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HC Tweak + Other Questions

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Hello and good evening!


I'm doing some tweaking on a couple of scripts I wrote recently and I'm having issues that I can't solve by myself, so any help would be appreciated! As usual, I've already done some research here and on google, but I need some questions to be aswered in order to proceed.


1. How to count the amount of local units to a Headless Client, starting from a serverside script?

I simply can't. I tried to retrive the ID of a HC to later exec a function local on it, but I can't manage how to do it! Here's what I have:


TAG_fnc_count =
  _total = [];
    if (local _x) then {
      _total = count _total + 1;
  } forEach allUnits;

_hcClients = [];

  _hcClients pushBack _x;
} forEach (entities "HeadlessClient_F");

_hcLoad = [];
  _total = [] remoteExecCall ["TAG_fnc_count", owner (_hcClients select _forEachIndex)];
  _hcLoad pushBack [_hcClients select _forEachIndex, count _total];
} forEach _hcClients;

[str _hcLoad] remoteExec ["hintSilent", 0];


that doesn't work, but maybe you can have a clearer vision on what I would like to achieve.


2. enableSimulationGlobal: is it true that not all terrain objects can have their simulation disabled? I would like to make all the NW island on Malden indestructible, but nothing happens using:


  _x enableSimulationGlobal false;
} forEach nearestTerrainObjects [[698.715, 12128.75, 0], [], 300]; //Also tried using ["BUILDING", "WALL", "FENCE"]




Thank you for your time!

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12 hours ago, Lorenz94 said:

2. enableSimulationGlobal: is it true that not all terrain objects can have their simulation disabled? I would like to make all the NW island on Malden indestructible, but nothing happens using:


Try allowdamage

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12 hours ago, Lorenz94 said:

1. How to count the amount of local units to a Headless Client, starting from a serverside script?


Doesn't sound something that would work. Instead of counting in server try counting them in the headless client, using the local command

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12 minutes ago, gc8 said:


Doesn't sound something that would work. Instead of counting in server try counting them in the headless client, using the local command

Hi, thank you. How am I supposed to do it on a headless? From player init local checking if !hasinterface?

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Haven't personally done anything with HC so I'm not sure. But your suggestion seems right to me. Hopefully someone who knows better responds to this thread

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Thank you, I will take a deeper look to that page.

About the allowDamage / enableSimulationGlobal problem, no one seems to work, both tried calling them from init.sqf / initServer.sqf! Maybe it is as I read some times ago on reddit: not all terrain objects can be manipulated

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I would try using nearObjects instead. Maybe there's a difference?

_list = [_xpos,_ypos] nearObjects ["House", 200];


 _x allowDamage false;

} foreach _list;


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17 hours ago, Lorenz94 said:

_total = [] remoteExecCall ["TAG_fnc_count", owner (_hcClients select _forEachIndex)];

remoteExecCall does not return a value from the remote function. All it does is execute the remote function in unscheduled environment.


Maybe something like...

//Globally available function
TAG_fnc_count = {
	//If we are not the server ( must be remote call from server to HC ) 
	if !( isServer ) then {
		//Remote call this function on server with [ client owner ID, unit count ]
		[ clientOwner, count ( allUnits select{ local _x } ] ) remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_count", remoteExecutedOwner ];
		//Must be remote execute from HC to server
		params[ "_owner", "_count" ];
		//Find HC in array and update with [ owner ID, unit count ]
		HC_Clients set[ HC_Clients find _owner, [ _owner, _count ] ];
		//If we have received a count back from all HC
		if ( { _x isEqualType [] }count HC_Clients isEqualTo count HC_Clients ) then {
			//Format a message
			_message = "";
				_x params[ "_owner", "_count" ];
				_message = format[ "%1\nHC: %2, NumUnits: %3", _message, _owner, _count ];
			}forEach HC_Clients;
			//Remote exec hint to requestor
			_message remoteExec[ "hintSilent", HCCountRequestor ];
			//Flag as finished
			HCCountRequestor = nil;

//On server

TAG_fnc_getHCUnitCount = {
	//If there is already a count happening
	if !( isNil "HCCountRequestor" ) exitWith {
		//Exit with message to requestor
		"Please wait, there is currently a count in progress" remoteExec[ "hint", remoteExecutedOwner ];
	//If this function was called remotely then set requestor as RE-Owner
	//Otherwise set to all player clients
	HCCountRequestor = [ allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F", remoteExecutedOwner ] select isRemoteExecuted;
	//Get a array of all HC client owner IDs
	HC_Clients = entities "HeadlessClient_F" apply{ owner _x };
	//Remote execute function on all HCs
	[] remoteExec ["TAG_fnc_count", HC_Clients ];


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7 hours ago, Larrow said:

Maybe something like...

Hello, thank you for your reply Larrow.


Can you please help me better understand how this actually works? I've spent the entire afternoon doing tests, but I can't get it to work.


The first function should be placed in init.sqf and the second in initServer.sqf, and then should I call the latter? I'm having difficulties in understanding how the process would take place!


This is what I can understand so far, would you please correct me where wrong?

- You set the "HCCountRequestor" as the person who called the function, otherwise (if the fnc get executed "automatically", I think) to all players.

- You collect the owner's ID of each connected HC

- You execute the count function on each connected HC, using the found ID


And then? This is the part I can't understand. What the !isServer condition does in this case? I've read all the comments, but still unclear to me!


The remoteExecutedOwner command is clear and I understand that we need to send back to the caller's machine the information collected, but I can't understand what's the logic behind your script! I'm sure this will be revealing to me :drinking2:


Thank you


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8 hours ago, gc8 said:

I would try using nearObjects instead. Maybe there's a difference?

_list = [_xpos,_ypos] nearObjects ["House", 200];


 _x allowDamage false;

} foreach _list;


Thank you gc8, but still no luck. I will replace a couple of buildings and force their attributes from the editor.

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16 hours ago, Lorenz94 said:

This is the part I can't understand. What the !isServer condition does in this case?

When TAG_fnc_getHCUnitCount remoteExec's TAG_fnc_count on the HC, !isServer will be true.

In which case it counts its local units and calls on the server the same function( TAG_fnc_count ).

TAG_fnc_count !isServer will then be false, so the else part will be executed. Where the HC_Clients index that is currently the HC client ID is updated to be an array of [ ownerID, units count ].

It then checks if all indexes of HC_Clients are an array( has received a count back from all HC;s ) and if so formats a message which is sent to the original count requestor( HCCountRequestor ).


Now this was meant as more of a example on how to remoteExec and pass around information, as you where trying to get a value back from remoteExecCall.

There should be no need to ask the HC how many units are local as the server is quite capable of doing this.

TAG_fnc_getHCUnitCount = {
	//If this function was called remotely then set requestor as RE-Owner
	//Otherwise set to all player clients
	_HCCountRequestor = [ allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F", remoteExecutedOwner ] select isRemoteExecuted;
	//Get a array of all HC client owner IDs [ owner ID , array of units ]
	_HC_Clients = entities "HeadlessClient_F" apply{ [ _x, [] ] };
	//For all non player units
		_x params[ "_unit" ];
		//For each HC
			//If the owner of the unit is the same as the owner of the HC
			if ( owner _unit isEqualTo owner( _x select 0 ) ) exitWith {
				//Push unit into HC units array
				private _nul = ( _x select 1 ) pushBack _unit;
		}forEach _HC_Clients;
	}forEach ( allUnits - allPlayers );
	//Format a message
	_message = "";
		_x params[ "_HC", "_units" ];
		_message = format[ "%1\nHC id-%2: %3, NumUnits: %4", _message, owner _HC, vehicleVarName _HC, count _units ]; get
	}forEach _HC_Clients;
	//Remote exec hint to requestor
	_message remoteExec[ "hintSilent", _HCCountRequestor ];

//On server, will hint count to all players
[] call TAG_fnc_getHCUnitCount;

//From client, will hint back to this client
[] remoteExec[ "TAG_fnc_getHCUnitCount", 2 ];

TEST_MISSION - mission includes one player slot and two headless clients. The server will ask the HC's to spawn groups of five units up until there is a total count of fifty units.

The player has an addAction that will call the function( as above ) on the server, where it will count the units belonging to each HC and hint back to the player the unit counts for each HC.

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Really thank you @Larrow! I have waited to reply because I wanted to experiment a bit and come back with questions if needed, but I got something working with full understanding of the code.


You're always very kind!

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