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Military flight sims

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I have it xmas.gif

PM sent to supersheep as he is closest - but others are welcome to enquire too xmas.gif

If you wanna pay shipping for a 3kg+ package from the UK - PM me xmas.gif

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I bought Falcon 4 back when it first came out, but I never really played it. I fiddled around with it for about a week but I was never able to figure out how to work all those avionics. Too damn realistic for my dumb self I guess. Falcon 4 has been sitting on my shelf ever since. Next time you guys are in Florida, stop by my house and I'll give it to you. wink.gif

WW1 air combat is my absolute favourite. Stick, Throttle, Pedals, and perhaps one or two gauges, speed, and altimeter. Thats flying... These modern flight sims with all that fancy pants complicated avionics systems takes all the fun out of air combat. Youre flying along, then poof youre dead. Shot by some inferior aircraft from a hundered miles away.. Pfft..

One of my favourite WW1 sims was "Flying Corps". It came with several paper maps that you had to use for navigation as there was no in game map. The missions were linear but it was still great. I eventually switched to Red Baron 3D with it's awesome dynamic campaign modes. I loved the whole career thing, you could request to transfer into other squadrons who had better airplanes, or you could be invited by famous aces to join their elite squads. You could follow your fellow pilots careers, while struggling to keep them alive. It had such an incredible depth.

I haven't seen any WW1 flight since! I played some CFS2 WW1 unofficial mods, but its not the same. I need a new really cool WW1 game just like Red Baron 3D, but with all the bells and whistles that our new computers can muster.

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I must admit, F4 has an IMMENSE learning curve. Basically because it's the most realistic flight sim they could make. SP3 (a patch for it) makes it much more realistic as well.

All in all, you can turn down the avionics (although it has been known to cause crashes for some reason) to a more playable level if you dont want to spend hours reading a manual.

I've been having a great time with the campaigns and stuff. I've won 2 of the default campaigns and I'm playing an add-on campaign called Korea 2005, which represents the korean AF and air defenses more realistically.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Warin @ Dec. 26 2002,02wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Try Office Depot.<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks, that's one place I would never have thought of looking

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I bought Falcon 4 back when it first came out, but I never really played it. I fiddled around with it for about a week but I was never able to figure out how to work all those avionics. Too damn realistic for my dumb self I guess.<span id='postcolor'>

lol I guess you never tried Su-27 V1. All the complex avionics, and in Russian to boot. I thought i would have understood everything ok, but a lot of the abreviations on the cockpit controls had me stumped <!--emo&smile.gif. I played it with a little piece of paper beside me where I had written out the meanings of the key warning indicators. I think that game did a fantastic job of representing late Soviet fighter technology. The avionics were so different from what I'd seen in any western jet sim that it may have come from another planet (and I'm not saying this because of the language they were in). I also found that the pilot workload required to use the radar and such effectively was higher than in western sims, (and that includes Falcon 3.0), which by most accounts is realistic in the differences between eastern and western aircraft

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Strangely enough, I was browsing through Office Depot the other day (when I was getting my new Palm Pilot), and I glanced at their game section. It was like stepping back in time several years lol. Starcraft, Half-Life (the orginal Half Life, not GOTY or any of the rereleases), and a bunch of others I'd forgotten about. I may drop by there sometime and try and find some oldies-but-goodies

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Speaking of the Falcon series, I just remembered that I have a copy of the very original! That's right, "Falcon, the F-16 Simulation" by Spectrum Holobyte Copyright 1987 Sphere inc. biggrin.gif. LOL Man, back then I was 6 years old and in Cuba. A friend bought it for me at a flea market 2 years ago, he knew I was crazy about flight sims. I didn't install it back then just looked at the manual and kept it as some sort of ancient simulation relic. I just remembered it now, dug it out and installed it (installed it? no wait - I RAN it from the floppy. lol those where the days smile.gif. Thankfully there was a 3.5 floppy as well as the old 5.25 inch). I ran it and laughed my ass off. 4 colour graphics. There's something nostalgic about ancient games like these. I couldn't play it now because my pentium 3 is just too fast.....Before I know it I've flown around the world 5 times....but I think I'll soon search for one of those applications that slows down the comp to play these ancient relics. I'm just happy I can run it on a P 3! (minimum requirements 256kRAM with DOS 2.X, 384kRAM with DOS 3.x LOL)

Soon I should also have a copy of Falcon 4.0 (for which I will be eternally grateful to Bosun) Can't wait to compare the two biggrin.gif

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Guys have u ever tried F22 Total Air War by DID. That is still my favourite flight sim!!

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My favorite military sims are Strike Fighters Project One(SFP1), Janes USAF, and Janes F/A-18, and CFS3.

SFP1 is set in the sixties and has a fictional campaign set in the mid-east. You can fly F-104Gs, several variants of A-4s, many different types of F-4s, and F-100s. Its pretty easy to get the other ten aircraft flyable too. There should be a patch out for it pretty soon, and there are many 3rd party addons being created. smile.gif

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I have jane's usaf. It's very fun to learn how to fly and land on your own. There's not enough tutorials on engaging in combat though. It also crashes for me online every time.

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The USAF manual that comes on the CD is pretty good.

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I'd probably pick up USAF if I found it, only for the A-10.

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