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possible overheat issue

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This has only happened twice in the many hours i've played, but it could be worth investigating.
The game will ocasionally lock up, forcing me to quit through the guide button.
Upon restarting the game, the xbox fans briefly run at 100%, returning to normal speed after a few seconds

I'm fairly certain this is not a hardware fault on my end, my xbox is well ventilated and vigor is the only game i've seen causing this behaviour.

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I agree. This has happened once to me as well. Doctrinederp, which Xbox are you using? I'm running it on Xbox One X, which uses a different liquid cooling system. Sounds like a jet taking off on some games.  Just curious, as State of Decay 2 had a similar problem (one the One X) until it was patched, and now runs fine (albeit still loud).


Fun game, vigor, but c'mon Bohemia. Yeah it's in preview, but it's gotta at least run. Between the freezing and the crashing to the dashboard, it's hard to stay engaged with it.

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ok. I misread your post. thought you were having to reboot your Xbox altogether.


The problem you're having is not uncommon unfortunately -- there are other threads on here discussing the occasional lockup. Mine has in fact kicked me out of the game 3 or 4 times as well, in only the few hours that I've played. This is irritating, but I get it, as its early and Bohemia is working out the kinks.


My bigger concern, and one that I haven't seen anyone else bring up, is that I've had it completely shut down my Xbox (X) on one occasion. Upon a reboot, I got a message from MS telling me that the console is designed to shut down when it's working too hard and overheating, with the spiel that I need to keep my console in a well-ventilated area, blah blah blah -- pretty basic stuff that anyone with even a wee bit of intelligence should already know. 


Could it be my console? Possibly, but I doubt it, as I've never had it happen in any other game save one, State of Decay 2, on a specific screen. It was a problem that was confirmed by Undead Labs, the dev, who subsequently patched it, and now there are no more problems. If I recall correctly, it was only happening on the X version, which is odd, considering it's a beefed up Xbox.


If anyone else has this happen (complete shutdown of your console), please post here. 

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I actually had a shutdown yesterday, turned on my Xbox One 1.gen, started the game and it started loading, and then the whole thing turned off. Had to hard reboot it and pulling the powerplug. 

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Clearing space on your xbox, maybe leave it awhile to cool down. Fans kick in when the thing gets hot or to keep it from getting hot. Might just be because its such a good game your xbox cant handle it lol :D. 

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