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Scan script?

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how can I script an inventory scanning?

What I want:

the script scan the unit inventory and if a weapon is not detected than the script disable "addaction"?

(if M16s are not present in helo as cargo, the reammo mission objective will be failed for example)


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I dont think you can query a vehicles weapon cargo but you can query a units weapons and magazines

magazines vehicle - returns an array of a units magazines (ammo)

weapons vehicle - returns and array of units weapons (guns, bombs,binoculars, ect.)

THis line should return the hint if a unit has an m16.

?"m16" in weapons _unit:hint "He has an m16. Yay for him!"

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I was looking at the new commands for resistance and the weaponpool commands may just work.

Lets say your chopper is named "helo1".

If you do, "pickWeaponPool helo1", it should transfer all of the weapons in the cargo of the chopper into a weapons pool.

From there you can query the content of the weaponpool like this:

queryWeaponPool "m16"

This line would return the number of m16's in the weapon pool.

There are other weaponpool commands which you should check out. smile.gif

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command "hasweapon" works fine with unit but i can't set it up for a group..any idea?

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Use the foreach command, look it up in the command ref.


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This will return a hint if any units in "_group" get an m16



{if (_x hasweapon {m16}) then {hasm16=true;hint format[{%1 has an m16!},name _x];exit}} foreach units _group

goto "check"

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Tiens FFAK, essaye ça, c'est ce que j'utilise pour la campagne dynamique FAR pour comptabiliser les armes, ca te sera utile...

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

; Compte le nombre de magazines et d'armes pour un groupe "nom_du_groupe" donné.

; Lancer le script via message radio : [nom_du_groupe] exec "mag.sqs"

_liste = _this select 0



_lj = units _liste

_nbJoueurs=count _lj

_magCount = []



_u=_lj select _j

?(alive _u):_magazines=_magazines + (magazines _u)


?(_j < _nbJoueurs):goto "boucle1"


_mag = _magazines select 0

_mags = _mags + [_mag]

_comp = format ["_x == ""%1""", _mag]

_count = _comp count _magazines

_magCount = _magCount + [_count]

_magazines = _magazines - [_mag]

?count _magazines > 0: goto "loopmagazines"

_text2= "Munitions Restantes :\n\n";

_i = (count _mags) - 1


_text2= _text2 + format ["%1 X %2\n", _magCount select _i, _mags select _i]

_i = _i - 1

?_i >= 0: goto "loop3"



_lj = units _liste

_nbJoueurs=count _lj

_weapCount = []



_u=_lj select _j

?(alive _u):_weapons=_weapons + (weapons _u)


?(_j < _nbJoueurs):goto "boucle2"


_weap = _weapons select 0

_weaps = _weaps + [_weap]

_comp = format ["_x == ""%1""", _weap]

_count = _comp count _weapons

_weapCount = _weapCount + [_count]

_weapons = _weapons - [_weap]

?count _weapons > 0: goto "loopweapons"

_text= "Armes Restantes :\n\n";

_i = (count _weaps) - 1


_text= _text + format ["%1 X %2\n", _weapCount select _i, _weaps select _i]

_i = _i - 1

?_i >= 0: goto "loop2"


hint format ["%1\n%2", _text2, _text]


<span id='postcolor'>

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Thanx toadlife smile.gif

et merci Warrior xmas.gif

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I tried last night and I met some problems sad.gif

say mygrp (1 officer+1 soldier+1LAW)

showmap false foreach in mygrp

whay I want:

the officer see the map (because he's carrying binocular) -> showmap true

the other players stay showmap false

the officer is KIA->the other players stay showmap false until one of them take binocular on officer' body. Then only this player is showmap true (the other stay false)

thanks for help

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit1 has binocular<span id='postcolor'>

in condition

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit1 showmap true<span id='postcolor'>

in On activation

Got the idea ?


</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">bump

Merry xmas

<span id='postcolor'>

A topic that is still up does not need to be bumped wink.gif

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It's not working sad.gif

I tried many things...

How can I force only one player to showmap true? (not the all group in MP)

helllp smile.gif

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