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David ArmAstrong

Can you deleteMarker respawn marker to stop respawn then create respawn marker to start it again in a mission?

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I have a series of tasks in a multiplayer mission. The next task is created when the last task is completed. I can move the respawn marker named respawn_west to the next location as the tasks are completed. What I would like to do is disable respawn for any players who die until the current task is completed. For example respawn_west marker is located at starting point of the mission. once task_01 is completed the respawn_west marker is moved to the location of task_01. I would like to keep any players who die while trying to get to the location of task_02 dead until the remaining players complete task_02, and so on through the objectives. I have no problem moving the respawn_west marker using this code with triggers

"respawn_west" setMarkerPos getMarkerPos "task_01"

I have tried deleteMarker "respawn_west" , thinking I could _respawn_west = createMarker when the next trigger activates to enable the dead to respawn when the next task completes and while the respawn_west marker disappears, players still respawn on it's last location. I am guessing that the mission remembers where it was and thus I can't keep players dead until the next task completed trigger fires by deleteing the respawn marker. 
Is there a method I can use to delay players from respawning until the next task completed trigger is activated.
Thanks in advance for your help. 

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Thanks for you assistance. It is much appreciated. I still can't get it to stop respawning. It's like the game-mission records the position of the respawn_west marker and even though you delete the marker or use removeRespawnPosition the dead player still respawns. I am thinking that if you have selected to enable respawn in your mission, on a custom location or otherwise, there is no way to turn respawn on and off with triggers while the mission is running. 

This is not a showstopper for the mission I am working on. It would have been nice to have dead players stay dead until the current task was completed but again not a a showstopper. 
Thanks again for your help...dn 

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4 hours ago, David ArmAstrong said:

stay dead until the current task was completed but again not a a showstopper. 


Hello there David ArmAstrong !


I wiil give you a suggestion ,

how about using the spectator cam until the task is done ?!

check here :




		if (GF_Revive_Spectator_Enabled) then{
			//	more configurations here :
			//	https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_End_Game_Spectator_Mode
			["Initialize", [_this]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; 	// Initializes spectator for given player
			while {alive _this && _this getVariable ["Var_GF_Revive_Unconscious",true]} do {
				uisleep 1;
			["Terminate"] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; 			// Terminates spectator for given player

in the meantime i don't know on right now to answer about the respawn , but you can set different markers and use a code onPlayerRespawn.sqf or with an Eventhandler respawn.

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Thank you very much for your assistance. I am using the spectator cam for the KIA players while they are waiting to respawn. I turn it on in onPlayerKilled.sqf and terminate it  in onPlayerRespawn.sqf. 
I'm going to try this code tomorrow. Thanks again for your help. 

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@David ArmAstrong Here's how I theoretically would set up the objectives.

1. When a new objective comes online execute on server:

99999 remoteExec ["setPlayerRespawnTime"];

2. When objective is completed execute on server:

"respawn_XXXX" setMarkerPos _newPos;
1 remoteExec ["setPlayerRespawnTime"];

3. Make sure that at least a few seconds before the next objective goes live. 


Go back to 1.


The result should be:

Anyone who dies while an objective is live have an "infinite" respawn counter. 


Anyone who dies between objectives or is waiting to respawn will respawn instantly. 




Edit: I realised in step 2 you may possibly run into an out-of-order execution (respawn is enabled before the marker is moved). Now this is highly unlikely to cause issues but if you're pedantic (like me) you'd wrap up step 2 in a function like so:

//In init.sqf, CfgFunctions or w/e
fnc_updateAndEnableRespawn = {
	params ["_newPos", "_respawnTime"];
	"respawn_XXXX" setMarkerPosLocal _newPos; //Note use of local marker command
	setPlayerRespawnTime _respawnTime;

//On server when objective live
[someNewPos, 1] remoteExec ["fnc_updateAndEnableRespawn"];


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8 hours ago, mrcurry said:



@mrcurry , this is a nice approach ! :thumb:

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