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Hello there!


I'm working on a remake of the "East Wind" campaign where I replace every NATO unit with a Bundeswehr unit (BWMod).

I'm currently working on the first mission of the campaign, now here's my problem:

  • There's a game logic entity where MacKinnon's vehicle is supposed to lie on the side.
  • I replaced the Hunter with an Eagle.
  • Now when I'm starting the mission, the Eagle is stuck in the ground.


  • BWMod
  • Bundeswehr ReTex Pack
  • CBA_A3

I'm not a programming god and I have no idea how to fix this issue! Any ideas?


Thanks in advance!



Game Logic in editor: https://ibb.co/2YqB3Rm

How it looks like in the mission: https://ibb.co/9y1k8wy

Game logic code: https://ibb.co/YWs2tLc

Vehicle code: https://ibb.co/PgFG74h


PS: Sorry for my english skills...

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could you post the code in a code block instead as a picture next time pls? I don't like to copy ur code by manually writing it.


In your vehicle code you can adjust the positions Z value. I guess you posted code from mission.sqm. There the position format is [X,Z,Y]. But maybe you could just change the height in Eden?

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  On 4/2/2019 at 8:28 AM, sarogahtyp said:

could you post the code in a code block instead as a picture next time pls?

Didn't know that works tbh ._.

class Item7
	class Vehicles
		class Item0
			init="clearWeaponCargo this; clearMagazineCargo this; clearItemCargo this; clearBackpackCargo this; this setCaptive true; this setBehaviour ""CARELESS""; this engineOn true";


class Item92
	class Vehicles
		class Item0

Changing the height of both, the vehicle and the game logic entity, didn't do anything. It's still stuck in the ground.

I forgot to say that BIS_offTruck is starting position is at Camp Rogain



BIS_offTruck starting Position: https://ibb.co/7XKRv25

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try to add this in the vehicles init line:

_pos_corr = getPos this; _pos_corr resize 2; _d = _pos_corr pushBack 0.1;  this setPos _pos_corr;

gets vehicles position, deletes Z value, adds a Z value of 0.1 (10 cm), sets vehicle to new position.


how do you rotate the vehicle aound its y-axis?

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Thanks, but it's still not working.

Can i give you the pbo file of the mission so it's easier to figure out whats wrong?

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  On 4/2/2019 at 1:26 PM, Mixuray said:

Can i give you the pbo file of the mission so it's easier to figure out whats wrong?

no .pbo pls. you could do a zip file with the un-pbo-ed mission in it.

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Problem could be in initMission.hpp in function BIS_crashSite. there the position of the BIS_offTruck is set with a Z-value of -0.8. this should be 0 or 0.1:


BIS_crashSite = {
	// Kill driver and commander
	{_x setDamage 1} forEach [BIS_officer, BIS_offTruckD];
	// Set up truck
	BIS_offTruck enableSimulation false;
	["Seting the truck up:%1", 1] call BIS_fnc_LogFormat;
	BIS_offTruck setPos [5690.8989,5313.7993,-0.5];
	BIS_offTruck setDir 125;
	BIS_offTruck engineOn false;
	[] spawn {
		scriptName "initMission.hpp: BIS_crashSite";
		// Move the truck into position
		sleep 2;
		BIS_offTruck setPos [5690.8989,5313.7993,-0.8];  // <<<------- HERE change Z to 0 instead of -0.8
		BIS_offTruck setDir 125;
		[BIS_offTruck, 2, 265] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
		BIS_offTruck setDamage 0.7;
		{BIS_offTruck setHitPointDamage [_x, 1]} forEach ["HitRFWheel", "HitRF2Wheel", "HitLF2Wheel"];
		BIS_offTruck allowDamage false;
		BIS_offTruck engineOn false;
	// Add engine smoke
	BIS_truckSmoke = "#particlesource" createVehicle [10,10,10];
	BIS_truckSmoke setParticleClass "WreckSmokeSmall";
	BIS_truckSmoke attachTo [BIS_logic2, [-1.4,-0.4,1.6]];
	// Add smoke sound
	BIS_truckSmokeSound = createSoundSource ["Sound_SmokeWreck1", [10,10,10], [], 0];
	BIS_truckSmokeSound attachTo [BIS_logic2, [-1.4,-0.4,1.6]];
	// Unhide commander
	BIS_officer hideObject false;
	BIS_officer enableSimulation true;
	// Create mine
	BIS_truckMine = "ATMine_Range_Ammo" createVehicle [5680.392,5314.729,0.000];

changes in init line of that vehicle can be reversed.

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I'm trying it!


EDIT: It works!!! Thank you so much man!

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