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So if you have retextured a vehicle for example using setobjecttextureglobal, how would i find/set the textures back to their default ones?

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getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures")


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26 minutes ago, POLPOX said:

getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures")


_Tex = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (vehicle player) >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures");
_TexN = count _Tex;
for "_I" from 1 to _TexN do 
format["_Tex%1 = _Tex # %1;",_I];
vehicle player setObjectTextureGlobal [format[%1,_Tex%1],_I];

Can Someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

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10 minutes ago, bumyplum said:

_Tex = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (vehicle player) >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures");
_TexN = count _Tex;
for "_I" from 1 to _TexN do 
format["_Tex%1 = _Tex # %1;",_I];
vehicle player setObjectTextureGlobal [format[%1,_Tex%1],_I];

Can Someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?

I don't even know what that code is supposed to be...

Why are you using a for from to loop? Why is there a format that doesn't do anything. Why does the second format not have a string? that's a syntax error. why are you using uppercase i? so many questions.


private _textures = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (vehicle player) >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures");
    (vehicle player) setObjectTextureGlobal [_x, _forEachIndex];
} forEach _textures;


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_Tex = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (vehicle player) >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures");  // Get the textures
_TexN = count _Tex;
for "_i" from 0 to _TexN do  // Repeat for how many textures
_Tex = getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf (vehicle player) >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures");
abc = format["_Tex%1 = _Tex # %1;",_i]; // Setting _Tex%1 To the number of textures
vehicle player setObjectTextureGlobal [format[abc,_Tex%1],_i]; // set the textures 

I'm trying to set the textures of a vehicle to the default ones

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	_vehicle setObjectTextureGlobal [_forEachIndex,_x] ;
} forEach getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hiddenSelectionsTextures") ;


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