Guest Posted April 4, 2018 Hey i am pritty new to scripting and i tried to play music as an intro music but i dont know how, this is an arma 3 wastland script and the int.sqf... i hope it is the right file. i am a girl and have no idea :( pls help <3 class cfgMusic { class **put class name here** { name = "**put name here**"//this is what will be displayed in the editor (make it look nice) sound[] = {"**filename**", db+1,1};//filename with path, loudness, pitch }; }; i found this part in the internet and have no clue how to implant it :( and where // ****************************************************************************************** // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 * // ****************************************************************************************** // @file Version: 1.2 // @file Name: init.sqf // @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [GoT] JoSchaap, AgentRev // @file Description: The main init. #include "debugFlag.hpp" #ifdef A3W_DEBUG #define DEBUG true #else #define DEBUG false #endif enableSaving [false, false]; A3W_sessionTimeStart = diag_tickTime; _descExtPath = str missionConfigFile; currMissionDir = compileFinal str (_descExtPath select [0, count _descExtPath - 15]); X_Server = false; X_Client = false; X_JIP = false; CHVD_allowNoGrass = false; CHVD_allowTerrain = false; // terrain option has been disabled out from the menu due to terrible code, this variable has currently no effect CHVD_maxView = 3500; // Set maximum view distance (default: 12000) CHVD_maxObj = 3500; // Set maximimum object view distance (default: 12000) // versionName = ""; // Set in STR_WL_WelcomeToWasteland in stringtable.xml if (isServer) then { X_Server = true }; if (!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true }; if (isNull player) then { X_JIP = true }; A3W_scriptThreads = []; [DEBUG] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "globalCompile.sqf"; //init Wasteland Core [] execVM "config.sqf"; [] execVM "storeConfig.sqf"; // Separated as its now v large [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; if (!isDedicated) then { [] spawn { if (hasInterface) then // Normal player { 9999 cutText ["Welcome to A3Wasteland, please wait for your client to initialize", "BLACK", 0.01]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; player setVariable ["playerSpawning", true, true]; playerSpawning = true; removeAllWeapons player; client_initEH = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { removeAllWeapons (_this select 0) }]; // Reset group & side [player] joinSilent createGroup playerSide; execVM "client\init.sqf"; if ((vehicleVarName player) select [0,17] == "BIS_fnc_objectVar") then { player setVehicleVarName "" }; // undo useless crap added by BIS } else // Headless { waitUntil {!isNull player}; if (getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf player >> "simulation") == "headlessclient") then { execVM "client\headless\init.sqf"; }; }; }; }; if (isServer) then { diag_log format ["############################# %1 #############################", missionName]; diag_log "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server"; [] execVM "server\init.sqf"; }; if (hasInterface || isServer) then { //init 3rd Party Scripts [] execVM "addons\parking\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\storage\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\vactions\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\proving_ground\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\JumpMF\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\outlw_magrepack\MagRepack_init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\lsd_nvg\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\stickyCharges\init.sqf"; if (isNil "drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread") then { drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread = [] execVM "addons\scripts\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf" }; }; // Remove line drawings from map (createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0], false]) setTriggerStatements [ "!triggerActivated thisTrigger", "thisTrigger setTriggerTimeout [30,30,30,false]", "{if (markerShape _x == 'POLYLINE') then {deleteMarker _x}} forEach allMapMarkers" ]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicsrp 8 Posted April 4, 2018 Simple example: description.ext: class CfgMusic { track[]={}; class gameIntro{ name = ""; sound[] = {"\music\gameIntro.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; }; }; init.sqf: playMusic "gameIntro"; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 4, 2018 Thanks magic, but where i need to paste class CfgMusic { track[]={}; class gameIntro{ name = ""; sound[] = {"\music\gameIntro.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; }; }; and playMusic "gameIntro"; sry :( i have no clue :( can u paste it for me and tell my where you pasted it ? pls :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stanhope 411 Posted April 4, 2018 Paste the first thing into a file in your mission called description.ext. The second thing into a file called init.sqf. Both should be in the main folder of your mission. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 4, 2018 i posted it like this in descrit folder ? respawn="BASE"; respawnDelay=15; disabledAI=1; disableChannels[] = {{0,false,true}, {2,true,true}}; // 0 = global, 1 = side, 2 = command // new syntax: {{channel<number>, disableText<bool>, disableVoice<bool>}, ...}; // side voice is disabled for indies in client\preInit.sqf joinUnassigned = 0; enableItemsDropping = 0; forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; // if you set this to 1, you deny freedom of choice to the players, which is the very principle this mission is built upon weaponPool = 0; corpseManagerMode = 1; corpseRemovalMinTime = 30*60; corpseRemovalMaxTime = 30*60; wreckManagerMode = 1; wreckRemovalMinTime = 5*60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 10*60; enableDebugConsole = 1; respawnDialog = 0; // do not enable this, otherwise the default scoreboard will overlap with the new one onPauseScript = "client\clientEvents\onPause.sqf"; class Header { gameType=Sandbox; minPlayers=1; maxPlayers=146; // 144 players, 2 headless clients }; author="AgentRev -"; // it would be great if you could keep "" in the name, like "YourName and" :) onLoadName = "A3Wasteland Altis"; // it would be great if you could keep "A3" in the name, like "ABC A3Wasteland" instead of "ABC Wasteland" :) onLoadMission = "Wasteland is a harsh survival sandbox where two teams and independent players fight for survival."; overviewText = "Wasteland is a harsh survival sandbox where two teams and independent players fight for survival."; overviewTextLocked = "Wasteland is a harsh survival sandbox where two teams and independent players fight for survival."; overviewPicture = "mapConfig\Loading.jpg"; loadScreen = "mapConfig\Loading.jpg"; briefing = 0; // if 0, skip Continue button #include "debugFlag.hpp" // A3W UI color (default = sky blue) #define A3W_UICOLOR_R 66.100 // default = 66.100 #define A3W_UICOLOR_G 244.21 // default = 244.21 #define A3W_UICOLOR_B 104.87 // default = 104.87 //Dialog includes #include "client\gui_base.hpp" #include "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\desc_include.h" #include "client\systems\ui_toolkit.hpp" #include "client\systems\common.hpp" #include "client\items\warchest\dialog.hpp" #include "client\items\atm\atm_gui.hpp" #include "client\items\artillery\artillery_gui.hpp" #include "client\actions\gui.hpp" #include "addons\far_revive\reviveBlank_gui.hpp" #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\player_settings.hpp" #include "client\systems\groups\dialog\groupManagement.hpp" #include "client\systems\gunStore\dialog\gunshop_settings.hpp" #include "client\systems\generalStore\dialog\genstore_settings.hpp" #include "client\systems\vehicleStore\dialog\vehiclestore_settings.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\adminMenu.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\modMenu.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\serverAdminMenu.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\debugMenu.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\playerMenu.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\vehicleManagement.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\markerLog.hpp" #include "client\systems\adminPanel\dialog\objectSearch.hpp" #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\respawn_dialog.hpp" #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\teamkill_dialog.hpp" #include "client\systems\killFeed\killFeedMenu_gui.hpp" #include "addons\proving_ground\PG_config.hpp" #include "addons\outlw_magrepack\config.hpp" #include "addons\gui\gui.hpp" #include "addons\parking\list_simple_menu.hpp" #include "addons\CHVD\dialog.hpp" class RscTitles { #include "addons\proving_ground\PG_rsctitles.hpp" #include "addons\lsd_nvg\RscTitles.hpp" #include "client\systems\hud\dialog\hud.hpp" #include "client\systems\playerMenu\dialog\welcome.hpp" #include "client\systems\scoreboard\score_gui.hpp" #include "client\systems\killFeed\killFeed_gui.hpp" #include "addons\far_revive\revive_gui.hpp" }; class CfgDebriefing { class ErrorSteamID { title = "Error"; subtitle = ""; description = "The server is unable to find your Steam ID due to an Arma engine network bug. Please rejoin the server.<br/>If the problem persists after rejoining, please restart the game."; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class A3W { #include "client\CfgFunctions.hpp" #include "server\CfgFunctions.hpp" }; #include "addons\CHVD\CfgFunctions.hpp" }; class CfgNotifications { #include "client\CfgNotifications.hpp" }; class CfgRemoteExec // applies only to clients { class Functions { #ifndef A3W_DEBUG mode = 1; // 0 = block all, 1 = whitelist, 2 = allow all #else mode = 2; // debug mode, don't touch #endif #include "client\CfgRemoteExec_fnc.hpp" }; class Commands { #ifndef A3W_DEBUG mode = 1; // 0 = block all, 1 = whitelist, 2 = allow all #else mode = 2; // debug mode, don't touch #endif }; }; class CfgMusic { track[]={}; class gameIntro{ name = ""; sound[] = {"\music\gameIntro.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; }; }; is this correct ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GEORGE FLOROS GR 4207 Posted April 4, 2018 Hello there Guys! & hello there Kleine Bea ! 2 hours ago, Kleine Bea said: :( pls help <3 There is also available the default game music. Check also this: Arma 3 CfgMusic Arma 3 Music, can be played with playMusic <classname>, for example: playMusic "SkyNet"; some good : Defcon Wasteland SkyNet MAD / leadtrack02_f_jets leadtrack01_f_jets eventtrack01_f_jets or else for custom music as above stanhope wrote! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 4, 2018 and in the int. file // ****************************************************************************************** // * This project is licensed under the GNU Affero GPL v3. Copyright © 2014 * // ****************************************************************************************** // @file Version: 1.2 // @file Name: init.sqf // @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [GoT] JoSchaap, AgentRev // @file Description: The main init. #include "debugFlag.hpp" #ifdef A3W_DEBUG #define DEBUG true #else #define DEBUG false #endif enableSaving [false, false]; A3W_sessionTimeStart = diag_tickTime; playMusic "gameIntro"; <--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _descExtPath = str missionConfigFile; currMissionDir = compileFinal str (_descExtPath select [0, count _descExtPath - 15]); X_Server = false; X_Client = false; X_JIP = false; CHVD_allowNoGrass = false; CHVD_allowTerrain = false; // terrain option has been disabled out from the menu due to terrible code, this variable has currently no effect CHVD_maxView = 3500; // Set maximum view distance (default: 12000) CHVD_maxObj = 3500; // Set maximimum object view distance (default: 12000) // versionName = ""; // Set in STR_WL_WelcomeToWasteland in stringtable.xml if (isServer) then { X_Server = true }; if (!isDedicated) then { X_Client = true }; if (isNull player) then { X_JIP = true }; A3W_scriptThreads = []; [DEBUG] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "globalCompile.sqf"; //init Wasteland Core [] execVM "config.sqf"; [] execVM "storeConfig.sqf"; // Separated as its now v large [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; if (!isDedicated) then { [] spawn { if (hasInterface) then // Normal player { 9999 cutText ["Welcome to A3Wasteland, please wait for your client to initialize", "BLACK", 0.01]; waitUntil {!isNull player}; player setVariable ["playerSpawning", true, true]; playerSpawning = true; removeAllWeapons player; client_initEH = player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { removeAllWeapons (_this select 0) }]; // Reset group & side [player] joinSilent createGroup playerSide; execVM "client\init.sqf"; if ((vehicleVarName player) select [0,17] == "BIS_fnc_objectVar") then { player setVehicleVarName "" }; // undo useless crap added by BIS } else // Headless { waitUntil {!isNull player}; if (getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf player >> "simulation") == "headlessclient") then { execVM "client\headless\init.sqf"; }; }; }; }; if (isServer) then { diag_log format ["############################# %1 #############################", missionName]; diag_log "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server"; [] execVM "server\init.sqf"; }; if (hasInterface || isServer) then { //init 3rd Party Scripts [] execVM "addons\parking\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\storage\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\vactions\functions.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\proving_ground\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\JumpMF\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\outlw_magrepack\MagRepack_init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\lsd_nvg\init.sqf"; [] execVM "addons\stickyCharges\init.sqf"; if (isNil "drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread") then { drn_DynamicWeather_MainThread = [] execVM "addons\scripts\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf" }; }; // Remove line drawings from map (createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0], false]) setTriggerStatements [ "!triggerActivated thisTrigger", "thisTrigger setTriggerTimeout [30,30,30,false]", "{if (markerShape _x == 'POLYLINE') then {deleteMarker _x}} forEach allMapMarkers" ]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted April 4, 2018 wtf it worked :O thank you so mouch gys <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites