sure I had it yesterday with the hiddenselection "CamoNet" and the associated hiddenselectionstextures .paa but it still reverts to the AAF tank skin.

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Glad  you got it working. 


For future reference, and others googling this, here is a config example of tanks with various textures and camo-nets.  I know I have found threads like this infinitely useful in the past. :) 



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