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Local Variable in Global Space

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I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but I can't find a solution. I'm trying to take a global variable that is declared in init.sqf, get its value in a separate script, and then change that global value. However, anytime I do that I get an error saying Local Variable in Global Space. How do I fix this? Thanks in advance


To be clear, this is a PvE mission, so all players should be able to have access to the public variables. 

Init.sqf (I commented out my initial global declaration)

if (isServer) then {
	fn_getBuildingstospawnLoot = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "LootSpawn\fn_LSgetBuildingstospawnLoot.sqf"; 
	LSdeleter = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "LootSpawn\LSdeleter.sqf";
	execVM "LootSpawn\Lootspawner.sqf";
	[]execVM "dynamix\dynamix.sqf";
	[]execVM "VehicleSpawn\vehiclespawner.sqf";

	missionNamespace setVariable ["GLOBALFOOD",20,true];
	missionNamespace setVariable ["CURRENTBASENUMBER",0,true];

// GLOBALFOOD = 20; 
// publicVariable "GLOBALFOOD";

// publicVariable "CURRENTBASENUMBER";

BaseClaim.sqf (where the fun happens) 

if(!isServer) exitWith{}; 

params ["_marker", "_foodCost","base_num"];

//Counts number of enemies around the desired marker
_units = allUnits select {side _x == east && _marker distance2D _x < 100};
_cnt = count _units; 
private _globalFood = missionNamespace getVariable GLOBALFOOD; 

//checks to see if the area around the base is clear
if(_cnt > 0) then { 
	hint "Clear the area to claim this base!"

//if the area is clear, this allows the player to claim the base
	if(_gobalFood > _foodcost) then {
			//calculates the amount of food remaining in food stores

			_foodremaining = _globalfood - _foodcost; 
			hint format["You have %1 food remaining!",_foodremaining];
			GLOBALFOOD = _foodremaining; 
			missionNamespace setVariable ["GLOBALFOOD",_foodremaining,true];

			//determines the current base number to be used for other things
			publicVariable "CURRENTBASENUMBER"; 

			//creates a marker at the current base. This is used for AI targetting 
			deleteMarker "CurrentBase"; 
			_currentBaseMarker = createMarker["CurrentBase", getMarkerPos "_marker"]; 
			"CurrentBase" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
			"CurrentBase" setMarkerText "Home Base"; 


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I can see a typo here:

if(_gobalFood > _foodcost) then {// should be _globalFood

Which variable is mentioned in the error message?

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Well...that was a fantastically simple solution. That being said, nothing is happening. There's no marker being created. 


I'm using a flagpole with addAction to create the marker and claim the base. Here's the code for that:


this addAction["Claim Base (10 Food)","BaseFunctions\ClaimBase.sqf",[base_4,10,4]];

this addAction["Claim Base (10 Food)","BaseFunctions\ClaimBase.sqf",["base_4",10,4]];

I have a marker located at the same place named base_4. 

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I've also just added another line to delete marker base_4 once the script is complete and it isn't working at all. 


			//creates a marker at the current base. This is used for AI targetting 
			deleteMarker "CurrentBase"; 
			deleteMarker "base_4";
			_currentBaseMarker = createMarker["CurrentBase", getMarkerPos "_marker"]; 

OK! So it seems that my if statement isn't executing. The comparison between _globalFood > _foodcost is not occurring. Any suggestions? (I tested this by adding hint statements)

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params ["_marker", "_foodCost","base_num"];

Params parses input argument into array of private variables.  That would be where global is in private space.


Try removing "base_num" from the params line and define it as either _this select 2;  or  _this # 2;

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2 minutes ago, opusfmspol said:

params ["_marker", "_foodCost","base_num"];

Params parses input argument into array of private variables.  That would be where global is in private space.


Try removing "base_num" from the params line and define it as either _this select 2;  or  _this # 2;

I'm going to have several different bases though, so don't I need to be able to pass that so that I can define various attributes of different bases? 

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It was considered that you needed to pass it in.  What I meant is a global variable from input params needs to be defined without using the Params command, because it is not giving a private variable for the command to return define.


params ["_marker", "_foodCost"];

base_num = _this select 2;


Edited by opusfmspol
define. I meant define, since return is actually boolean.

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Ok, I'm starting to understand, but I'm not fully there yet. What does the _this select 2; do? select has always confused me.

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Ok Cool! I'll check it out. Also, do you have any idea why my code from the second part isn't executing? 


	if(_globalFood > _foodcost) then {

			_markPos = getMarkerPos "base_4"; 
			//calculates the amount of food remaining in food stores
			_foodremaining = _globalfood - _foodcost; 
			hint format["You have %1 food remaining!",_foodremaining];
			GLOBALFOOD = _foodremaining; 
			missionNamespace setVariable ["GLOBALFOOD",_foodremaining,true];
			hint "New Home Base Claimed!";
			//determines the current base number to be used for other things
			publicVariable "CURRENTBASENUMBER"; 

			//creates a marker at the current base. This is used for AI targetting 
			deleteMarker "CurrentBase"; 
			deleteMarker "base_4";
			hint "marker deleted"; 
			_currentBaseMarker = createMarker["CurrentBase", _markPos]; 
			"CurrentBase" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
			"CurrentBase" setMarkerText "Home Base"; 
			"CurrentBase" setMarkerType "mil_circle";

And to be clear, I'm no longer receiving the local var in global space error. My script just isn't working lol

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//Counts number of enemies around the desired marker
_units = allUnits select {side _x == east && _marker distance2D _x < 100};
_cnt = count _units; 

This line appears in error.  Select doesn't use the magic variable "_x",  count and forEach do.


Try this:

//Counts number of enemies around the desired marker
_units = [];
{if (side _x == east && {_marker distance2D _x < 100}) then {_units pushBack _x};} forEach allUnits;

_cnt = count _units;



--- Edit: Larrow corrects in post #41, that Select command does use magic "_x" variable in alternative syntax.  Much appreciated.

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Clear the .rpt log and run the mission once.  What does .rpt log report as the issue?


Also might try expanding the params and adding debug lines to catch bad values that pass in.

if(!isServer) exitWith{}; 


if (_marker == "") exitWith {diag_log format ["Debug Error (BaseClaim.sqf): Invalid marker passed in params (%1)",_this];};
if (_foodCost == 99999) exitWith {diag_log format ["Debug Error (BaseClaim.sqf): Invalid food cost passed in params (%1)",_this];};


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Warning Message: File C:\Users\chase\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Harbor\missions\State%20of%20Disorder.Malden\Compositions\foodstor_s.sqf, line 1: Config: .: '[' encountered instead of ']'

This keeps repeating.


Check your coding in file "foodstor_s.sqf".

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That's an array that's being used by the objectMapper. It was created by bethesda. i'm not sure why its throwing that, as it works properly. Here it is though if you'd like to look. 


Grab data:
Mission: Compositions
World: VR
Anchor position: [1107.01, 3362.12]
Area size: 50
Using orientation of objects: no



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Could the issue be in how I'm calling it? I've got a flagpole with this in its init: 


this addAction["Claim Base (10 Food)","BaseFunctions\ClaimBase.sqf",[base_4,10]];


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Seems fine, so the question becomes whether there is an error in the calling script.  I presume this is a return, i.e. another script calls and this gets returned  back to the call.  Review the calling script, particularly the call itself.  The error is saying that for some reason an " ] " is expected, but it's encountering " [ " instead (first line of the return).


Edit -- oops, we cross-posted at the same time

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Ok, so this is on a post

this addAction["Build a small food storage", "Compositions\assembler.sqf"];

That calls assembler.sqf:

if(!isServer) exitWith {}; 

params ["_facilityPositon","_facilityType"]

_storPosit = getMarkerPos  "_facilityPositon";

if (_facilityType == "foodS") then {
	0 = [_storposit, 360, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "Compositions\foodstor_s.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper;

if (_facilityType == "foodL") then {
	0 = [_storposit, 360, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "Compositions\foodstor_s.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper;

if (_facilityType == "workshopS") then {
	0 = [_storposit, 360, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "Compositions\foodstor_s.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper;

if (_facilityType == "workshopL") then {
	0 = [_storposit, 360, call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "Compositions\foodstor_s.sqf"))] call BIS_fnc_ObjectsMapper;

I've made a few changes to this script but the error remains the same. This script then calls foodstor_s.sqf. Unfortunately, I again don't see any errors either.

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params ["_facilityPositon","_facilityType"]

_storPosit = getMarkerPos  "_facilityPositon";

Should be:

params ["_facilityPositon","_facilityType"]

_storPosit = getMarkerPos  _facilityPositon;

. . .  and param "_facilityPositon" should be a string passed in, specifically, the marker name.



this addAction["Claim Base (10 Food)","BaseFunctions\ClaimBase.sqf",[base_4,10]];

You removed the "base_num" value (was [base_4,10,4] previously).  The prior post with base_num = _this select 2 was intended to catch and define it being passed in.

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Ohhhhh ok! I'll give that a shot again. Thanks for all the help. This is my first major scripting attempt, so I'm making all kinds of mistakes.

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I added in this hint to output the number of troops in the area, but nothing happens. Does that mean that this script isn't being executed at all?


if(isServer) exitWith{}; 

//params ["_marker", "_foodCost"];
if(!isServer) exitWith{}; 

//add a new parameter for array of markers being passed into createBasePlots

if (_marker == "") exitWith {diag_log format ["Debug Error (BaseClaim.sqf): Invalid marker passed in params (%1)",_this];};
if (_foodCost == 99999) exitWith {diag_log format ["Debug Error (BaseClaim.sqf): Invalid food cost passed in params (%1)",_this];};
//Counts number of enemies around the desired marker
//Counts number of enemies around the desired marker
_units = [];
{if (side _x == east && {_marker distance2D _x < 100}) then {_units pushBack _x};} forEach allUnits;

_cnt = count _units;

hint format["Count:",_cnt];
{rest of code}                                                     


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if(isServer) exitWith{}; 

//params ["_marker", "_foodCost"];
if(!isServer) exitWith{}; 

Correct.  It's exiting script whether server or not server.

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Mother of god...that was a dumb mistake! Ok! Well, now that the script is actually executing, its giving me an error that its expecting a number but getting an object. It says the issue is in line8, which is the parameters


And thank you so much for your time! I greatly appreciate it.

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