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@haleks  thanks for the animation trick, I can confirm:

  1. It works technically
  2. Ravage Zombies using Ryan Zombies have indeed quite interesting animations. Looks more like my 2nd kid when she tries to grab a fly than zombies.
  3. Ryan Zombies are made to be units, not agents

Now and that being said I do like Ryan Zombies models, but I prefer Ravage Zombies' behavior, and Ravage is much more optimized (I have so much to learn still!!)

I would rather integrate Ryan Zombies in your own framework and rebuild every system based on Opfor units for Ryan Zombies to something compatible with Ravage agents.

I have not been able to figure how to get zombies attacking civilians but I may find a solution. At least they attack me.

May I officially request the permission to use more of your functions, namely the ones in rvg_zeds\scripts\zeds from Ravage, of course give you credits for them, but tweak them so I can force Ryan Zombies to go through this framework?

The reason I ask: I also need to cover a usecase, when a player will have Ryan Zombies but not Ravage mod activated. If I switch all my code logic to support Ravage behavior I need it working/natively supported even if the mod is not activated.


Thanks in advance.


PS: I would love to ask more advices from you on my own code but you already spent enough time with me :) I try to optimize based on what I learn but this is generally not enough. Even re. my loot spawn is quite laggy yet.

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Hey @loop.exe! This is a really nice mod! If I could suggest something, I noticed you're using the regular version of Chernarus which is cool and not a problem at all but I just wanted to let you know if you were interested at all, there is another version of Chernarus called "Chernarus 2035" which is actually really cool! It adds new islands and completely expands the map and it's constantly being worked on as well... They have expanded the map overall, added to the already existing cities, and have a brand new section of the map under construction! Its a fairly large map and is getting bigger and bigger per update... If you wanted to possibly have a look at it, it's pretty cool and adds new islands (which is the best part to me), and scenery which is just overall amazing, also id like to note that i'm not a promoter of the map, I just simply like the map as I use it quite often... In no way am I disrespecting your work, or intending to, I am just perhaps giving you insight to a map that I'd love to see this on... No hassle and no rush.. Love what you're doing! Keep it up man! I'll leave the link down below if you'd like to download and check it out. Happy modding!


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Hey @socs glad you have fun. I'm currently downloading Chernarus 2035, I will try to integrate it for the next update. Cheers!

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Just now, loop.exe said:

Hey @socs glad you have fun. I'm currently downloading Chernarus 2035, I will try to integrate it for the next update. Cheers!

Wowzers! Sounds extremely cool man! Hope to see it soon! 

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2 minutes ago, loop.exe said:

Hey @socs glad you have fun. I'm currently downloading Chernarus 2035, I will try to integrate it for the next update. Cheers!

Also if you wanted the link to the forum topic, here you go!


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@haleks hope you are doing well.


I'm done supporting Ravage for the main game modes as an alternative to Ryan Zombies and this just works absolutely well in terms of performances with double more zombies, and they have a much cooler behavior.


However I have a game mode for which I expect zombies to spawn arround a given position and move to the position if they are too far, to attack the units defending it.

Currently zombies just sit still or move randomly until a player/unit come close enough. How can I force them to move or give them a working waypoint? Is there any trick I miss reading your code?


Thanks in advance!


I've tried the 2 following workarounds without success:


if ((modeFoes==-2)||(modeFoes==2)) then {
	czeh_cba_init = compile "(_this select 0) setVariable ['_zTarget',selectRandom (allPlayers - entities 'HeadlessClient_F'),true];";
	["zombie", "init", {_this call czeh_cba_init}, true, [], true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;
[] spawn {
                private _array = [];
                private _players = [];
                private _player = objNull;
                private _zed = objNull;
                while {(laststandActive)} do {
                    _players = (allPlayers - entities "HeadlessClient_F");
                    waitUntil {
                        sleep 0.1;
                        _player = selectRandom _players;
                        (alive _player)
                    _array = [] call getZAll;
                        _zed = _x;
                        if (alive _zed) then {
                            if ((isNil {_zed getVariable "_zTarget"}) || ((_zed distance respawn0 > 200))) then {
                                _zed setVariable ["_zTarget",_player,true];
                        sleep 0.01;
                    }forEach _array;
                    sleep 10;


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Hi mate!

I see you're already using the "_zTarget" variable, wich is indeed the right approach for this. It works in conjunction with the "_zTimer" variable though : it defines how long a zombie will chase its current target without line of sight on it (very usefull to create waves of enemies in a defense scenario). Try this :

_zed setVariable ["_zTarget",_player,true];
_zed setVariable ["_zTimer",600,true];//oh boy, be ready for that last stand...


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New version up: Ravage support (zombies), new map, etc.




****You have to delete old savegames to play this version****

-Added: Chernarus 2035 map support

-Added: Ravage support (alternative to Ryan Zombies, both mods are exclusive)

-Changed: main mission “respawn”: opfor units spawn in groups

-Changed: game options vote: there is no more countdown in case of a single player playing the scenario

-Changed: last stand mode: changed the behavior of the civilians; spawn rate of opfor units raised by 100%

-Changed: action mode: reduced the size of the AO by 30%

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: vote system: foes options were mixed

-Fixed: main mission “horde”: double spawn removed

-Fixed: game options votes: exploration & last stand fixed for forced admins options

-Fixed: last stand mode: case during which zombie spawn would fail

-Fixed: last stand mode: equipment crates and construction materials will no longer spawn on each other

-Fixed: reduced the amount of player camp’s initial vehicle by 2



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1.53 live, few fixes & Wake Island support.





-Added: Wake Island map support

-Added: trader framework UI. Trading through civilian and base buildings now happen through a UI for more convenience

-Changed: players will no longer spawn with not owned Arma DLC content

-Changed: trader framework: traders can now buy from the player as well.

-Changed: tweaked minimum distances for secondary camps to increase small maps compatibility

-Fixed: survival framework: infection HUD no longer displays a truncated text at the beginning

-Fixed: case during which an AO could not be cleared (Ravage)

-Fixed: zombie deletion radius error (Ravage)

-Fixed: game option votes: default settings are registered if the player closes the vote window

-Fixed: vehicles’ engines unable to be started (spawning vehicle to [0,0,0] and setting their pos to desired pos is much faster but also destroys the engine even though HUD is not telling so, due to [0,0,0] being a water position)

-Fixed: using simulated holders instead of ground holders for dropped loot to avoid floating loot (though less performant)

-Fixed: removed URLs from in-game credits


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New update posted - you can now play on Vidda on the top of the usual tweaks & bug fixes.




-Added: Vidda map support

-Added: random event: black ops convoy

-Changed: opfor units created by noise will now check the origin of the noise

-Changed: rewrote the infection and max opfor unit counts. Therefore, scenarios with few players will have more opfor than before, scenario with many players will have less opfor than before. Those amounts also have ore random factors.

-Changed: rewrote the hostility and max blufor/greenfor AI unit counts. Thus, scenarios with few players will have more blufor/greenfor units than before, scenario with many players will have less blufor/greenfor units than before. Those amounts also have ore random factors.

-Changed: loot framework: chance to spawn loot on a given position reduced from 45% to 25%

-Changed: loot framework: amount of dropped loot reduced from 1-3 to 1-2 for a given position

-Changed: added more random factors for opfor units lured by noise

-Changed: regular AI skills changed from fixed levels per subskill to random levels per subskill

-Changed:  added an extra security to prevent the respawn and extra camp generation to take too much time on small or very dense maps. After 100 attempts random positions will be accepted regardless of the proximity of other respawns, camps or AOs

changed: main mission “convoy”: changed the convoy behavior

-changed: main mission “enemy convoy”: changed the convoy behavior

-Changed: civilian vehicles can now also form up convoys

changed: civilian traders: changed the convoy behavior

-Changed: opfor regular AO spawn: spawn timers are more randomized

Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: AO liberation can be triggered with a player in the AO

-Fixed: traders can sell mercenaries again

-Fixed: convoy crews should no longer leave their vehicle in most cases

-Fixed: convoys should use more roads to travel



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New update up! Some iterations for point of interests, tweaks and debug.




-Added: point of interest “looter”: a random unit will loot the surrounding area for food

-Changed: main mission “evac”: reduced the amount of transports from 10 to 3-6

-Changed: point of interest “friendly”: added few random chats

-Changed: point of interest “loot”: added few random chats

-Changed: point of interest “signal”: the buzzer will now lure zombies. Also added 2 alternatives: the radio can be an open channel to a distant command center, they will send a patrol to check why no one answers them, or trigger an artillery strike.

-Changed: point of interest “waiter”: added few random chats

-Changed: point of interest “trap”: added few random chats

-Changed: point of interest “vehicle”: added few random chats

-Changed: reworked the action menu priorities

-Changed: admin menu: autosave toggle feature removed

-Changed: admin menu: added a manual save game feature

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: loot framework: dropped loot works on all maps again

-Fixed: action menu: actions should no longer “pop” with the mid screen title

-Fixed: main mission “evac”: mission can be failed if too many transport die

-Fixed: main mission “evac”: cases during which the civilians or the transport would not move properly

-Fixed: point of interest “waiter”: the unit will leave the area by foot if no vehicle is available



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New version posted! Added Isla Duala support, new game options and extra stuff!





****Old savegames incompatible to play this version****

****Server admins: warning, server\globalParameters.sqf parameters changed****

-Added: Isla Duala map support

-Added: new game option: respawn tickets per player (from unlimited to none)

-Added: new game option: percentage of AOs activated in normal and exploration modes

-Added: “steal intel” secondary mission. Players must steal documents from a specific location, protected by enemy troops or hidden in a small mine field. Once stolen they must bring the intel to an extraction point will being hunt by the enemy.

-Added: “color spam” random event. Smokes and depending on the time of the day, flares and chemlights will spawn around the selected area following random patterns (focus on a location, AO illumination, etc.)

-Changed: added more diversity in the parachutes used for crates and vehicles

-Changed: point of interest “loot”: weapons have a chance to be created with ammo; question completion range reduced from 20 to 10

-Changed: point of interest “friendly”: if the selected alternative is for the unit to start patrolling it will now be with a random patrol behavior

-Changed: day & night cycle: changed the way target location is generated; cyclic event frequency changed from 240-480 to 120-480 seconds; added a chance to spawn random events based on the time of the day

-Changed: random events: cyclic random event frequency changed from 240-480 to 120-480 seconds

-Changed: random events “black ops convoy”: convoy vehicles will no longer be from Tank DLC if this one is unavailable or excluded.

-Changed: random events “black ops landing”: Y32 VTOL will be replaced by a UH-80 if the Apex DLC is unavailable or excluded

-Changed: random events “black ops paradrop”: will be replaced by the random event black ops landing if the Apex DLC is unavailable or excluded

-Changed: black ops gear is now without any DLC content

-Changed: DLC/Mod exclusion: added more filtering methods for items without “DLC” entry in their config

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: case during which parachutes would not work for troops and materials drops

-Fixed: point of interest “friendly”: the unit can be a greenfor unit

-Fixed: point of interest “loot”: the chat cannot be triggered before a player is close enough

-Fixed: point of interest “waiter”: the waiter can be a greenfor unit; alternatives not always working (wrecks or no vehicle at all)

-Fixed: point of interest “signal”: fixed a typo in the code; sources of the signal should no longer spawn in the air

-Fixed: DLC/Mod exclusion: armed planes table now included; Ravage is no longer in the available excludable DLCs

-Fixed: case during which Ryan Zombie would not spawn



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New version live: new game mode, DLC exclusion logic changed to DLC selection, BWS zombies support and Kunduz fixed doors map support





-Added: game mode: “After dawn”. A slow-paced mode with not much life apart from the last thugs (no missions, low hostility factor, few reinforcements, few vehicles)

-Added: BWS zombies mod native support

-Changed: switched Kunduz terrain support to Kunduz – fixed doors support

-Changed: DLC/mod exclusion replaced by DLC/mod selection (reverse logic, players now have to select/vote which DLC they want to use);

-Changed: vote system:  default options are now preselected

-Changed: vote timer raised from 20 to 60 seconds (in case of several players playing)

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: vote system: respawn tickets and AO percentage colors fixed

-Fixed: DLC / mod selection: project opfor works now

-Fixed: case during which dropped loot would not spawn on dedicated servers



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1.58 has been uploaded. Bringing Beketov support, a faction selector and other tweaks.



****Old savegames incompatible to play this version****

****Server admins: warning, server\globalParameters.sqf parameters changed****

-Added: Beketov map support

-Added: new game option: factions selection. Factions can be manually selected. Ground Zero survivors are classic thugs/bandits/survivors with the random gear selection. Other factions will use their default settings.

-Added: “crash” random event. An aircraft will crash nearby, loosing loot on the process

-Changed: added default vehicles in the vehicle tables in case the DLC/mod selection is too restrictive

-Changed: increased the color correction range

-Changed: action mode: interval between random events reduced from 120-480 seconds to 60-180 seconds

-Changed: last stand mode: interval between random events reduced from 120-480 seconds to 30-150 seconds. Also added ambient civilian activity

-Fixed: loading a game saved with server persistence will not longer disable basic client features (survival, towing, cargo, admin panels etc.)

-Fixed: selected DLCs/mods are now part of the server persistence



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Hi @loop.exe i really want to enjoy this mod but i think it has introduced an ambient radio loop in the background. it drives me crazy!

its like two people communicating over radio in russian it seems very muffled. it plays every 5 -10 minutes it seems.

I really hope that if its not something in the mod i can disable, its something you are aware of from another mod. Please help!

(edit) It seems to play the radio message every time i get a notification in global saying "base infection scale x.x"

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@loop.exe I'm having an issue with an infinite loading screen on the scenarios with previous corrupted save files. And I was wondering on how I can exclude all Arma 3 Assets and its DLC and just have mods. Apex is excluded but the vehicles still spawn, it's just that players cant use the guns.

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On 11/07/2018 at 2:02 AM, siren123 said:

Hi @loop.exe i really want to enjoy this mod but i think it has introduced an ambient radio loop in the background. it drives me crazy!

its like two people communicating over radio in russian it seems very muffled. it plays every 5 -10 minutes it seems.

I really hope that if its not something in the mod i can disable, its something you are aware of from another mod. Please help!

(edit) It seems to play the radio message every time i get a notification in global saying "base infection scale x.x"

Hello there, if I understand it properly this is due to a "Point of interest" mission type. You have to find the item (computer etc.) and grab it to deactivate it. The sound will drop, but also the noise source luring opfor units will be disabled.

Hope this helped.


On 11/07/2018 at 6:47 AM, Nekro_ said:

@loop.exe I'm having an issue with an infinite loading screen on the scenarios with previous corrupted save files. And I was wondering on how I can exclude all Arma 3 Assets and its DLC and just have mods. Apex is excluded but the vehicles still spawn, it's just that players cant use the guns.

Sorry for your trouble.

I will need logs to investigate loading screen, could you provide me with this?

To exclude Arma assets I believe the usecase is to filter all Arma 3 DLCs with the vote system. You need however enough content from your mods. If content tables are empty after DLC exclusion (say for example you have no secondary guns left) then the system will still include vanilla assets for the game to not break.

DLC exclusion is however a piece of crap code, there is nothing working / covering all usecases automatically unfortunately.
Again here logs may help me in case of a bug.


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@Nekro Philadelphia 

You may want to disable

  • AH-64D Apache Longbow for ArmA3 by Nodunit and Franze, thousands of error lines in your logs.
  • Advanced Towing Init: Ground Zero already has such a system, it will conflict
  • DCON's V-44 Valkyrie (Beta) is not compatible with the way I spawn vehicles

The admin panel but is also reported on other channels but I have not found the issue yet. But for your loading and crashes I definitely see the 3 mods listed above conflicting with content tables.


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2 hours ago, Nekro Philadelphia said:

@loop.exe What do you want to be tested? my guys are willing to get anything done for further improvements to Ground Zero


Not sure yet, I'm rebuilding a few systems to make faction selection easier. I have not been able to reproduce "empty uniforms". Torchlight vs handguns is normal at night though.

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New version up, tweaks & bug fixed




-Changed: black ops soldiers and vehicles will now use multi-mod content instead of hardcoded vanilla elements except for random events relying on vtols

-Changed: main mission “civs”: AI patrols behavior changed from patrol A to random

-Changed: main mission “evac”: AI patrols behavior changed from patrol A to random

-Changed: main mission “horde”: AI patrols behavior changed from patrol A to random

-Changed: main mission “outpost”: AI patrols behavior changed from patrol A to random

-Changed: secondary mission “building”: AI patrols behavior changed from patrol A to random

-Changed: secondary mission “group kill”: AI patrols behavior changed from patrol A to random

-Changed: random event “black ops land”: regular helicopters will drop the soldiers now

-Changed: random event “artillery”: changed the dispersion from 30 to 0-250 meters;

-Changed: secondary loading screen display a progress loading bar

-Changed: vote framework: selecting a DLC/mod will automatically filter the available factions. Factions are now segmented per side. Also tweaked the layout. Selecting game mode will automatically hide the AO percentage options when non applicable (last stand etc.)

-Changed: tweaked the selection of AI groups patrol behaviors

-Fixed: vote framework: factions and DLC/mod selection require half or more of the players to work and not more than half

-Fixed: vote framework: non server votes are now broadcasted for factions and DLC/mods selection

-Fixed: vehicle tables configuration: vehicles will be split per side even if ground zero survivors are in selected factions

-Fixed: noise framework: added a security to prevent specific scripts to run on null objects

-Fixed: civilians should no longer spawn with black ops gear

-Fixed: meteorological configuration (Beketov terrain)



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