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Refill vehicle ammo

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I'm trying to refill the ammo of vehicle (namely A164 wipeout) but don't seem to find the right commands. I tried setAmmo but that only gives one AA missile back to the plane when it should have two of them.

Any one knows how to do this properly?


Edit: allTurrets command also returns empty array and I cant find alternative.



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Well I seem to have find solution, this script:


refillMags =
  params ["_veh"];

 _mags = _veh getVariable "mags";

 _magsOld = magazinesAllTurrets _veh;
  _mag = _x select 0;
  _tur = _x select 1;
  _ammo = _x select 2;
  _veh removeMagazinesTurret [_mag, _tur];
 } forEach _magsOld;
  _mag = _x select 0;
  _tur = _x select 1;
  //_ammo = _x select 2;
  _veh addMagazineTurret [_mag, _tur];
 } forEach _mags;



But it requires this line to be run at the start of the mission:


_veh setVariable ["mags",magazinesAllTurrets _veh];


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4 minutes ago, gc8 said:


I'm trying to refill the ammo of vehicle (namely A164 wipeout) but don't seem to find the right commands. I tried setAmmo but that only gives one AA missile back to the plane when it should have two of them.

Any one knows how to do this properly?


Edit: allTurrets command also returns empty array and I cant find alternative.



Try setVehicleAmmoDef.

Also try to improve your search game, since you can easily stumble upon this command by using ctrl+f on the scripting command wiki page and searching for either "ammo" or "vehicle".



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2 minutes ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

Try setVehicleAmmoDef.

Also try to improve your search game, since you can easily stumble upon this command by using ctrl+f on the scripting command wiki page and searching for either "ammo" or "vehicle".




Thanks Grumpy. And sorry about that, my mind was too focused to finding turrets and googling :)


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On 10/14/2018 at 2:31 PM, gc8 said:



I think this command is broken when used on blackfoot, it removes all the missiles and leaves the heli armed only with minigun

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(vehicle player) setvehicleammo 1

Seems to work too

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I would like to continue this thread by asking how do you detect if there's any ammo missing or are the weapons fully loaded?


there's ammo command but that's only for current weapon

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I had done this last year:

tag_fnc_PylonArray =
{	// predefine the return value
	private _returnArray = [];
	// read all existing magazines in the pylons
	_arrPylonMagazines = getPylonMagazines _this;
	// create the return array using the config
	{	_returnArray pushback
		[	// pylon name
			// pylon magazine
			_arrPylonMagazines select _forEachIndex,
			// amount of ammunition
			_this ammoOnPylon _x
	} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile>>"CfgVehicles">>typeOf _this>>"Components">>"TransportPylonsComponent">>"pylons") apply {configName _x});

Call e.g. with: vehicle player call tag_fnc_PylonArray;

The function gives you e.g. the following array back:

[	["Pylons1","PylonRack_1Rnd_Missile_AA_04_F",1],

[ ["pylon name","pylon magazine",amount of ammunition], ...]

With the help of the array you can quickly see which ammunition needs to be filled up.


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Hi @Lucullus thanks for sharing your script!


3 minutes ago, Lucullus said:

With the help of the array you can quickly see which ammunition needs to be filled up.

shouldn't there be max ammo stored in somewhere also? Or do I get that with some other command? So that I know when there's ammo missing

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The max number is in the pylon magazine text.





You can also get the max ammunition with:

getNumber (configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> "PylonRack_3Rnd_Missile_AGM_02_F" >> "count");


Edited by Lucullus
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i guess you could also call that function at creation of the vehicle and get the max ammo like that

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For vehicles you could do it like this:

tag_fnc_used_mags =
{	_mags = magazinesAllTurrets _this;
	private _used_mags = [];
	{	_x params ["_mag","_turret","_count"];
		if (getNumber (configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _mag >> "count") > _count) then
		{	_used_mags pushBack _mag
	} forEach _mags;

Call e.g. with: vehicle player call tag_fnc_used_mags

Spits out an array of used magazines.

So many ways to do something...


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