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How to force player to eject from moving/flying aircraft?

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I tried googling this and I came up with this code here: 

p1 action["eject", neo_1];

But when I do that nothing happens, the player doesn't eject out of the plane, I then was looking at the wiki and found a getOut action, but when I did that, it caused the player to actually like climb out of the plane and not be ejected from the ejection seat?


So I am asking here how to do this, since all the things I've found online were the code similar to above but that doesn't seem to work, maybe some things changed with the new jets update DLC thing? since when I found this code that was back like a year ago?

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  On 5/22/2018 at 2:59 AM, panicsferd said:

I tried googling this and I came up with this code here: 

p1 action["eject", neo_1];

But when I do that nothing happens, the player doesn't eject out of the plane, I then was looking at the wiki and found a getOut action, but when I did that, it caused the player to actually like climb out of the plane and not be ejected from the ejection seat?


So I am asking here how to do this, since all the things I've found online were the code similar to above but that doesn't seem to work, maybe some things changed with the new jets update DLC thing? since when I found this code that was back like a year ago?

p1 action ["Eject", vehicle p1];

try this

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  On 5/22/2018 at 3:59 AM, gokitty1199 said:
p1 action ["Eject", vehicle p1];

try this

I just tried that and same thing nothing happens. But if I would put:


p1 action ["getOut", vehicle p1];

Then it somewhat works where the player actually like gets out of the plane (but looks like what would happen if you would get out of a parked aircraft) but then the player has no parachute and stuff.

edit: after looking at the functions I found what works. BIS_fnc_PlaneEjection


So I use this code:


[neo_1] spawn BIS_fnc_PlaneEjection;

This basically works as if the player hit "V" twice to eject and it even does the whole seat ejection and the auto deploy of the parachute.


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