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Albert Schweitzer

The christmas dilema of graphic cards.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Dec. 13 2002,20:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">wow.gif2--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RED @ Dec. 13 2002,20wow.gif2)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I would wait for the NV30, it will work well for future games.

RED<span id='postcolor'>

ah, you are all biased. Too much indoctrinated by Geforce!   mad.gif  biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

why do you think so many people are "biased" towards Ge-Force?

the answer: It works! and if a bug should appear, we all know it will be squashed within a week or two.

ATI has something to learn from Nvidia biggrin.gif

Why buy a high-performance-card (i.e. R9700) when it does'nt work ? wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KEVBAZ @ Dec. 15 2002,20:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i personally have just got a radeon 9700pro when used with my old mobo i had quite a few probs, mainly due to the card not that compatible with via chipset mobo's so i got a new mobo aswell i got a

EPoX EP-8RDA+ nForce2â„¢<span id='postcolor'>

Can anyone else spot the irony xmas.gif

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Thanks for pointing out the proof for my post, bud xmas.gif

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A guy pointed me to the rage3d forum where you can discuss driver issues with the driver developers. They have know about the issue with OFP(flashing textures/shadows) for quite some time but not being able to fix it yet. Its good to know that they are working on it but after reading through a large number of posts there I’m even more skeptical of buying a ATI card. There seams to be a big number of games that doesn’t go well with ATI. I don’t see the point of having a really fast card if you get problem with every other game you play. confused.gif

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well i love my 9700pro i was wanting to up my mobo so i can up my cpu soon, i have just run 3dmark 2001 se and this is my score


1.4 athlon




i used to get well under half that!

and vietcong looks beautifull to me, hopefully ofp2 or what ever the next big BIS game will get rid of the crappy ofp engine as its serverly outdated, but thats just my opinion

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mister Frag @ Dec. 13 2002,19:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wouldn't buy either of the cards right now.

There isn't a game that requires or truly takes advantage of them, and by the time those are available, you'll be able to get something faster for less money, or the same card with new (fixed) cores and better drivers.<span id='postcolor'>

I had to laugh when I saw that. I used to run a GeForce 2 Ultra and hardly got a view distance of 1000. Now with a Radeon 8500 I get 1900+ and decent anti-aliased tanks.

I bet with a 9700 combined with my XP 2700+ I would (nearly) see OFP as it's meant to be: fully anti-aliased with a "as far as the eye can see" view distance.

All you Nvidia guys can diss ATI but at the end of the day they are lagging behind at the moment. I don't really want to hear about hardware that's not released at the moment. Maybe the new iteration of the Radeon will spank the NV30's ass? Who can say.

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Just an update on the graphic card front. The price of the Radeon 9700 Pro dropped after Christmas so I felt it was time to get me a new card. I wanted to have some fun with a new card before a have to start studying again.

I’m very happy with my choice of card so far! The texture flashing issue was far less annoying than I thought it would be. I thought roads would flash all the time but I have only seen small piece of road flashing so far, no major problem. I have also read on the Rage3D forum that the driver developers have identified the problem so hopefully it will be fixed pretty soon.

OFP doesn’t run that much better on the 9700 pro than on my old card (gf2). I can play with higher resolution and when playing around with a helicopter alone on an island I can increase the view distance quite a bit but if a play a mission like battlefield the graphic card is not the bottleneck, its the CPU (XP 1900+).

What I really like is that you can run with anti-aliasing without any noticeable fps-drop, that’s great , makes the polygon edges look really smooth!

Its in the new games were the 9700 pro really shows off, I tried UT2003 with everything maxed out and with anti-aliasing and it still ran really smooth! Splinter Cell and Raven-Shield also look/ran really great. I cant wait to try this card on some upcoming games like Forgotten Battles(IL2) and hopefully in a not too distant future OFP2 with an engine that supports technologies like vertex/pixel shaders.  biggrin.gif

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