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Modder needs quick test trigger

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Hey ladies and gents,


I am testing some new effects and i need a simple mission. I used to have a mission where the mission would start and i could walk a few steps entering a trigger which spawned a piece of ordnance about 100m in front of me and 20m in the air..... weapon would drop and boom.... quick loading mission for testing and working on effects....


Sekra made this for me years ago and since he retired from mission making and i lost the old one with my old machine, i need a new one. 


anyone willing to help out?


it was simple really just place a trigger on the map in front of the player and paste the provided code into the trigger the save and it worked forever.....

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My test mission just has a single playable unit in it and debug console enabled. And then I just use debug console to do whatever.
Just go into Editor. Place a unit. Press Preview and there you have it. Press Esc to open debug console and do whatever you want.

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On 6/23/2018 at 11:55 PM, wld427 said:

Hey ladies and gents,


I am testing some new effects and i need a simple mission. I used to have a mission where the mission would start and i could walk a few steps entering a trigger which spawned a piece of ordnance about 100m in front of me and 20m in the air..... weapon would drop and boom.... quick loading mission for testing and working on effects....


Sekra made this for me years ago and since he retired from mission making and i lost the old one with my old machine, i need a new one. 


anyone willing to help out?


it was simple really just place a trigger on the map in front of the player and paste the provided code into the trigger the save and it worked forever.....

In the  triggers onAct field:


_explosive = "Rocket_04_HE_F";//type you want to spawn 
_pos = player modelToWorld [0,100,0];//100m in front of players direction  
_pos set [2,20];//at 20m altitude  
_boom = _explosive createVehicle _pos;//spawn it
_boom setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,-1,0]];//make it point towards the ground


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