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Hello again, community.

I'm trying to make persistent triggers using profileNamespace, so their state would be saved upon mission restart.


Here's what I've got to this minute:

private ["_debug","_resetTriggers","_persTriggers","_actTriggers","_triggersLoaded"];

_persTriggers = [trigger_01,trigger_02]; 
_resetTriggers = false;
_debug = true;

//Define variable if launched for the first time or reset
if ((isNil "triggers_var") || (_resetTriggers)) then {
  _actTriggers = [];
  profileNamespace setVariable ["triggers_var",[]];

//Loading activated triggers and activates them again
_actTriggers = profileNamespace getVariable "triggers_var";
{_x setTriggerActivation ["ANYPLAYER","NOT PRESENT",false]} forEach _actTriggers;
if (_debug) then {hint format ["Persistent triggers:\n%1\n\nActivated triggers:\n%2\n\ntriggers_var:\n%3",_persTriggers,_actTriggers,triggers_var];};

//Checking in any of the persitent triggers was activated
while {true} do {
  UIsleep 2;
    if (triggerActivated _x && !(_x in _actTriggers)) then {
      _actTriggers pushBackUnique _x;
      profileNamespace setVariable ["triggers_var",_actTriggers];
      if (_debug) then {hint format ["Persistent triggers:\n%1\n\nActivated triggers:\n%2\n\ntriggers_var:\n%3\n\nLast activated:\n%4",_persTriggers,_actTriggers,triggers_var,_x];};
  } forEach _persTriggers;

No matter what I do It returns undefined expression in "triggers_var".

If I change profileNamespace to missionNamespace - it works fine, so my guess is that I somehow cannot write to profileNamespace.

filePatching is on, BattleEye disabled - no changes.


Any help or ideas appreciated, I'm really stuck here.

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You cannot save an object by its object reference and expect it to be the same on mission reload.

Instead save them by their vehicleVarName.

#define DEBUG	true
#define RESET	false

//Only on server, do not want multiple clients setting persistance( possibly different states ) 
if !( isServer ) exitWith {};

private _persTriggers = ["trigger_01","trigger_02"]; 

//Reset triggers
if (RESET) then {
	profileNamespace setVariable ["actTriggers_var",nil];

//Get activated triggers
TAG_actTriggers = profileNamespace getVariable ["actTriggers_var",[]];

TAG_fnc_updateActivatedTriggers = {
	params[ "_trig" ];
	//Store the triggers vehicleVarName
	private _nul = TAG_actTriggers pushBackUnique vehicleVarName _trig;
	profileNamespace setVariable[ 'actTriggers_var', TAG_actTriggers ];
	if ( DEBUG ) then {
		hint format[ "Persistent trig: %1 was activated and stored", vehicleVarName _trig ];

	//Get reference to trigger object from it vehicleVarName
	_trig = missionNamespace getVariable [ _x, objNull ];
	//If we found an object AND it is a trigger
	if ( !isNull _trig && { typeOf _trig isKindOf "EmptyDetector" } ) then {
		//Get the triggers statements
		_statements = triggerStatements _trig;
		//If the trigger was previously activated
		if ( _x in TAG_actTriggers ) then {
			//Set its condition to true( causing it to activate ) or whatever you need to do 
			_statements set[ 0, "true" ];
			//Else, Add code to its onActivation to call TAG_fnc_updateActivatedTriggers
			_statements set[ 1, "[ thisTrigger ] call TAG_fnc_updateActivatedTriggers;" + ( _statements select 1 ) ];
		//Update triggers statements
		//Remember this is only effecting the servers trigger statement, command is AG EL
		//If this needs to be done globally then you will need to either...
		//1. RemoteExec this command, with JIP
		//2. ( If statement has a lot of code )
		//	Think about remoteExec'ing a function to change a specific part of the statement, with JIP
		_trig setTriggerStatements _statements;
}forEach _persTriggers;

if (DEBUG) then {
	hint format ["Persistent triggers:\n%1\n\nActivated triggers:\n%2",_persTriggers,TAG_actTriggers];


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Appreciate the help, Larrow.


For some reason code that you've posted doesn't work for me. Triggers are activating (there's a audio beep for that), but Activated triggers still shows []

I've added [ thisTrigger ] call TAG_fnc_updateActiveTriggers; to each trigger on Activation statement. Anything else I need for this to work?

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5 minutes ago, bl2ck dog said:

I've added [ thisTrigger ] call TAG_fnc_updateActiveTriggers; to each trigger on Activation statement. Anything else I need for this to work?

No need to add anything to your triggers activation code, the script already does that.

Recheck code, I noticed a mistake (function name in trigger statement) shortly after posting and updated code.

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