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Need help with a function to create groups uf units

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Hello all,


So I'm writing a script that will be used as a function to create groups of units. The issue I'm having is that every single group that I create, needs to have a dynamic variable name, since if I use _group = createGroup in a script it will just keep creating the same group ID. I was going to try to use Format to name the groups, but I haven't used it before, and I got a little lost in the syntax. This is what I have so far:



//creates a group of the given size

(_this select 3) params ["_side","_groupSize","_spawnPosition"];

//determine side of units
if ("_side" isEqualTo "EAST") then {
	//create the group and name it
	private _group = createGroup ["EAST",1];
	private _group = format[_group,_spawnPosition];

	for [{private _i =0}, {_i = _spawnPosition}, {_i + 1}] do {
		//create random units and add them to the group
		//these units should also each have a unique name (i think)
		private _unit = group player createUnit ["B_RangeMaster_F", position player, [], 0, "FORM"];

	//same code, but for West


Thanks in advance!

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44 minutes ago, anaximandross said:


The format command only accepts strings as the first param. What you can do though is use setVariable.

private _group = createGroup ["EAST",true]; // why is there a 1 in your script?
_id = time; //(or sth similar to identify it)
_groupVarName = format ["EastGroup:%1",_id];
missionNamespace setVariable [_groupVarName,_group];
// access it later again:
_groupVarName = format ["EastGroup:%1",_id];
_group = missionNamespace getVariable [_groupVarName,grpNull];
if (!isNull _group) then {/*group exists*/};

Depending on what you intend to do in the script later there might be better ways. This is just a quick answere and not tested.

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Ok, i will try this out and see how it works! And the createGroup command can use either true, false, 0, or 1 for the final argument to it. IIRC, in Boolean ogic, true =1, false = 0, so they're interchangeable.

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5 hours ago, anaximandross said:

Ok, i will try this out and see how it works! And the createGroup command can use either true, false, 0, or 1 for the final argument to it. IIRC, in Boolean ogic, true =1, false = 0, so they're interchangeable.

Unless you actually tried that out I'd be surprised, since bool and scalar are different data types, at least in .sqf.



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8 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

Unless you actually tried that out I'd be surprised, since bool and scalar are different data types, at least in .sqf.



I guess I got my commands backwards! I thought I saw it in their example code on the BIKI, but I was wrong. Good catch!

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There are some commands which accept both though:

[1,2] select 0; //1
[1,2] select false; //1


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