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Reverting AI to original position

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Just a quick question...


Is there a way after setting a new direction of  AI to return to their original position?


I am using getDirVisual for an official they turn and face as he walks by

_dir = getDirVisual _official; //Find the direction of the official

then execute it

_x disableAI "ANIM";
_x setDir _dir;
_x lookAt _official;

which works, but when released from the script they continue their animation in the "new" direction which is messing things up. What I would like to do is save the AI's original position then change direction during the script, then upon completion return to original direction and animation.


Hope this makes sense




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I would try spawning a script that has small delay and waits for the unit to stop and then set the direction and animation.


something like:

[_unit] spawn
 params ["_unit"];

sleep 2;

waituntil { (abs (speed _unit)) < 0.1 };

// Set anim and direction here



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Get the position and direction of the unit and store it first?


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Thanks to you both, I was overthinking this I just had to place the getDir before disableAI and it works fine or as well as the AI will let you.





orgPos = getDir _x;
_x disableAI "ANIM";
_x setDir _dir;
_x lookAt _official;


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