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Military Symbols Module Variable Question

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I've been trying to figure out how to apply some of the variables for the Military Symbols Module but I havent been able to figure it out.


Specifically I've been trying to figure how to apply the "delay" command and the "duration" command:


BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["duration",600];

BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["delay",0.1];


Where do I put/define these?  Do they go in init/description or in the module's init line?



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12 hours ago, Blitzen88 said:

BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["duration",600];

BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["delay",0.1];


If BIS_marta_mainscope is valid module then that code should work on server. That code would goto init.sqf you should add "if(isServer) then" around the code to make it only execute for server

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BIS_marta_mainscope is just a reference to the Military Symbols module. So you can just put setVariable in the modules init swapping BIS_marta_mainscope for this (as the reference is likely undefined in time for module initialisation)(it is actually available as the modules config init EH runs before the modules Eden init code).

On initialisation the server reads the variable and PV's it to all clients. Each client then runs the marta fsm which takes in these values.

Each client is responsible for their own Marta system, so after the initial loop each of these variables can be changed on a per client basis without effecting another clients variables.

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2 hours ago, Larrow said:

BIS_marta_mainscope is just a reference to the Military Symbols module. So you can just put setVariable in the modules init

So my understanding is that those variables can be put in the Module’s init line in the editor...?


Also, I play solo offline missions. Would this impact anything? Im not running anything off of a server, etc


Thank you for your help

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3 minutes ago, Blitzen88 said:

So my understanding is that those variables can be put in the Module’s init line in the editor...?



4 minutes ago, Blitzen88 said:

I play solo offline missions. Would this impact anything?


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8 minutes ago, Larrow said:


I think I tried this and it didnt appear to work. I will complete some more testing



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On 4/25/2019 at 12:29 PM, Larrow said:



I did some more testing and it still doesnt seem to work.


Let me provide some more background.  As it stands right now an enemy units icon is displayed on the map after it is discovered by a friendly unit.  However once the friendly unit breaks contact with the enemy, the enemy icon is still displayed on the map; I want the enemy icon to disappear.


I was hoping BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["duration",XXX] would help to fix this issue but I cant seem to get it to work.


Thank you for your help.


Did some more testing.  I put BIS_marta_mainscope setvariable ["minSize",20] in the module's init.  Place a group that had less than 20 members; the group's icon still showed up on the map.  Im confused at this point

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