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QGIS - Terra Incognita - Opening .Map File

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So I tried to spend a bit of time reviewing the process of getting sat images through QGIS and into Terrain Builder


Essentially you just load the .map files into QGIS -


Terra Incognita will generate tiled images with corresponding .map files, these .map files hold the CRS details within them. You will only need to drag the .map files into QGIS’s central pane. They will automatically link back to the images (jpg’s, tif’s), located where you originally saved them.




I did an analysis of 2 different routes to process the rasters within QGIS:




The very basic steps after that:


For single tile export


·         Load in just the .map files into QGIS

·         Merge Rasters

·         Align raster to 1mtr cell size and re-project to appropriate CRS for its geo location

·         Change the ‘Project Coordinate Reference System’ (CRS) to match CRS in previous step

·         Create shapefile layer

·         Create square Feature using Advanced Digitizing panel

·         Export sat image ready for Terrain Builder using ‘clip raster by mask layer’


For 4 tile export


·         Load in just the .map files into QGIS

·         Merge Rasters

·         Align raster to 1mtr cell size and re-project to appropriate CRS for its geo location

·         Change the ‘Project Coordinate Reference System’ (CRS) to match CRS in previous step

·         Create shapefile layer

·         Create grid – 2 x 2 Feature

·         Move each quarter to its own shapefile layer

·         Export 4 sat images ready for Terrain Builder using ‘clip raster by mask layer’


If you look here you can find the entire process which I documented and stuck in a word file:


or on PMC wiki:


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