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Question/Request on making a "RHS ESCALATION" Type mission?

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   So I have been looking for a new mission for my dedicated server for me and some buddies to play with the RHS Escalation Mission. Loved the similar missions in Arma 2 OA but, Since it is no longer updated, and I have no scripting knowledge, I had a few questions?

  First would be, All I want is to update the units to the new ones RHS has added, change the map, and the teams, I have a wish to try out the RHS Serb forces, but as this is something not originally created with the mod, I have no Idea what to do? Would this be simple or very complex? Is there a stand-alone tool like ADAM that I could use? At this point, I would even compensate(if that is allowed, or donate) if someone could just edit the mission for me. Just for private use. Any thoughts? :\ 




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You can use RHS (or CUP) addons and script your mission. Scripting difficulty depends on your focus. You have already plenty of "tools" in 3den and Adam was more useful before (IMHO). You have also a bunch of modules to start some scenarios with briefing, tasks, supports.

If you want something more complete than simple help, ask here.

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  On 3/20/2018 at 8:52 PM, pierremgi said:

You can use RHS (or CUP) addons and script your mission. Scripting difficulty depends on your focus. You have already plenty of "tools" in 3den and Adam was more useful before (IMHO). You have also a bunch of modules to start some scenarios with briefing, tasks, supports.

If you want something more complete than simple help, ask here.

Thank you I posted on that part of the Forum which I had no idea existed! Thank you! Also I am really just looking for someone to explain(Or offer assistance) with the BECTI-E for RHS, Just want to change the factions around, but I do not know where to start or how difficult that would be. Thank you for the link though. Hopefully I might find some help their. :)

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