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USMC Sniper

Something for tomorrow...

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VERY nice work....the addon is exceptional in all aspects...my only request would be the possibility of breaking up the addon into smaller bits, such as snow and regular to provide a smaller file size for inclusion with custom missions. Any possibility of this? Great work!

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They are very cool, except for the fact that when you are 200m away from them they just dissapear....I hope there is a fix soon

Anyway nice work, there is a lot of love put in the interior, the textures and the whole model.

Merry Christmas xmas.gif

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Lol, I always chuckle when I see that mug with Lenin with a Santa hat on it! And the newspaper was such a clever idea!!! biggrin.gif

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Sniper...go into different ones as commander and the commander will be reading different things...one is a playboy, and the ambulance is a 'first aid for cats' handbook...LOL nice little touch smile.gif

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Lol I saw both, a very clever idea! Also the coke bottle in the cupholder was a very neat touch! I suppose we should use the other thread about the MTLB.

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