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Changelog 0.7.33385

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Added: Quickplay option at Shelter Map screen

Changed: Textures of controller buttons to be more precise
Changed: Matchmaking status now displays "Looking for an encounter" instead of "Looking for a match"

Changed: Map names: Viktorsen Station, Fiske Fabrikk, Batterie Draug 

Fixed: Revolvers now perform like Revolvers
Fixed: Point light tweaked for Fireplace in Shelter

Tweaked: UI polish of Reward screen

Updated: Visual improvements to the bounty/threat system
-increased brightness of threat icon for additional contrast
-decreased transparency of an in-active icon for better contrast
-decreased update time of bounty "checking" for when the array is empty, to ensure bounty icon will spawn roughly whenever a player receives a bounty


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Is there any plans to update in the UI a team mate icon? So we can see where they are at in the map? 


Thanks!! Loving the game!!

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