DeathF0X 198 Posted May 13, 2018 [FOX] Mosque Prayer About: Adds an ambient Mosque Prayer on sunrise/sunset based on BIS_fnc_sunriseSunsetTime. Currently it supports only the Mission start day, support for ongoing will be added later. This addon works best on Takistan or Zagrabad. Required : CBA_A3 How to use/Install: The addon will start automatically with the mission, if no Mosque is found it will do nothing. If Mosques or custom buildings are found it will place a radio on it and play a sound on sunrise and sunset. If your mission start at 11:30 then u will only hear a sound at sunset. If your starts at 04:00 then u will hear a sound at sunrise and sunset. You can play a sound every time via ZEUS or use the function (found below in mission maker section). Features: * 8 different sounds * Auto scan for each Map, for Mosques including custom buildings * Ares/Archilles support for instant Praying via Zeus Planned: Support for ongoing days Reinitialize function Steam Workshop For mission makers: Reveal hidden contents Default buildings are: buildings[] = {"Land_A_Mosque_big_minaret_2_EP1","Land_A_Minaret_EP1"}; fox_mosque_prayer_customBuildings = []; [init.sqf]Add custom buildings to the array to add radios on mission start. missionNamespace setVariable ["fox_mosque_prayer_dev",true]; [init.sqf]Enable markers for testing, only works on mission start. [sound]call fox_mosque_prayer_fnc_letsPray; Params: "sound" | String is optional and supports the following sounds: Reveal hidden contents prayer142 prayer105 prayer226 prayer243 prayer406 prayer155 prayer150 prayer349 Why these numbers ? prayer349 == sound duration of 3 minutes and 49 seconds. If no string is submitted, a random sound will be played. Takistan: Reveal hidden contents Zagrabad: Reveal hidden contents 4 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IlI Tay IlI 6 Posted May 17, 2018 Utterly love this. Trying to get it to work on Lythium but can't seem to figure out if it is triggered by building name or if it needs to be set up before hand for the mission. On Taki it works fine in the editor, no set up required but for Lythium it seems there's some extra hoops to jump through. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeroesandvillainsOS 1504 Posted May 18, 2018 Lythium almost certainly doesn’t have the default minaret object (I haven’t checked the classname but it’s probably different). Check the spoiler above for mission makers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathF0X 198 Posted May 19, 2018 @IlI Tay IlI On 5/17/2018 at 11:21 PM, IlI Tay IlI said: Utterly love this. Trying to get it to work on Lythium but can't seem to figure out if it is triggered by building name or if it needs to be set up before hand for the mission. On Taki it works fine in the editor, no set up required but for Lythium it seems there's some extra hoops to jump through. Its using the JBAD buildings, check below. LYTHIUM Put this into the init.sqf: fox_mosque_prayer_customBuildings = ["Land_jbad_mosque_big_minaret_2", "Land_Jbad_A_Minaret"]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathF0X 198 Posted August 26, 2018 Update 1.0.1 * Changed Zeus categorie * Minor changes + added Zeus option to create a Mosque radio (now you can add on the fly "prayer" stations) Source Code is now on Github: 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathF0X 198 Posted August 28, 2018 1.0.2 + Loop function Reveal hidden contents [_timer,_initial] call fox_mosque_prayer_fnc_loop; _timer = seconds before the loop starts again, default value 1200 | 20 min _initial = seconds when the first prayer start, default value 600 | 10 min mission start--->10min(ingame 10 min passed)--->10min(ingame 20min passed)--->20min(ingame 40min passed)--->20min(ingame 60 min passed)--->... Function runs only on the server, (isServer) check, should be called only once . For noobs: initServer.sqf []call fox_mosque_prayer_fnc_loop; + JBAD support 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N2Otorious 0 Posted December 6, 2018 I must be missing a step... I have a MP Lythium server and I spawn in the Mosque buildings. Nothing, I can not get this to work, I'd like to add these Mosque to my Mission.sqm and make this a perm feature of our server. Is this a Server command line mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeathF0X 198 Posted February 8, 2020 Update: New keys. [!5] Support for ZEN. [!5] Added CBA options and global event fox_mosque_prayer_event_pray. [!5] 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
STyx2909 7 Posted July 22, 2024 It seems it doesn't work anymore. Only works when calling the function to play the sound. If you don't intend to try to fix it, I am requesting authorization to refactor the code and release a new MOD with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites