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if !(istouchingground _veh) then {
  if (unitready _veh && !(_veh in _vehsLand)) then {

  //--- van 't Land
  _veh land "land";
  _vehsLand set [count _vehsLand,_veh];

I see what you did there :^)

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They must have added those new functions to the list, I couldn't find  wpLand last month.

It also explains an issue I had.


Place a Landwp away from a  parked chopper  and it will take off  but not land it does work if chopper  is already in the air.

Looking at the code if !(istouchingground _veh)  is the issue, simply placing a moveWP between the chopper and the landWP fixes it.




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To be honest landing AI is quite a hassle. I wanted to let an airplane land at the airport with this waypoint placed on the runway. Works so far but the issue is that it will take off instantly after driving along the taxi way. To circumvent this I placed a trigger which was synchronized with the plane's pilot, set the activation to owner only and then in the activation

{vehicle _x setFuel 0;} forEach thisList;

Which will make the plane stop but it has to stop on the taxi way blocking potential other airplanes which is a bit of a drawback for immersion. I'd rather would like to place a waypoint somwhere else at the airport where the plane then drives, stops and let the copilot get out. The only other waypoint that the pilot seems to accept is the GETOUT waypoint and as it suggests the pilot will leave the airplane, killing the immersion too.

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