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Adding suppressor/muzzle compatibility to unsupported weapons

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Recently downloaded the Ak Keymod weapon pack and it only supports suppressors from the RHS mod.


How could I add compatibility between that weapon pack and Robert Hammers weapon accessory pack? Would that require model editing or config editing?


As a side note, I know that model editing/riping is not permissible without permission. Would adding suppressor compatibility violate that policy? If so, feel free to delete this. 



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16 hours ago, Blitzen88 said:

Would that require model editing or config editing?


16 hours ago, Blitzen88 said:

As a side note, I know that model editing/riping is not permissible without permission.

Correct. Actually it never is. I think debinarizing models counts as reverse engineering which is against EULA.


16 hours ago, Blitzen88 said:

Would adding suppressor compatibility violate that policy?

You are not editing any models. So no.


RHS/Robert Hammer use the CBA (formerly ASDG) Joint Rails system


Here is a file of examples showing how to add them to existing weapons.

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7 hours ago, Dedmen said:


Correct. Actually it never is. I think debinarizing models counts as reverse engineering which is against EULA.


You are not editing any models. So no.


RHS/Robert Hammer use the CBA (formerly ASDG) Joint Rails system


Here is a file of examples showing how to add them to existing weapons.

The weapon config that I have been looking at uses a “muzzle rail” (for lack of a better term) of “asdg_muzzleslot_545r.”  That muzzle designation does not seem to be supported by RH’s accessory pack. Would it be easier to edit RH’s cfg to include that designation or edit the weapon file? Im clueless as to how to do either but Im motivated...


Thank you for the response. 

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weapon config is probably easier. But if that rifle really needs that specific diameter suppressor that no other mod has... It wouldn't make sense to put a 556 or 762 suppressor onto a weapon which actually doesn't match that.

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On a side note: You don't edit the configs as one, for that you would need permission and/or evn cause incompatibility problems with other mods. What you want to do is create your own addon config and "patch" the config values from RH config there by using the same classnames and RH pbo as dependency.


Maybe even the += operator will work for silencers.

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46 minutes ago, NeoArmageddon said:

You don't edit the configs, for that you would need permission and/or evn cause incompatibility problems with other mods.

No you don't. You don't need permission to make a compat mod with a config patch.


46 minutes ago, NeoArmageddon said:

Maybe even the += operator will work for silencers.

Not for ASDG. They are classes not arrays.


46 minutes ago, NeoArmageddon said:

and "patch" the config values from RHS config there by using the same classnames and RHS pbo as dependency.

He isn't trying to patch anything from RHS. Don't see why one should patch RHS if it has nothing to do with the problem.

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I got it to work. Was able to edit RH’s config to include the muzzle classificiation that was used by the ak addon

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6 hours ago, Dedmen said:

He isn't trying to patch anything from RHS. Don't see why one should patch RHS if it has nothing to do with the problem.


What I was trying to say is, that he can't unpbo something, take the config, change values and repack it. That is the same as editing a p3d and reupload it. RHS was a typo, but my text also applies to RH.



No you don't. You don't need permission to make a compat mod with a config patch.


Absolutly right, but you need permission, if you unpack a pbo, change stuff in the config, and repack it as is. That is what I understood what Blitzen is doing. For private use nobody would mind of course.



The best way for a config patch/compat is to overwrite values in a config (that is what I meant with patching) and not unpacking -> changing a value in cpp -> repacking.


When this is the config you want to patch:

class CfgPatches
	class SomeAddon
		name = "Some Addon";
		requiredAddons[] = {};
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {"SomeWeapon"};
class cfgWeapons
	class SomeWeapon
			something = "blah";
			anumber = 1;

You are creating a new config with your own cfgPatches and dependency on the SomeAddon class. Later you add the existing config class and only overwrite the values you want to change. Otherweise your compatibility patch may break when the patched addon gets an update.


Your config:


class CfgPatches
    class MyCompatAddon
        name = "Some Compat Addon";
        requiredAddons[] = {"SomeAddon"};
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {"SomeWeapon"};
class cfgWeapons
    class SomeWeapon
            anarray=["blah","blub","with","more","entries"]; //Just as example

Works the similar with subclasses (for the rails in this particular case).


Hope that clears up, what I meant.

  • Thanks 1

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