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Creating a fake IP for my server?

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I have broadband connection and a linksys router, I want to host a private dedicated server (without using gamespy etc) for me and my friends. everything is setup OK now (ports etc) but people cannot connect because the IP on the server is the LAN IP 192.168.1.xxx I askde my ISP if they could assign me another IP and they refused, but they did say you can get a "fake IP" creater that will allow you to create a internet IP address but I can;t find any of these programs or any other way to do it, thanks

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The router translates your Class C network (LAN IP 192.168.1.xxx) to a single IP. You need to do a translation of the IP assigned by your ISP to the local IP/port of your Flashpoint Server. Since i'm not familar with your router model I can't help you on that. How did you test the ports? I assume from your internal LAN only but not the WAN side.

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Scarr: You don't need that. What you have to do is use something called Port Forwarding on the Linksys router since you are using NAT (Network Adress Translation wich is what allows you to connect the entire network to Internet on only one IP adress).

What you have to do is to login in to the router, find the port forwarding menu, then forward port 2234 (or whatever port you use) to the LAN IP of your dedicated server. Since you're using a dedicated server you don't need to open any more ports.

Your friends will then have to connect to your WAN IP (the global Internet IP your router gets) while you have to connect to the LAN IP of the server (if your machine is on the same LAN as the server that is).


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This works. This is my configuration, however I do have the other ports open from hosting on my desktop. Thanks for the tip.


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I guess I should add that for those running NAT on a hosting server has to do the same, but you also have to forward port 2300-2400 for DirectX.


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