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I'm using symbolic link from my user MpMissions folder to arma3 folder so that I can start dedi server with TADST and load the missions from my user MpMissions folder. This works good, until I want to make some sym links inside the MpMissions folder from one folder to another. Trying to start server on such mission results in weird arma errors. I think it's not possible to have these links inside linked folder working, or is it?


any ideas on how to get this sorted out are welcome 🙂



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56 minutes ago, killzone_kid said:

Perhaps better asked in server management forum 


Possibly. This is about editing too as I need the links when working on mission. But maybe mod can move this?

I would really like to hear if anyone has got these linked-links working

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Can mods move this or maybe some one can help me here?


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If you want mod help you can report your own post. But I think it fits here just as well, not sure.

Do you have missions as folders or as pbo's inside your mpmissions folder? I'm quite sure pbo's work correctly.

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24 minutes ago, Dedmen said:

Do you have missions as folders or as pbo's inside your mpmissions folder? I'm quite sure pbo's work correctly.


every mission is as folder

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So has anyone got links inside linked folder working with arma? It would be nice to know if someone has successfully had this working so I know if the problem is just with my PC.



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5 hours ago, Thomas Rye said:

I tried this myself before and it was a no-go because of reliance on other stuff. I also found if you have onedrive enabled it can create a documents folder and a one drive folder, it gets messy.



I have one drive installed because it was auto installed but I'm not logged in. Strange at least Mpmission folder can be  linked to arma folder 

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