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Far East Lieutenant

How do you make threads?

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Hey guys,


First, I'm not even sure if "thread" is the right term.

My question is this:

If you go to this link, there are small paragraph boxes you can fold and unfold so the length of the whole post kept tight.

1. What is the name of that function?

2. How do you use it?


Here is what I tried.


Start: I wanted to edit my previous posts that way.

1. Assumed the language used is HTML(I don't even know what I'm saying)

2. Right-clicked on the page and selected "View Page Source"

3. Used CTRL+F to track that box, and tried to modify it I see fit.

Here is how I did: 

	</ul><div class="ipsSpoiler" data-ipsspoiler="">
		<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">
			<a href="https://forums.bohemia.net/messenger/340732/#" rel=""> </a> <span>Hide contents</span>

		<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents">
					Type: Co-op, Infantry, Special Warfare, Vanilla
					Mission: Assassination, Intelligence Gathering, Infil/Exfil
					Map: Stratis
					Avg Play Time: 20-30 min.
					AI Difficulty: Normal / Many numbers
					Re-playability: Not so much


4. Clicked <> on the post, Copied and pasted on my post.

5. Clicked Edit Topic and waited 2 seconds expecting magic's gonna happen.

6. Those sentences just stay there.

7. Felt so embarrassed and ashamed I had to chain-smoke and finished a bottle of beer.

8. Politely requesting some advice on this helpless noob.


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