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Create static air to air missile

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Is there any way to create a static air to air missile such as the vanilla game's  ASRAAM or AMRAAM and just have them sit there as static objects? I know they aren't in the object's list in the editor but I have found their classnames in the config viewer; any way to write a script that creates the static object? For aesthetics, I'd like to have a few AMRAAS sit by an aircraft parked on the tarmac, as if the aircraft were being serviced and re-armed. 

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Where could I locate the .p3d models for various animations of soldiers?


I would like to create a model of an AT soldier aiming his secondary weapon, rotate it and position it with the screenToWorld function before spawning it at that location.

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5 hours ago, beako said:

Where could I locate the .p3d models for various animations of soldiers?


I would like to create a model of an AT soldier aiming his secondary weapon, rotate it and position it with the screenToWorld function before spawning it at that location.


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Thanks warlord554,


I could sill not find the .p3d file for a soldier holding his secondary weapon over his shoulder.


But I thought I could somehow cheat using BIS_fnc_createSimpleObject even though Arma 3 Simple Objects states "Simple Object Capability - Not all objects work well as simple objects - some objects require adjustment data (that need to be prepared properly by the content creator), some do not work at all (like units, game logics, weapon holders etc.)."


So far I have only managed to create a headless body of a man with arms out to the side. My goal is to find a way to create an soldier holding his secondary weapon over his shoulder, setObjectTexture to it and rotate and translated it to wherever screenToWorld is pointed to, then spawn it. So far, I can do this for vehicles using BIS_fnc_createSimpleObject, as it is less demanding on framerate.


	if (_vehType isKindOf "Man") then {
		_text = getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _vehType >> "model");
		_textArray = toArray  _text;
		_textArray deleteAt 0; 
		_text = toString _textArray;
		_veh = [["B_Soldier_base_F", _text, 0, 0, ["AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon_end",1]], _pos, 0, true, false] call BIS_fnc_createSimpleObject;

Any ideas?

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