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UnitCapture UnitPlay Approach

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Hello guys!

I could use some help with UnitCapture, already tried some basic staff, but have a question.

How  better to implement situation when the heli AI moves from WP to WP (not unitplay), then on final WP, it moves to the WP, lets called Approach point from which landing is occurred with UnitCapture/UnitPlay?

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You mean you're starting the unitPlay while the helo is in the air? It might be a bit difficult to make it happen properly, main point being that the AI could decide to fly a slightly different path inbetween waypoints but the unitPlay will start at the same spot each time. So if that's correct, I guess you could do one of two things:

- Somehow work a need for the helo to land before it's final waypoint, but that depends on your scenario.


- Give the AI a few reasons as possible to change their path before beginning playback. Making their waypoints "CARELESS" and setting their "flyInHeightASL" would be a good start I guess. There may be some AI behaviours that could help using "disableAI".

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Hello, thank you for the response. I mean, WPs before the "Approach" point could be dynamically created and placed via script, AI fly to approach point(near the airport), but when reaches this approach point, it will land with unitPlay. But I don't understand how to smoothly transit to this "Approach" WP from the last AI WP.

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No guaranteed smooth transition as far as I'm aware of. The closer you have the helo to the starting position of the unitCapture then the smoother it's going to be, but i don't know of any way to get around it. unitPlay will start the helo at the same spot the recording started. You may need to rethink the design of your mission to either allow for a single approach, or remove the need for unitPlay (as good as it can make things look/feel).

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beno is right, there is no smooth transition.  UnitPlay will instantly teleport chopper to whatever the first position it captured during UnitCapture.


Why not just have AI land using waypoints?  Are you going for a slick hot landing that AI will never perform?  Or are you just having trouble getting AI to land?


Here's a link to an example mission showing how to get AI to land on any rooftop.  Maybe it will help you to get the AI to land where you want.  


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Thank you guys for the replays, will look the example mission, and redesign some mission concepts, point was in some kind of "badass" piloting on that final part.

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24 minutes ago, FoxtrotF said:

Thank you guys for the replays, will look the example mission, and redesign some mission concepts, point was in some kind of "badass" piloting on that final part.

Right on.  If you want "badass" then you need to unitCapture/unitPlay sadly. You can also "cheat" with movie magic:  If players in chopper you black it out for a second while you teleport to unitPlay start pos, using a stun blur effect or something (chopper struck by RPG but still operable), then player won't notice the teleport.  If player on ground, you can do someting similar to distract player during teleport.


Good luck man, editing is fun!  Many times you have to try different approaches until something works for you.

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May be you have another link for that example mission in thread you provided? Oh, teleport, nice idea, thank you!

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