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Hello everyone.


Does anyone know what is the difference between createDisplay and createDialog commands? (minus the syntaxes, obviously!)

Are there any cases where one is favored over the other?


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The main differences are explained in the comments of the BIKI article.


The other advantage that createDisplay gives you is that you can select your parent display. When eg you click a button in a dialog you can create another dialog on top of it and return variables with the onChildDestroyed EH. Also take note of the closeDisplay command which closes the specific display and the closeDialog which will close the uppermost dialog. There's also the dialog command which will tell you if a dialog created with createDialog is open atm.


I personally use createDialog when creating a new instance of an interactable dialog and then create child displays using createDisplay on top of that one.

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Structures are roughly the same, but a display is used when you want to display something on your screen (HUDs...) without interrupt, a dialog is useful each time you need to ask the player for a choice (dialog box, menus...), even if you can do controls with buttons and interactions with displays + cutRsc.


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