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Player teleport outside Trigger

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I have an TDM Mission and I have a Trigger witch teleports player to there spawn when they are out of map.

But it doesn't work. It do nothing.


 _tele = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;

_caller setPos (getpos (opforspawn));

//opforspawn is an marker name

 _tele = _this select 0;
_caller = _this select 1;

_caller setPos (getpos (bluforspawn));

//bluforspawn is an marker name


!(player in thislist)

//On Activation

if (side player == west) then { 
 sleep 1; 
 execVM "teleport\blufor.sqf"; 
 execVM "teleport\opfor.sqf"; 


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Check the syntax.

getPos only works with objects or locations.

If you need to get a markers position you need to use getMarkerPos together with a string.

_caller setPos (getpos (bluforspawn));//won't work

_caller setPos (getMarkerPos "bluforspawn");//should work


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to use markers you need to use getMarkerPos as grumpy stated above. also consider using just one .sqf file for teleporting and simply pass in a parameter to it with the players side like this


On activation

if (side player == west) then 
	null = ["west"] execVM "teleport\teleportUnit.sqf"; 
	null = ["east"] execVM "teleport\teleportUnit.sqf"; 



params ["_side", "_caller"];

if (_side isEqualTo "west") then
	_caller setPos (getMarkerPos "bluforspawn");
} else
	_caller setPos (getMarkerPos "opforspawn");


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58 minutes ago, gokitty1199 said:

to use markers you need to use getMarkerPos as grumpy stated above. also consider using just one .sqf file for teleporting and simply pass in a parameter to it with the players side like this


On activation

if (side player == west) then 
	null = ["west"] execVM "teleport\teleportUnit.sqf"; 
	null = ["east"] execVM "teleport\teleportUnit.sqf"; 



params ["_side", "_caller"];

if (_side isEqualTo "west") then
	_caller setPos (getMarkerPos "bluforspawn");
} else
	_caller setPos (getMarkerPos "opforspawn");



Probably not that important in a simple script like that, but defining a variable named _side that's holding a string data type will just open a can of worms in the long run.

Variables should always give at least a hint to what they're holding.

You're also not passing the _caller to the teleportUnit.sqf.


It's also easier to use find and select in this case, since the amount of sides are finite, something like this is easy to read and adjust:

//on Activation:
null = [player] execVM "teleport\teleportUnit.sqf"; 

params ["_caller"];
_markers = ["bluforspawn","opforspawn","indforspawn","civspawn"];//just some examples
_sides = [west,east,resistance,civilian];//west will select "bluforspawn" and so on
_index = _sides find side _caller;

if (_index isEqualTo -1) exitWith {systemchat "Invalid side, no teleport chosen"};//exit just in case

_marker = _markers select _index;
_caller setPos getMarkerPos _marker;


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