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How to zero sights.

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I am currently editing ecp redux v1.3.

I have custom sights as follows

Acog sight from inq weapons to HK & ak74u.

M21 sights to svd & m21.

I want to zero sights of above.

I have increased zoom of above sights.

Want to know I kept zeroing at Max & min same at same value.

I can send the mod if required.

Do I need anything to zero sights.




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distanceZoomMax and distanceZoomMin. However I'm not sure if the number is in meters or not - I remember having few discrepancies here and there. But basic system works.


Nevertheless, don't expect to have working reticles, especially M21 - it's set to work at exact magnification. Unless you plan to draw them by hand, but I doubt it.


The biggest issue of proper ballistics (and thus working realistic reticles) is that every bullet uses the same ballistic coefficent (there's only sideAirFriction for guided missiles). So they slow down at the same pace, which sucks when you have different weights of bullest (light and fast 5.56/5.45 and heavier, slower 7.62x39). So you got to mess with initSpeed and zero ranges to have a believable trajectory.

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class HK : Riffle
//      model="HKM5_SD6_proxy";
           displayName="G36C SD";
      #ifdef HK_RELOAD_SOUND


If in increase INITSPEED to 1200 Proably my bullet will fly to target in straight lines at long distances. Am I Correct or not.

Plus if I add  initSpeed=1200; like below to my weapon which i have not added proably bullets will fly to target straight at long distances:-

  class M4 : Riffle
//      model="XM-177E2_proxy";
//      modelOptics="optika_m16";
   displayName="M4A1 Scope";
      #ifdef M4_RELOAD_SOUND

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If you increase initspeed, then the bullet trajectory should be flatter over shorter distances. But you will still get bullet drop. I don't think it's possible to get a completely flat/straight line trajectory just using config values.

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I think that we can get a flat bullet trajectory by adding one config value and it may be vital for a SW setting with it's blasters.


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The topic is "how ti zero sights"? 

I will explain: distancezoom = zeroing distance, opticszoom = magnification (0.35=1x, 0.7=2x, can be set to be adjustable by hitting +/-).

Some nice features can be done with these options.

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  On 12/9/2018 at 6:19 PM, hitman1987 said:

distancezoom = zeroing distance, opticszoom = magnification

You're a little bit late :wink_o:

  On 12/8/2018 at 2:09 AM, hitman1987 said:

adding one config value

You mean already existing config value? Or are you daydreaming? :sleeping:


There's airFriction in Arma 1 CfgAmmo used, however for OFP there's no equivalent that I know of (only sideAirFriction for guided missiles). Once again - I wrote about it in previous post. Since there will be no updates for CWA (1.99 was rather a happy incident - from my understanding BI guys simply had no 1.96 master and thus we got an update), we have to work withing existing constraints.

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Open your mind! Remember our chatter at flashpoint_ru. You know the drill. Most of ppl here and there knows what i mean.

No wind impact, no slowing down, but yes - different trajectory profiles, no matter the zeroing is (but having impact, as initspeed does).

Honestly, i don't want to spread the knowledge before something monumental will be done. I don't want every single one tinkering with ballistic within his own mod, but rather one nice standard for all (based on a BDC calculations for each case) to avoid a various settings for any mod (imagine few mp mods, each has AK that behaves in a different way - i was faced such things, but with a recoil and dispersion and now things could go even worst). I want to finally change some obvious things, make some common improvements, that must be there since 2002 already (most of the featuresare working without scripts and 1.96 compatible afaik). So i want to ask anyone who can helps: get deal with your current projects and prepare yourself to help me to deal with this stuff. 

Maybe i am daydreaming, i doubt every time about mine hobby, to play and trying to mod this old game... But it's mostly everything i need of a gaming (i have played allmost everything '97-2008). 

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Maybe you are trolling me, knowing the thing... It's not so easy to keep it away from a masses, but the only way i am using this is to test, demonstrate and persuade to help me with. I want not to just give it away, but rather do something new, a product that can add some new features to the game. I am dreaming about to add all the new researched features to a single mod, craeting a new standart, just as JAM or WW4 was. I decided to make some weapons addons to test first, then the artillery (without any memory intrusion) - this way looks far more realistic to me.

I have very basic modelling skills, so it slows me down too much. I am asking here and there to make some things work. Again: i have some newly researched stuff, it's not only me: many people helps me to do a working examples and making their own researches and additions. 

All the features works with 1.96/1.99 btw. 


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Some minor clues are here, in the #addon-making section. Scroll to the very beginning...

There is a small piece of artillery there, ain't perfect, but just an example of scopes that are zeroed well...


I'll put some offtopic here too, but imo BIS guys wasn't able to adjust everything fine becouse of simply lack of time: Guba insist to release it finally. Thanks to developers we have an ability to adjust these things by ourselves, so that's why we are here, modding our sandbox.

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  On 12/10/2018 at 12:43 AM, hitman1987 said:

Open your mind!

Well, it can't be more open then it already is. Maybe you will enlighten us?

  On 12/10/2018 at 12:43 AM, hitman1987 said:

different trajectory profiles

From my experience the only thing affecting trajectory (or should I say - perceived trajectory) is projectile initSpeed and zoomMin/Max. Am I wrong?

  On 12/10/2018 at 12:43 AM, hitman1987 said:

Honestly, i don't want to spread the knowledge before something monumental will be done.

I know... but I won't tell ya! OK, then this whole discussion doesn't make any sense.

  On 12/10/2018 at 1:21 AM, hitman1987 said:

example of scopes that are zeroed well

Well zeroed scopes are not an issue - of course if addonmaker would invest some time in drawing his own reticle textures. That's how BI made the BDC work on both M21 and SVD (and WGL also had working BDC reticles). Naturally, when someone (like @anuj in this thread) changes weapon/ammo values and expects them to work flawlessly with pre-existing sight textures, he's in for a bad news.


What I'm interested in is ability to change the way projectile behaves, to simulate different weights of bullets. I can't see any way to do that, while you say it is possible via adding one config value, however you don't want to spread the knowledge about that value. OK then, I'm waiting for your monumental addon to be released, so that all of us could learn about that secret formula.

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We both love disussions, but we aren't making addons: lack of a time, motivation or skills...

There is the way to change trajectory curve, but bullet will not slow down over it's trajectory and no wind affects too. Physics of an ideal open space without the air :-) Thrust and gravity.

Now imagine that you has the misterious knowledge with over 20 bullet types specially precalculated so you have to put realistic trajectories ingame (irl bullets slows down, drop increases). Some great magicians of scripting already helps me to get required calculations so i can translate data to required values, aren't perfect, but shows the difference over. No scripts or cheating so AI will be okay. Thanks for a feedback.

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