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show object on the map with a marker

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good afternoon all, I come here asking for help please, I'm trying to make it through a scripts, show me on the map in a specific radius, the position of an object with a marker


nearestObjects [player, ["Land_waterbarrel_F"], 200];


marker1 = createMarker ["Marker1", position  _Land_waterbarrel_F];


but I have not made it work, what am I doing wrong? please help





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18 minutes ago, elthefrank said:

marker1 = createMarker ["Marker1", position  _Land_waterbarrel_F];

You have an errant underscore in your createMarker line.


There's more, but I'm in the middle of something, back in a few minutes.

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good afternoon Arzach, if I must have several bad things, I really can not do this, I think the scripts is incomplete

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OK, here is something that works:

_barrels = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarrelWater_F"], 200]; 
if (count _barrels > 0) then {

    _mrk = createMarker ["Marker1", position (_barrels select 0)]; 
    _mrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; 
    _mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";


This will place a black mildot on the nearest object of class "Land_BarrelWater_F", if there is at least one within 200 meters.


If you want to reference the array returned by nearestObjects, you must add a handle (_barrels in my example). 

You had the classname wrong.

To use createMarker, you must define name/pos, shape, and type at the very least.


If you want to place a marker on EVERY barrel within 200 meters, you can do something like this:

_barrels = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarrelWater_F"], 200]; 

if (count _barrels > 0) then {

    _name = "Marker" + str (random 10000);
    _pos = position _x;
    _mrk = createMarker [_name, _pos]; 
    _mrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; 
    _mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";

} forEach _barrels;

Do you need to manipulate the markers further after creation? For example, move them or delete them?

Edited by Harzach
added non-zero check, thanks HazJ ;)
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ohh great Harzach, thanks for helping me, yes, the idea would be that after they are destroyed the markers disappear

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If no objects are found, that code may error. Sometimes best to add a safe check.

if (count _barrels > 0) then
	// code...

You can also use selectRandom instead of first found.

_mrk = createMarker ["Marker1", getPos (selectRandom _barrels)];


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10 minutes ago, elthefrank said:

ohh great Harzach, thanks for helping me, yes, the idea would be that after they are destroyed the markers disappear

That will add another level or two of complexity, but it can certainly be done. I might be able to work on it later tonight, but there are other helpful folks here, too :)

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good afternoon HazJ, guys laverdad I do not know what I'll be doing wrong, hie the following and still does not show me the marker near the object:


Call the scripts through a alpha radio trigger:


0 = [] execVM "detector.sqf";


inside the detector scripts place the script:


_barrels = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarrelWater_F"], 200];

{ _name = "Marker" + str (random 10000);

_pos = position _x; _mrk = createMarker [_name, _pos];

_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";

_mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";

} forEach _barrels;


then in the editor I placed a Land_WaterBarrel_F object near the player, and when I called it the scripts with the trigger did not show me the mark on the map, what would I do wrong?

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What is laverdad? :dontgetit:

Try this:

_barrels = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_BarrelWater_F"], 200];

if (count _barrels > 0) then
		_pos = getPos _x;
		_mrk = createMarker [format ["barrel%1Mkr", (_forEachIndex + 1)], _pos]; // so it starts from barrel1Mkr and not barrel0Mkr
		_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";
	} forEach _barrels;
} else
	hintSilent "No nearby barrels found";

Should work. Or show hint if no barrels found. This won't work for map objects. For that use:


_barrels = nearestTerrainObjects [player, ["Land_BarrelWater_F"], 200];


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ok guys I just changed the type of object and it worked, this is beautiful: or, really thank you guys are the maximum

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No problem! I'm still wondering what laverdad is... :hmmm:

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I'm fighting a bad cold, so I'm kind of loopy. I assumed you were using the 55-gallon barrels, which are "Land_BarrelWater_F," but you are using "Land_WaterBarrel_F," which is the bigger water storage container.  


Updating Haz's version:

_barrels = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_WaterBarrel_F"], 200];

if (count _barrels > 0) then
		_pos = getPos _x;
		_mrk = createMarker [format ["barrel%1Mkr", (_forEachIndex + 1)], _pos]; // so it starts from barrel1Mkr and not barrel0Mkr
		_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";
	} forEach _barrels;
} else
	hintSilent "No nearby barrels found";

Haz has provided a nice naming convention for the markers, so they will be easier to remove when necessary.

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the barrel is just an example guys, it is to detect a torpedo, but I have learned that the names are only variables that do not affect the scripts, it is bit of programming, thanks guys

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 _barrels = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_WaterBarrel_F"], 200];

{ _name = "Marker" + str (random 10000);

_pos = position _x; _mrk = createMarker [_name, _pos];

_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";

_mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";

} forEach _barrels;

sleep 10;

deleteMarker "Marker";


guys add a line to erase the marker after a certain time but it is not deleted, should we add something more?

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what I need to achieve is that the marker follows the object when it moves, I thought about repeating the call of the scripts every so often but it is necessary that the marker be deleted, when the other appears with the new position of the object

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The name(s) of the marker(s) created by that code is/are actually "Marker#####," or "Marker" appended with a random number between 0 and 10000:

_name = "Marker" + str (random 10000);


Again, let's use Haz's better naming system:

_barrelMarkers = [];
_barrels = nearestObjects [player, ["Land_WaterBarrel_F"], 200];

if (count _barrels > 0) then


		_pos = getPos _x;
		_name = format ["barrel%1Mkr", (_forEachIndex + 1)];
		_mrk = createMarker [_name, _pos];
		_mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mrk setMarkerType "hd_dot";
		_barrelMarkers pushback _name;
	} forEach _barrels;
	sleep 10;
	{deleteMarker _x} forEach _barrelMarkers;
} else

	hintSilent "No nearby barrels found";


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"Attaching" the markers to moving objects is another step up.

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