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hello all guys a greeting and a hug, I'm trying to create a sound that is automatically activated when one object approaches another, but I have not gotten it to work, and I think I have everything right, I used the following code and I do not know where may be wrong, please help 

I have named a vehicle as casa variable name 


and I have placed a loudspeaker with the name of variable corneta


and I've placed the script in a gamelogic:


'barrelsproximidadA = nearestobjects [getpos casa, [' 'B_Truck_01_mover_F' '], 3000]; 
corneta say3d' ' bipA '' 

} foreach barrelsproximidadA; ';

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Wow wow wow, literally nothing makes sense.


To do this, make a trigger, set the condition this:

casa distance corneta < 3000

And on the On Activation:

corneta say3d "bipA"


This should do this.



Hey, your quoting might breaks everything. Follow the rules.

Use " , ' or "" in the both sides you want to quote, without any spaces.


  • Thanks 1

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@POLPOX but I need to use the nearestobjects, because there are objects that are spawn, they will not have variable names, and they will not be able to activate the trigger, as I could do?

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5 minutes ago, elthefrank said:

@POLPOX but I need to use the nearestobjects, because there are objects that are spawn, they will not have variable names, and they will not be able to activate the trigger, as I could do?

Well... why not place the object via Eden Editor? Why placing object on-the-fly? You are making me confused. What exactly you want to do?

Is there a truck? A loudspeaker? Are they named or not? Placed via Eden Editor or not? I have no idea, so I give up for now.

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having this is another similar, I am trying to activate a sound when a vehicle fires a missile, it is like an alarm that is activated to warn that the missile is approaching, then the name of the missile object is B_misil_F, (this name is a example), then when the missile is spawn and enters the area of 3000 meters the alarm should be activated, so I try to use nearestobjects, but something I need that could be?

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I got it @POLPOX :D this is the correct scripts, and it perfectly fuses with the logic of great game


_barrelsproximidadA = nearestObjects [base, ["B_Missile_F"], 3000]; 
{ Altavoz say3d "bipA"; 
} forEach  _barrelsproximidadA; 

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