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Dynamic vietnam missions

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Okay I think I have found a way to save and leave the game, and load it up at a seperate time, then re-save and then reload the game at a later time to have the new save present.

I saw this in "The Working Nogova Mission" thread, it was first mentioned by GAMEER_77. All credit to him and others who know this.

First, load up OFP-RESISTANCE.

Second, load up your already saved mission.

Right now you are probably thinking you can not save anymore. Well continue playing and when you want to save (not the update retry position but an actual save) do the following:

Alt-Tab out of OFP without pausing (hitting the esc button) and go to this folder: OperationFlashpoint\Users\Yourname\Saved\missions

Find the folder containing this mission (whateveryounamedit.seb_iatrang)

There will be two files in the folder: save.fps and continue.fps. Simply remove the save.fps out of the mission folder and delete it if you wish. Now when the continue.fps is the only file in the folder, Alt-tab back to OFP and hit the esc button and you will see you can save. It seems like a lot of work but it is not and it is very worth doing this over and over each time you want to save.

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RYU , does this work with Tour of duty , i.e. are all the TOD variables in the AI engine saved, I am not so sure. I would think that all the CE and Mission.SQM data is saved but what about TOD variables , and there are plenty.

Question: when you go back into a saved game are the number of VC and the H&M scores for the regions the same as when you saved ?

Thanks for helping!


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I am glad to report that it does hold all the units in the locations where they last were and on top of it all: It has the same turn number info, H&M score etc.! Now you can play the mission for as long as you want if you keep doing the method prescribed above.

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Good news,

for the uninformed (me biggrin.gif ) , could you confirm the process as I am clueless on the save game issue, never used it.

1. Ingame you esc and save using OFP interface

2. Back into game and save using CE interface

Done saving.

to load:

1. Load up OFP Res

2. load up mission where ?( is this now in the missions folder or still in the mission editor mission folder)

Sorry about being such a pain but you can save me a lot of time!!

TOD Version 1.70 will be posted by the weekend:


Cross border raids

Proper intel model

New group management system to fix group max crash

Thanks, and gimme more feedback !!!!!


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Okay, you save when you would like the first time. When you want to do it again, hit esc and go to OperationFlashpoint\Users\Yourname\Saved\missions

Take out the save.fps if you want to resave. Once you have taken it out alt-tab back to OFP. Then when in OFP save as you normally would (hitting the esc button to get to the pause menu.)

This as far as I know can only be down with a mission that has been PBOed and is in the OFP/Missions folder.

Now when you save you do not have to use the update retry point save. When you save the OFP way it will save every thing i think because it automatically updates the retry point to where you last were when you saved.

I hope that helps.

Oh I have one question:

Does the embark marines command from the trooploading mission mean it will embark the Marine platoon into the M1 platoon of M113s? or will it embark the Marines into the Helicopters?

Thanks, if you are unclear how to save follow step by step the other post I made earlier. The mission has to be in PBO form and you must load it from the single missions.

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The troop load for the narines is for the helicopters. To me , the helo's are a fundamental part of this game and I am trying to make them the central troop transport method, hence the lack of trucks and the like.

The marines also need to be reinforced at the barracks at the main base, then heli transported to wherever, although I start the marines in the m113's.

What are your views on the pilot management system as opposed to the helicopter management i.e. the five crews as opposed to five helicopters?

Thanks for the help


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I think the pilot management is better because you can purchase other helos like the CH-47 and make all of them embark A B C at the same time if u have the three huey pilots become CH-47 pilots and now with those three helos you can carry all the three platoons at once. I think that is better. Saves more clicking around IMO. I was wondering what does the SH2 icon on some villages mean? Is that the stronghold? Because it starts off black but when I occupy it, it turns blue. I think the only improvement right now is maybe a Perimeter guard stationed at the Plei Mei facility behind the airfield. Well that's all for now. I think of more things later. Great job!

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The sh2 symbol is actually the destination of the VC squad the op has spotted, it plots both the location of the cadre as well as its destination, I have been meaning to change the symbol, will do in 1.70. Should have made this clearer up frony, it was in for testing purpose, maybe it has a permanent place.

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I think it would be a good idea to keep it in. I do not know if this is possible but I think it would be great to get intel by actually capturing a VC and when you capture him you get intel on near by VC units in a certain radius of him. This is because he would know about his unit's operation in the immediate area. The capture would be random, but if he is the last VC in his unit as his squad gets killed, the chances are higher of him to surrender. The switchmove would use the animation of the man dropping his gun and through scripting, if he decides to surrender he would join the leader of the nearest US squad. Then the player would get a hint saying a VC was captured and on the map he could see near by VC units.

I know this is probably too much but some working medivac system. Say I could call in a medivac to a unit that was hit and then the helo would land in the vicinity and the injured units would walk/crawl (depending on injury) and board the chopper. The chopper would land in the base and the units would be healed. Then it would be up to the player to reload them in a different helo and send them back to the action.

I can't wait for a cross-border functionality to the game. Maybe the enemy could have some base of operations and the destruction of that would cripple the H&M scores, sort of like setting them back to a really low score so the enemy is forced to regain the points.

Maybe the movement of artillery to LZs and other places on the map to set operations under the umbrella of an organic-artillery plan. THat way you can be under the protection of artillery any where you please.

Well I think thats all I could think up. This mission is great! Keep it going. Thanks for taking these things into consideration.

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Thanks for your interest and feedback.

In 1.70 the intel model is that for a cost you can get information in any of the four areas, i.e. the location of up to three vc units will be marked on the map, there is a chance that the information is incorrect or you might get no intel for your spend , depending on the H&M score in the region. If it is high the chances that you will get anything is limited.

You can also spend resoures to get the number of VC in each region, but this will be an estimate and randomly inflated or minimized. You will now no longer get the cycle update of all this info, and you will never actually get to see the actual H&M scores in the future versions, you can't measure hearts and minds, you can however experience the results thereof !!!

Out by the weekend.



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I have one major problem thats just so frustrating. I cna give out wavepoints to my teams no problem at all (Ground teams). The Problem i'm having is that the stupid helicopters, after i give them a wavepoint refuse to turn on their engines and move to it. Whats the deal? lol and from the sounds of it i'm the only one having the problem

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i did notice one thing, you cant take command of the other squads, you end up just being a member of the squad with an ai being the leader, was this intentional?

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Evis, I am not sure what you on about , to be honest I have not tried to take control of any squad other than my own. This is a CE issue, maybe Spinor can answer.

Version 1.70 is complete, with a host of new features:

Full intel , full cross border ops, new group management system and some tweaks to the hearts and minds model.

I have also removed the mortar and F4 addons in order to keep the mission more universal, i.e. only CE and Nampack required.

1.70 is now fully integrated into CE1.22 and therefore I will release it as soon as Spinor releases the CE patch, which is in the next couple of days I believe.

I am busy with the firebase feature which needs to be managed if you want full artillery coverage over the Ia_Drang valley, hopefully this will be done and released with 1.80 at the same time as the CE update (no presuure Spinor!!!wink.gif


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version 1.22 of the Command Engine 2 is now available at the Chain of Command forums:


This includes updated Battle School missions and new manuals.

(to play Bagels mission you only need Phaedens marker addon from our site, though it doesn´t hurt to look at our other stuff too)

Bagel, thanks for waiting on us, but you can release your new mission whenever you see it fit smile.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Evis, I am not sure what you on about , to be honest I have not tried to take control of any squad other than my own. This is a CE issue, maybe Spinor can answer.<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah, I forgot to mention it in the editor manual. The player should be the highest ranking unit within his/her force. If thats the case, there should be no problem taking control. Bagel, if you like you can also disable this feature in the userinit (rAllowTakeCommand or so).


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Thanks Spinor, I will post the mission 1.70 tonite when I get home.

Great job on the CE btw!!!!


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Here is version 1.70


New intel model, you now access intel off the special menu, you can get vc data which will give you an indication of numbers of vc in each region, this is randomly inflated so it is not totally accurate.

You can also access an informant for each region. depending on the H&M score they might be uncooperative, if they do cooperate they will display the location of three vc cadres in the region. There is a cost to each time you try. I have given the US 100 resource points in order that this may be tested, in future the points will need to be earned and intel will be a major consideration as opposed to reinforcement and hardware purchase.

There are now two VC bases across the border, if a specop crosses the border and get close to a base a marker is placed on the base. You can then cross the border and raid the base. Be warned as the base is fairly well protected(Mortar,HMG) and the US is penalised for each turn it has units across the broder. The more units the more the penalty which is added onto the H&M scores, specops units dont get penalised, nor does your squad. Choppers are penalised more heavly than infantry so go in quick and hard, then get out.

If you destroy a base the H$M scores are adjusted downwards and the base will be out of action for the next 10 turns, it will then recreate itself in a random location and business as usual.

I have implemented a new squad management system , you won't see the diff but it was a bug that caused crashing when the max number of squads was reached.

Aircraft can't do raids over the border, you get a no fly zone message, this would make the base raid too easy.

Artillery is situated in the main firebase and I will enable fire base creation in the next release.

I have removed the mortar and F4 addon requirement, making the game more genric, an A10 is used, will replace when SEB do aircraft.

This version has totally integrated with CE 1.22, what a good job it is !!

I hope you enjoy and please give feedback!!



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Hi Bagel,

I just found one bug: the Pink Team heli and the supply train support do not seem to work.

In the support description in userinit.sqs you have to provide the groupname of the crew instead of the vehicle name. I hope this won't mess up your crew management system.

A small thing: If you don't plan to use the F4, could you delete "f4phant" from the mission.sqm (under addOns at the beginning), because it is still shown as a necesary addon when launching the mission.


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Hello Spinor,

Yep I know about the Pink team an the supply train. I have not made up my mind if I need the pink team as with the pilot management system, more helicopters would tip the scales.

I am going to use the Supply train to emulate the setting up of fire bases, where arty can be moved to get move coverage.

Will do with the F4 thing, thanks for that.


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I absolutely love this mission! Great work, Bagel! Been playing it on and off for days, trying various strategies. Great fun.

One thing that I'd like is a working Ammo drop functionality - my patrols eventually run out of clips and are subsequently

waxed by the next VC/NVA patrol. My hope is that a couple of well-positionend ammo drops would let the AI rearm themselves

along the(ir) patrol route(s).

Likewise, fuel (barrel) drops for the mech platoon elements might work.

The ability to set up in-field aid stations? (Medics and a tent, perhaps) (Not sure if the term "aid station" is correct, but you get the idea)

An airmobile medevac would be nice. :-) Don't know how that would be scripted, though, so as to minimize the

micromanagement of the squad to be evac:ed.

While on the subject of managing the troops, how about letting the newly "respawned" AIs reinforce themselves and then report back for duty?

I'm thinking something like this:

1 - Respawn at the Assembly (as it is)

2 - Move into the Barracks area (trigger), perhaps by some clever queueing system.

3 - After reaching full strength, report back for duty at the airstrip (by moving to a predefined spot, one for A1, another for A2 and so on)

This is what I do, manually right now. Then, when I have three squads on the airstrip, I load them up on the slicks, do an insertion. Rinse and repeat...

And to top it off, how about:

4a - when there are three new squads at the airstrip, do something like a 'hint "Three squads ready for deployment"' to inform the player.

or, even

4b - have them somehow embark the hueys by themselves. That way, all the player has to do is to wait for the helos to fill up and then do an insertion near the frontlines again.

Keep it up!

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Great feedback Salt,

I used to have an ammo drop and a medevac option, maybe it's time to bring back.

For ammo I had a designated supply chopper, that would drop ammo at a spot with a click on the map, I will bring it back as you have a valid point.

The medevac, I used to have a dustoff chopper that would go to a map click , drop off two medics and wait for the squad to arrive.

I will get this back and try script an medevac, if anyone has idea on these two issues please post.

Maybe the answer is using the supply train function in the new CE 1.22 , but supply by land will be cumbersome , especially with ai control, dunno give me your thoughts.

I am working on firebase creation, this will include a supply depot and hospital in the base, including a helipad.

Point taken on the reinforcement of squads , automation thereof is now on the to do list.

I am not so sure on the auto embarking, as the pilot might be doing cobra duty at the time, but a message is good.

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Hi Bagel

With regard to Medivac what you want is a script that ads the injured unit to the medivac copter team. The copter flys in picks up the casualty and takes it back to A mash unit (tent and Medics) It is attached to this unit untill it is fixed. Then atache the fixed up casualty to a reserves group / groups where units can then be reasigned.

The advantage of this is that it is more realistic and you can preserve characters and their experience. Then we can start looking at altering experience levels. You also have inbuilt realistic limits as to fixing up casualties with the medivac in use it cant pick up more casualties and when the hospital is full it cant treat more.(You might want to script in hold at aid station facilities to create a realistic logistics level)

Kind Regards walker

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Thanks Walker, good idea by joining the injured to the heli squad and I will use it .

The main question in my mind is how or what activates the injured unit joining the medevac, how do I call the medevac and point it to the injured at hand ??

I really the the joining group idea as the ai heli does a great and easy job of picking up members of it,s group biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bagel @ Jan. 16 2003,13:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thanks Walker, good idea by joining the injured to the heli squad and I will use it .

The main question in my mind is how or what activates the injured unit joining the medevac, how do I call the medevac and point it to the injured at hand ??

I really the the joining group idea as the ai heli does a great and easy job of picking up members of it,s group   biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hi Bagel

The AI says when units are injured CE2 all ready tracks this you see a report at the bottom 'some of us are badly injured' Speak to Spinor he may want to include it in the Support package for CE2.

Use a GetDammage to find the individual soldier/s affected. detach them and add them to a med unit but maybe have a variable that can be set by the player to say whether to pick up or not. Or only pick up injured if the support call is made via CE2 support.

Another possibility is to have a regular pick up injured calls on time periods or event triggered say after each major engagement.

Kind Regards walker

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A simpler (but les realistic) solution that I'm using for SCom, is recoding the UH1H Dustoff to act like an ambulance, so players can land a dustoff and heal troops, and load them to go back to base if nescessary.

Of course, scom is for low numbers of units, but I think this system should work reasonably well.

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