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Jubal Savid

Unit won't display name when he talks.

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I have two players that should talk to each other 

Dimitri: "Hi dude" 

Kowolskie "Hi" 

That's how its supposed to go

Heres what it actually happens, remember my profile name ingame is jubal north.

Actual text: 

Kowolskie (Jubal North)  "Hi dude"

Kowolskie "Hi" 

How do I get it to display correctly


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Player is Dimitri?
let a hidden unit be the player's voice.

playACTOR setgroupID ["Dimitri"];

Will make:
Dimitri: "Hi dude"

This will make it so the player can change groups or really do whatever and the group ID for sidechat is the same.

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Sends the chat message to the custom radio channel. The radio channel needs to be created on the server before hand, with radioChannelCreate command.

So you don't need to create the channel if using an existing channel like sidechat?
Like this?

player customChat [1, "Hi dude"];


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playACTOR setgroupID ["Dimitri"];

Doesn't work, popped it into a hidden unit and it denies the existence of ";"

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Still no good, the Game doesn't realize there is two people talking 

it reads either 

Kowolskie (Jubal North)  "Hi dude"

Kowolskie "Hi" 


Dimitri (Jubal North)  "Hi dude"

Dimitri "Hi" 

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Still no good, the Game doesn't realize there is two people talking 

it reads either 

Kowolskie (Jubal North)  "Hi dude"

Kowolskie "Hi" 


Dimitri (Jubal North)  "Hi dude"

Dimitri "Hi" 

I want to be clear, my triggers all say either "Dimitri sideChat" or "Kowolskie sideChat"  but the game still says only Kowolskie or Dimitri  

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Hi Jubal.  This code works (I tested it in console):

JBOY_Channel = radioChannelCreate [[0.185,1.000,0.118,1.000],"JBOY Radio","%UNIT_NAME", [akbar,jeff,player]];
akbar setName ["Akbar","Akbar",""];
jeff setName ["Jeff","Jeff",""];

akbar customChat [JBOY_Channel, "Hi Jeff."];
jeff customChat [JBOY_Channel, "Hi Akbar.  Wassup?"];

The above assumes you named 2 units in editor akbar and jeff.  If you don't include player in the channel, you won't see the messages.  You can put the first 3 lines in your init.sqf so only create channel and name units once.  Then use customChat using the custom channel many times in scripts or triggers.


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JBOY_Channel = radioChannelCreate [[0.185,1.000,0.118,1.000],"JBOY Radio","%UNIT_NAME", [Dimitri,Kowolskie,player]];
Dimitri setName ["Dimitri","Dimitri",""];
Kowolskie setName ["Kowolskie","JKowolskie",""];

This is what I have in the mission init file. 

Its saying it cannot find the files but it does pop up the text lol



So technically it worked but something died in the process 


Nvm it was because my variable names of my characters werent set up right int he editor

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@Jubal Savid,

playACTOR setgroupID ["Dimitri"];

Totally works. It's not a great solution for a lot of cases but it's simple to use.
Of course you need to name an entity "playACTOR" and I'd disable their simulation, damage and maybe ship them to,

playACTOR setpos (getpos objNULL);

Have fun!

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