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Senor Dav3

Bulldozer not doing anything

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I'm trying to go in to bulldozer from terrain builder, but when i click on to connect to it it shows my cursor is loading something then it just gives me a cross on my screen.




That blue square and plus are where it keeps going to every time, i tried everything like different parameters, making arma 3.exe be the launch for it. Nothing worked so far, plls help!

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17 hours ago, Senor Dav3 said:

I've no fucking clue how to set that up, if someone could dumb that down to me that would be cool!


make a .bat file, this is just a text file renamed from .txt to .bat.

Copy this into it and change it to the folder you want to use for the P drive

subst p: /d
subst p: "C:\Change\To\Folder\You\Want"

Run the .bat file to mount the P drive. Make sure you don't have auto mount on in Arma tools and restart before running it.

install Mikero's tools then run Arma3p, choose to extract to P drive, say no to full extraction.



Tip: don't use arma tools at all! make a shortcut to terrainbuilder.exe instead of using the broken launcher

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