Grumpy Old Man 3549 Posted April 10, 2018 2 hours ago, swift39 said: Thank You... I am away with work for a couple days so will switch it over when I get home. When you say it should work fine in SP is that a typo or do I need to script different for MP? Anyway thank you again everyone, I am enjoying the learning process and will post my results when I get home mid week. Cheers Greg Quite a few things actually. Just saw that you mentioned MP in the middle of this thread, always good practice to put as much info in the first post as possible. You need to take command locality into account, some commands will only affect the client they're executed on. Taking switchMove/playMove as an example you can get different animations on different clients, so it's best to randomize the animation on the server, then use remoteExec to broadcast the unit and animation to all clients, so every player sees the same unit doing the same animation, same goes for sound and say/say3D. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swift39 1 Posted April 14, 2018 So finally having sometime to get back on this little excursion, I have spent the morning sorting everything out that has been provided to date. I decided I would create a script using AZCoder's script and with a "few suggestions" from GOM mainly to understand the principles of functions and the process of there is always more than one way to achieve the same results when it comes to coding. I also figured having a script in the tool box that provided animation loops then when triggered the AI carry on there merry way could never hurt. so with AZCoder's animation script I came up with this: AI Init this setVariable ["TWR_fnc_ProtesterAnim",true,true]; the Init.sqf //inits the civilian protesters sqf _init = [] execVM "scripts\TWR\TWR_fnc_protestanim.sqf";//this initializes all functions within the .sqf file waitUntil {scriptDone _init}; _initProtesters = [] spawn TWR_fnc_ProtesterInit; _flee = player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { player remoteExec [[] spawn TWR_fnc_ProtesterRelease]; player removeEventHandler ["FiredNear", _thisEventHandler]; }]; As I am sure, most have figured out the remoteExec is not in the right place or written wrong, because I am getting a scripting error. I am still sorting this out becuase I really dont know the "proper" approach. To me this makes sense to have the remoteExec command fire in the init.sqf, to ensure all players receive it on their respective systems. I am still reading up on this and will welcome a sure fire way to make this command work properly or an explanation on how this works. The .sqf TWR_fnc_ProtesterInit = { _Protesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["TWR_fnc_ProtesterAnim", false]}; //Random Animations for loop #define __RandomAnimation (["UnaErcVelitelProslov4", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni1", "shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop6", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni3"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom); //grab all usable civilian classes, needed to randomize loadout in the forEach loop _rndCivClasses = ("getNumber (_x >> 'side') isEqualTo 3 AND configName _x isKindOf 'Man' AND getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >= 2" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {configName _x}; { _dir = getDir _x; //get and set random loadout _rndLoadout = getUnitLoadout selectRandom _rndCivClasses; _x setUnitLoadout _rndLoadout; _x switchMove "";//to skip weapon holster animation after weapon removal _x doWatch (_x getRelPos [50,_dir]);//reset watch direction after group change // AI prevented to move or change behavior. _x disableAI "ALL"; _x stop true; _x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; //Disable Animation and Set AI direction to South. sleep 0.1; _dirToFace = [_x, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo; _x disableAI "ANIM"; _x setFormDir _dirToFace; _x setDir _dirToFace; //AI animation is selected randomly and started _x switchMove __RandomAnimation; //AI animation is looped and randomly changed _animLoop = _x addEventHandler ["AnimDone", { _x = _this select 0; _x switchMove __RandomAnimation; }]; _x setVariable [ "animLoop", _animLoop, true ]; //Protest Chant //playSound ["fx_protest1", 30] remoteExec ["say3D", 0]; }forEach _Protesters; }; TWR_fnc_ProtesterRelease = { _Protesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["TWR_fnc_ProtesterAnim", false]}; { //Stop animation _animLoop = _x getVariable "animLoop"; _x removeEventHandler ["AnimDone",_animLoop]; //Release AI from current state _x enableAI "ALL"; _x stop false; _x switchMove ""; }forEach _Protesters; }; true; The first function seems to work well with no noted issues yet. The second function (Release Function) not so much, well it seems to release the AI it appears they go back to the animation loop after a few seconds. I am thinking it is in the Stop Animation lines, but having some difficulty figuring out how to ensure this will indeed stop the loop because the variable is in the first function. //Stop animation _animLoop = _x getVariable "animLoop"; _x removeEventHandler ["AnimDone",_animLoop]; Grumpy Old Mans Script AI Init this setVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",true,true]; Init.sqf _attack = player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { player remoteExec [[10] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack];//starts the attack with amount of attackers as param, defaults to 5 if no number is given player removeEventHandler ["FiredNear", _thisEventHandler]; }]; without the remoteExec portion this works well thank you GOM. Otherwise it is the same as above with regards to scripting error. GOM's .sqf Spoiler GOM_fnc_armedProtestersInit = { _potentialProtesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",false]}; //grab all usable civilian classes, needed to randomize loadout in the forEach loop _rndCivClasses = ("getNumber (_x >> 'side') isEqualTo 3 AND configName _x isKindOf 'Man' AND getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >= 2" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {configName _x}; { //get direction of unit _dir = getDir _x; //join civilian group _oldGroup = group _x; _newGroup = createGroup civilian; [_x] joinSilent _newGroup; deleteGroup _oldGroup;//keep things tidy _x setBehaviour "SAFE"; //get and set random loadout _rndLoadout = getUnitLoadout selectRandom _rndCivClasses; _x setUnitLoadout _rndLoadout; _x switchMove "";//to skip weapon holster animation after weapon removal _x doWatch (_x getRelPos [50,_dir]);//reset watch direction after group change //dumb them down to stay put and allow random animations to be played _x disableAI "ALL"; //handle animation looping _anim = _x spawn { sleep random 5; while {alive _this AND behaviour _this == "SAFE"} do { _rndAnimation = selectRandom ["UnaErcVelitelProslov4", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni1", "shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop6", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni3"]; if (alive _this) then {_this switchMove _rndAnimation;}; waitUntil {sleep 1;animationState _this != _rndAnimation OR behaviour _this != "SAFE" OR !alive _this}; if (!alive _this) exitWith {false}; } }; } forEach _potentialProtesters; //done, always return boolean true }; //improved BIS function by pedeathtrian NEW_fnc_arrayShuffle = { _this = []+_this; private _cnt = count _this; for "_i" from 1 to _cnt do { _this pushBack (_this deleteAt floor random (_cnt + 1 - _i)); }; _this }; GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack = { params [["_amount",5]]; _potentialProtesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",false]}; _armedProtesters = _potentialProtesters call NEW_fnc_arrayShuffle; _armedProtesters resize _amount; _potentialProtesters = _potentialProtesters - _armedProtesters; _pistols = "getnumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 2 AND getnumber (_x >> 'scope') isEqualTo 2" configClasses (configfile >> 'CfgWeapons') apply {configName _x}; _potentialProtesters apply { _x enableAI "ALL"; _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _x switchMove ""; }; _armedProtesters apply { _x setVariable ["GOM_fnc_armedProtester",true,true]; _x enableAI "ALL"; _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _x switchMove ""; //arm them [_x,selectRandom _pistols,4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; [_x] joinSilent createGroup east; //help AI to detect hostiles after group switch _unit = _x; {_unit reveal [_x,4]} forEach (_unit nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]); //reveal the hostile protester to nearby AI {_x reveal [_unit,4]} forEach (_unit nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]); }; true; }; true; No changes and works flawlessly. Thank you again. So that is were this at and welcome any suggestions, comments or guidance... Cheers Greg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swift39 1 Posted April 15, 2018 Ok so I believe I am making some progress. First thank you to XianGrim.... On 2018-04-05 at 7:48 PM, XianGrim said: If you want, for the sound to stop, you could place an invisible helipad down in the center of the protesters, call it "ProtesterVoice" or some such. Then play the sound from there with the code I mentioned but use the voice instead so it would be: [ProtesterVoice,["fx_protest1",50,1]] remoteExec ["say3D",0]; Then in your EH, you could simply delete it with deleteVehicle. Though you'd have to come up with a createVehicle solution to spawn the voice again if you wanted it to be reuseable. Just a thought! The Helipad linked to the Protester script works great, then adding a sleep and delete vehicle gives the scene a little realism, well I think anyway.... I will post the script later. I think I am slowly understanding the remoteExec application, but am having some difficulty with errors... GOM's script init //inits the protesters sqf _init = [] execVM "scripts\GOM\GOM_fnc_armedProtesters.sqf"; //this initializes all functions within the .sqf file waitUntil {scriptDone _init}; _initProtesters = [] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersInit; _attack = player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { [10] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack; //starts the attack with amount of attackers as param, defaults to 5 if no number is given player removeEventHandler ["FiredNear", _thisEventHandler]; }] remoteExec ["call", 0]; My script init (AKA AZCoder's work) //inits the civilian protesters sqf _init = [] execVM "scripts\TWR\TWR_fnc_protestanim.sqf"; //this initializes all functions within the .sqf file waitUntil {scriptDone _init}; _initProtesters = [] spawn TWR_fnc_ProtesterInit; _flee = player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { [] spawn TWR_fnc_ProtesterRelease; player removeEventHandler ["FiredNear", _thisEventHandler]; }]remoteExec ["call", 0]; While the script seems to run and for the most part work, although in my script it seems to work intermittently. I get this error '[#]call (_this)' Error _call: Type Number, expected code My understanding is when 0, the function or command will be executed globally. Confusing... Like I stated yesterday the purpose of the two scripts is just me learning, but also I am thinking having Mine/AZCoder script to have civilians protest (the Bulk of them) then when firedNear they do what civilians do and then Have GOM's script (a realistic amount) provide the armed civilians to continue the Riot. Anyway thanks for the interest and will continue to sort this out. Suggestions, Comments or feedback always welcome Cheers Greg *****UPDATE****** Ok I am feeling a little stupid right now and assuming this is right, because it removed the scripting errors, but this worked: //inits the protesters sqf _init = [] execVM "scripts\GOM\GOM_fnc_armedProtesters.sqf"; //this initializes all functions within the .sqf file waitUntil {scriptDone _init}; _initProtesters = [] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersInit; _attack = player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { [10] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack; //starts the attack with amount of attackers as param, defaults to 5 if no number is given player removeEventHandler ["FiredNear", _thisEventHandler]; }] remoteExec ["_attack", 0]; //inits the civilian protesters sqf _init = [] execVM "scripts\TWR\TWR_fnc_protestanim.sqf"; //this initializes all functions within the .sqf file waitUntil {scriptDone _init}; _initProtesters = [] spawn TWR_fnc_ProtesterInit; _flee = player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { [] spawn TWR_fnc_ProtesterRelease; player removeEventHandler ["FiredNear", _thisEventHandler]; }]remoteExec ["_flee", 0]; The only thing left is to get my script to release the civilians when shots are fired. Cheers Greg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swift39 1 Posted April 16, 2018 On 2018-04-09 at 9:40 PM, Grumpy Old Man said: You need to take command locality into account, some commands will only affect the client they're executed on. Taking switchMove/playMove as an example you can get different animations on different clients, so it's best to randomize the animation on the server, then use remoteExec to broadcast the unit and animation to all clients, so every player sees the same unit doing the same animation, same goes for sound and say/say3D. Ok so yesterday I had everything working in GOM's script on SP and the EDEN MP. Placed it on the Dedicated server and it fell down. Assuming this is right... //inits the protesters sqf _init = [] execVM "scripts\GOM\GOM_fnc_armedProtesters.sqf"; //this initializes all functions within the .sqf file waitUntil {scriptDone _init}; _initProtesters = [] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersInit; _attack = player addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { [10] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack; //starts the attack with amount of attackers as param, defaults to 5 if no number is given player removeEventHandler ["FiredNear", _thisEventHandler]; }] remoteExec ["_attack", 0]; I am at a complete loss as to how to adapt GOM's script to function on a dedicated server. Mainly I am just getting confused. I have tried a few techniques, i.e placing it in the Serverinit.sqf and such but to no avail. Spoiler GOM_fnc_armedProtestersInit = { _potentialProtesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",false]}; //grab all usable civilian classes, needed to randomize loadout in the forEach loop _rndCivClasses = ("getNumber (_x >> 'side') isEqualTo 3 AND configName _x isKindOf 'Man' AND getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >= 2" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {configName _x}; { //get direction of unit _dir = getDir _x; //join civilian group _oldGroup = group _x; _newGroup = createGroup civilian; [_x] joinSilent _newGroup; deleteGroup _oldGroup;//keep things tidy _x setBehaviour "SAFE"; //get and set random loadout _rndLoadout = getUnitLoadout selectRandom _rndCivClasses; _x setUnitLoadout _rndLoadout; _x switchMove "";//to skip weapon holster animation after weapon removal _x doWatch (_x getRelPos [50,_dir]);//reset watch direction after group change //dumb them down to stay put and allow random animations to be played _x disableAI "ALL"; //handle animation looping _anim = _x spawn { sleep random 5; while {alive _this AND behaviour _this == "SAFE"} do { _rndAnimation = selectRandom ["UnaErcVelitelProslov4", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni1", "shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop6", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni3"]; if (alive _this) then {_this switchMove _rndAnimation;}; waitUntil {sleep 1;animationState _this != _rndAnimation OR behaviour _this != "SAFE" OR !alive _this}; if (!alive _this) exitWith {false}; } }; } forEach _potentialProtesters; //done, always return boolean true }; //improved BIS function by pedeathtrian NEW_fnc_arrayShuffle = { _this = []+_this; private _cnt = count _this; for "_i" from 1 to _cnt do { _this pushBack (_this deleteAt floor random (_cnt + 1 - _i)); }; _this }; GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack = { params [["_amount",5]]; _potentialProtesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",false]}; _armedProtesters = _potentialProtesters call NEW_fnc_arrayShuffle; _armedProtesters resize _amount; _potentialProtesters = _potentialProtesters - _armedProtesters; _pistols = "getnumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 2 AND getnumber (_x >> 'scope') isEqualTo 2" configClasses (configfile >> 'CfgWeapons') apply {configName _x}; _potentialProtesters apply { _x enableAI "ALL"; _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _x switchMove ""; }; _armedProtesters apply { _x setVariable ["GOM_fnc_armedProtester",true,true]; _x enableAI "ALL"; _x setBehaviour "AWARE"; _x switchMove ""; //arm them [_x,selectRandom _pistols,4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; [_x] joinSilent createGroup east; //help AI to detect hostiles after group switch _unit = _x; {_unit reveal [_x,4]} forEach (_unit nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]); //reveal the hostile protester to nearby AI {_x reveal [_unit,4]} forEach (_unit nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]); }; true; }; true; Any suggestions or an explanation on how to script this for dedicated server, the steps to be followed and such would be greatly appreciated. I apologize in advance for lack of understanding with this, but am just trying figure this out. Cheers Greg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3549 Posted April 16, 2018 1 hour ago, swift39 said: Ok so yesterday I had everything working in GOM's script on SP and the EDEN MP. Placed it on the Dedicated server and it fell down. Well, SP, local MP and dedicated are different things which require different approaches on how to make stuff work. Again, putting into the first post that you plan on making a mission to be run on a dedicated server is mandatory, since there's a lot to be taken into account when making a dedicated server compatible mission. Might take a look at it during he weekend. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swift39 1 Posted April 18, 2018 Thank you very much for your consideration. I am looking for a guide explaining the differences and have read Fockers Arma 3 Scripting Guide, but doesn't touch dedicated. I will continue to read forums and hopefully come to some understanding of the main or key differences when it comes to this segment. Although I don't understand it would require such a different approach from multi-player. Anyways thank you for your assistance and take care Cheers Greg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3549 Posted April 28, 2018 Here's the working version for SP, local MP and dedicated. Don't forget to place OPFOR units with this in their init fields: this setVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",true,true]; This way they will get randomly picked as an armed protester. initServer.sqf: //init the protesters script file _init = [] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\GOM\GOM_fnc_armedProtesters.sqf";//this initializes all functions within the .sqf file _initProtesters = [] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersInit; //this is just an example of how the attack could happen _attack = [] spawn { sleep 15;//delay or condition for the attack to happen [10] spawn GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack;//starts the attack with amount of attackers as param, defaults to 5 if no number is given }; scripts\GOM\GOM_fnc_armedProtesters.sqf: //initializes every protester and selects randomly which ones are armed GOM_fnc_armedProtestersInit = { _potentialProtesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",false]}; //grab all usable civilian classes, needed to randomize loadout in the forEach loop _rndCivClasses = ("getNumber (_x >> 'side') isEqualTo 3 AND configName _x isKindOf 'Man' AND getNumber (_x >> 'scope') >= 2" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")) apply {configName _x}; { //get direction of unit _dir = getDir _x; //join civilian group _oldGroup = group _x; _newGroup = createGroup civilian; [_x] joinSilent _newGroup; deleteGroup _oldGroup;//keep things tidy _x setBehaviour "SAFE";//group created on server, so no remoteExec needed //get and set random loadout _rndLoadout = getUnitLoadout selectRandom _rndCivClasses; _x setUnitLoadout _rndLoadout; [_x,""] remoteExec ["switchMove",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true];//to skip weapon holster animation after weapon removal _x doWatch (_x getRelPos [50,_dir]);//reset watch direction after group change //dumb them down to stay put and allow random animations to be played _x disableAI "ALL"; //handle animation looping _anim = _x spawn { sleep random 5; _EHID = _this addEventHandler ["AnimDone", { params ["_unit", "_anim"]; if (alive _unit AND behaviour _unit == "SAFE") then { _rndAnimation = selectRandom ["UnaErcVelitelProslov4", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni1", "shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop6", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni3"]; [_unit,_rndAnimation] remoteExec ["switchMove",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]; } else {_unit removeEventHandler ["AnimDone",_thisEventHandler]}; }]; _rndAnimation = selectRandom ["UnaErcVelitelProslov4", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni1", "shaftoe_c0briefing_otazky_loop6", "c7a_bravo_dovadeni3"]; if (alive _this) then { [_this,_rndAnimation] remoteExec ["switchMove",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]; waitUntil {sleep 1;behaviour _this != "SAFE" OR !alive _this}; _this removeEventHandler ["AnimDone",_EHID]; }; if (!alive _this) exitWith {_this removeEventHandler ["AnimDone",_EHID];false}; }; } forEach _potentialProtesters; //done, always return boolean true }; //improved BIS function by pedeathtrian NEW_fnc_arrayShuffle = { _this = []+_this; private _cnt = count _this; for "_i" from 1 to _cnt do { _this pushBack (_this deleteAt floor random (_cnt + 1 - _i)); }; _this }; GOM_fnc_armedProtestersAttack = { params [["_amount",5]]; _potentialProtesters = allUnits select {_x getVariable ["GOM_fnc_potentialArmedProtester",false]}; _armedProtesters = _potentialProtesters call NEW_fnc_arrayShuffle; _armedProtesters resize _amount; _uunarmedProtesters = _potentialProtesters - _armedProtesters; _pistols = "getnumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 2 AND getnumber (_x >> 'scope') isEqualTo 2" configClasses (configfile >> 'CfgWeapons') apply {configName _x}; _uunarmedProtesters apply { _delay = _x spawn { sleep (0.5 + random 1.2);//decent reaction time _this enableAI "ALL"; _this setBehaviour "AWARE"; [_this,""] remoteExec ["switchMove",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]; _this setSpeedmode "FULL"; _this doMove (_this getPos [50,random 360]);//make AI run away in a random dir if (random 100 < 30) then { _this setUnitPos "DOWN"; sleep 5 + random 5; _this setUnitPos "AUTO"; } else { _this setUnitPos "MIDDLE"; sleep 10 + random 5; _this setUnitPos "AUTO"; }; }; }; _armedProtesters apply { _delay = [_x,_pistols] spawn { sleep random 0.5;//faster reaction time than unarmed protesters params ["_unit","_pistols"]; _unit setVariable ["GOM_fnc_armedProtester",true,true]; _unit enableAI "ALL"; _unit setBehaviour "AWARE"; [_unit,""] remoteExec ["switchMove",[0,-2] select isDedicated,true]; //arm them [_unit,selectRandom _pistols,4] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; [_unit] joinSilent createGroup east; //help AI to detect hostiles after group switch {_unit reveal [_x,4]} forEach (_unit nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]); //reveal the hostile protester to nearby AI {_x reveal [_unit,4]} forEach (_unit nearEntities ["CAManBase",150]); }; }; true; }; true; Had to goof around a bit with the animations. animationState refused to work for dedicated, so I switched to an eventHandler based solution. Cheers 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RL - AVE 21 Posted October 1, 2019 Read this thread with great interest. Would you mind posting your working version for SP, local MP and dedicated again? @Grumpy Old Man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3549 Posted October 1, 2019 1 hour ago, RL - AVE said: Read this thread with great interest. Would you mind posting your working version for SP, local MP and dedicated again? @Grumpy Old Man Sure, updated the first link in my post above. Cheers 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
typhoontiger 36 Posted January 12, 2020 Any way we could get an updated file? Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3549 Posted January 13, 2020 On 1/12/2020 at 3:21 AM, typhoontiger said: Any way we could get an updated file? Thanks! Of course, same version as on 28 April 2018, so the latest one. Cheers 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
typhoontiger 36 Posted January 14, 2020 19 hours ago, Grumpy Old Man said: Of course, same version as on 28 April 2018, so the latest one. Cheers Thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whytrustu 0 Posted February 20, 2021 On 10/1/2019 at 11:06 PM, Grumpy Old Man said: Sure, updated the first link in my post above. Cheers Hello. I am a, considerably new mission maker. And new to scripting as well. Can I get the protest script, as the current link reports that it is deleted. Additionally, if possible, can I get some assistance installing it to my mission file? Many thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grumpy Old Man 3549 Posted August 16, 2021 Here's the file again. Note that indeedPetes animation mod is needed for it, as mentioned above. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnnyboy 3797 Posted August 18, 2021 On 8/16/2021 at 3:24 AM, Grumpy Old Man said: Here's the file again. Note that indeedPetes animation mod is needed for it, as mentioned above. Cheers Grumpy lives! Yay! 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Comunista_CZ 0 Posted December 24, 2022 I tried to apply your script to my mission for a dedicated server but it turns out that my protestors are absolutely broken.. Video of what script did on dedicated.. Can you little help me with this probleme ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites