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[Release] Atmo's GEM - Generic Expression Monitor

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Hi all,


I hope you like my first GUI. Many thanks go to @7erra for his help in developing this (take a bow).


Download from:





The GEM will monitor any valid expression which it can graph, which can be useful for scripters to be able to follow the change in certain expressions while developing. Use it to follow a variable or expression in game.


How to use:

- download the files from the link above

- place the folder 'Atmo_GEMonitor' in the 'functions' folder of your mission.

- it pretty much should be 'plug and play' except for...

- in your 'description.ext' 

class CfgFunctions 
	#include "functions\Atmo_GEMonitor\GEfunctions.hpp"

#include "functions\Atmo_GEMonitor\GEDescription.hpp"

and your init.sqf

[] spawn AtmoGEM_fnc_Init;

// An example of how to start a monitor or use the action menu within mission.
["diag_fps", 1] spawn AtmoGEM_fnc_CreateMonitor;

if in multiplayer make sure to add an 

[] spawn AtmoGEM_fnc_Init;

line to the respawn eventhandler or script.



- the main dialog is linked to an 'Action' (middle mouse button) menu.

- also linked to the 'User1' key. Change this in your key configuration.

- default monitor is "diag_fps" at 1 second.

- choose between three types of monitor - DOUBLE CLICK the type to change.

- change the expression to monitor.

- change the update delay - (equivalent to sleep x).

- hide or show the monitor. It will continue to update in the background.

- delete the monitor.

- create a new monitor.


As always it may contain a bug. Please let me know if it does and I can fix it. It needs some code tidying but I will get to that.


Let me know what you think, and enjoy. Oh, and if you use it in your missions please credit me!

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