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hey i am making a Y-Menu dialog but i just cant find out how to get the dialog to make a slow fade in and out when open or closed any help? to how i can make this possible

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What is a Y-Menu dialog?

If we are talking about a "normal" dialog this should work:

Add and "onLoad" eventhandler to your dialog

class myDialog
	idd = 12345;
	onLoad = "_this execVM ""myDialog.sqf"";";
	class controls

And give all of your controls the attribute

fade = 1;

And then create an sqf file with the following code:

params ["_dialog"];
	_x ctrlSetFade 0;
	_x ctrlCommit 5;
} forEach allcontrols _dialog;


For fadeout: No idea


Depending on the dialog you could also use a RscTitle. This dialog will not be interactable with though.

class RscTitles
	class myHUD 
		idd = -1;
		fadein = 0;
		fadeout = 0;
		duration = 1e+6;


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On 3/18/2019 at 6:44 PM, 7erra said:

What is a Y-Menu dialog?

If we are talking about a "normal" dialog this should work:

Add and "onLoad" eventhandler to your dialog

class myDialog
	idd = 12345;
	onLoad = "_this execVM ""myDialog.sqf"";";
	class controls

And give all of your controls the attribute

fade = 1;

And then create an sqf file with the following code:

params ["_dialog"];
	_x ctrlSetFade 0;
	_x ctrlCommit 5;
} forEach allcontrols _dialog;


For fadeout: No idea


Depending on the dialog you could also use a RscTitle. This dialog will not be interactable with though.

class RscTitles
	class myHUD 
		idd = -1;
		fadein = 0;
		fadeout = 0;
		duration = 1e+6;


Thx for reply, no what i mean whit Y-Menu is that im using the altis life 4.4r4 framework for roleplay and want the menu whit youre stats and all that to fade in when you press the key Y any help on that maybe ? :)

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i guess best place for this question would be an altis life forum. i think such thing exists somewhere.

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I don't have that much (if any) knowledge about Altis Life coding. If we are talking about this version and HUD:


Then changing  the fadeIn and fadeOut parameters should do the trick. Otherwise refer to what @sarogahtyp said.

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