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This mod is no longer updated/available (that was fun but very time consuming, thanks everyone for your support)

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8 hours ago, theonegunslinger said:

Does anyone have an issue where it seems that Heros Survive only works for the host and not other players?

Hello theonegunslinger, sorry for the trouble. It was a mistake in the code, the new version fixes it. I struggle to test multiplayer features properly since I do not have a dedicated server.

PS: new version live on Steam's workshop.





-Added: wiki page started on arma-3-ground-zero.wikia.com

-Added: “drone patrol” random event. Flying or rolling drones will spawn and hunt a given player. Drones are included in the Noise framework.

-Added: “drone hunter” random event. A rolling drone will spawn and hunt a given player. Drones are included in the Noise framework.

-Added: “drone swarm” random event. Many flying drones will follow a given player. Drones are included in the Noise framework.

-Added: there is a 30% chance a random event is triggered when a main mission is completed

-Added: there is a 30% chance a random event is triggered when a secondary mission is completed

-Added multi-mods support for ambient items, wrecks and garbage. Spawn tables are now automatically generated (versus previously manually declared) based on the activated mods.

-Added: radio chat to the side receiving friendly reinforcements

-Changed: reinforcements sent through a random event are no longer limited to thugs and include also survivors and civilians.

-Changed: main mission “Protect and refuel the generator”: there is a chance to receive friendly or to face enemy reinforcements or to get swarmed by a zombie horde when a helicopter transporting fuel is spawned

-Changed: main mission “Rescue and defend the civilians”: there is a chance to receive friendly or to face enemy reinforcements when establishing contact with a civilian.

-Changed: main mission “Escort the convoy”: there is a chance to receive friendly or to face enemy reinforcements or to get swarmed by a zombie horde when the convoy spreads out the chemical agent. Also added more radio feedbacks for players to know better what is going on.

-Changed: main mission “Protect the evac site”: there is a chance to receive friendly or to face enemy reinforcements or to get swarmed by a zombie horde when friendly helicopters are spawned, landing, or taking off. Also added more radio feedbacks for players to know better what is going on.

-Changed: object bounding boxes (used for collision distance assessment and space safety) are now generated dynamically

-Changed: transport vehicles (reinforcements, evacuation) will now necessarily have transport seats

-Changed: increased the AI cache removal timer from 5 to 35 seconds

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: hero survive added to the player init (will not work only for server now J )

-Fixed: wrecks, garbage and ambient items config files were generated 2 times

-Fixed: objects which could be searched for loot where not properly detected by the system in case of lower case strings

-Fixed: when a player grabs part of the loot of a searchable object (wreck etc.) this loot will no longer be generated the next time a player searches the object.

-Fixed: main mission “eliminate the horde”: compatible with no zombie mode and when the triggering player is Independent.

-Fixed: main mission “Rescue and defend the civilians”: fixed the class of the evacuation vehicle

-Fixed: missing scripts for main missions following the reorganization of some folders

-Fixed: players will receive a radio when respawning

-Fixed: radio chat sounds will be broadcasted to the relevant side only

-Fixed: both thugs and zombies are activated when none of the related game options have been voted

-Fixed: a wrong logic in the vehicle rendering script, making some of the spawned vehicles explose on spawn (because their fuel hitpoint was damaged)

-Fixed: base construction: the structures calling reinforcements no longer spawn only West troops but also independent if applicable

-Fixed: independent and east cfgVehicles classnames were merged in the new config generator for multi-mod support



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New version live!



-Added: “black ops reinforcements” random event. A VTOL from an unknown faction will land and unleash a heavily armed patrol

-Added: “black ops paradrop” random event. A VTOL from an unknown faction will paradrop a patrol vehicle

-Added: security in the cfgVehicle parser to prevent the initialization to fail in case of incorrect configurations in specific mods.

-Changed: main mission “Assault”: there is a chance to receive extra friendly or to face enemy reinforcements or to get swarmed by a zombie horde at every waypoint. There is now also a chance the friendly squad arrives in a vehicle, and that the waypoints of the patrol are in a different AO.

-Changed: non civilians units now have a chance to also be equipped with grenades, smokes and explosives on the top of the previously implemented pools

-Changed: respawns will be moved to random ground location during the game initialization

-Changed: AO generation is now done during server init

-Changed: bounding box calculations for vehicle collision size now use createVehicleLocal instead of createSimpleObject since this lasts fills the logs with many animation warnings, making them heavy

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: secondary mission “items”: the items table LootUse (deleted in 1.32) has been removed from the mission

-Fixed: vehicle magazines are excluded from the magazines and explosives loot table generation

-Fixed: VCOM Ai exclusion for Zombies & Demons for the cases it was handled at a group level (most frequent usecase: exclusion not working for zombie hordes instantly spawned; first consequence they were crouching in case of enemy fire)



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New version deployed, dedicated servers supported!




-Added: dedicated server compatibility (sorry for the remaining bugs, despite dozen hours testing my brain is not willing to help enough for server things)

-Added: cargo framework. Players can now load elements in vehicles using the appropriate action menu commands. This relies on the configuration of the vehicle, for old mods you may expect it will not work.

-Added: civilian random event: dismiss.

-Changed: towing framework:

--------Players can now have several active towing (couple of objects linked by ropes)

--------Players now have to select the vehicle they want to deploy the ropes from first.

--------The vehicle will not be the cursor target for more accuracy.

--------Only then the action menu will be filled with the available nearby objects ropes can be attached to if any.

--------Wordings and hints have been modified accordingly, with more precision than in the previous version.

----The ropes will be attached to “official” sling load points based on the configuration when they exist.

-Changed: base construction materials. Unpacking a construction material will now force the player to walk, disable sprint, and make the aiming precision terrible. The crates unpacking is now technically speaking working in the same way than the loot search function. Wordings and hints have been modified accordingly, with more precision than in the previous version.

-Changed: last stand mode: civilians will now move a bit around the camp; enemy spawn rate increased by approximately 50%; enemies will also walk towards the civilians now

-Changed: main mission “convoy”: improved the convoy pathfinding; the vehicles will spread out and leave the area once the mission is completed

-Changed: main mission “enemy convoy”: improved the convoy pathfinding; the crews will also open fire more aggressively

-Changed: main mission “evac site”: improved the helicopter pathfinding, the behavior of the civilians. At the end of the mission the remaining civilians will leave elsewhere.

-Changed: chances to spawn ground reinforcements (vs helicopters landing, paradrops or instant spawns) raised to limit helicopter spam

-Changed: civilian traders: vehicles will now spawn with a full crew; improved the convoy pathfinding.

-Changed: flares and chemical lights will no longer be spawned during the day

-hanged: reinforcement cache will now save the exact inventory of each unit

-Changed: playable units will now throw a smoke (during the day) or a chemlight and a flare (during the night) when respawing in Halo

-Changed: improved the object delivery (especially for objects attached by ropes to a transport, they should no longer disappear in the ground; several ropes are now used)

-Changed: improved the detection of map-placed objects to integrate more wrecks etc. in the loot spawn system

-Changed: code framework updated (especially in this update: segmentation of the files in a server/client logic and code improvements to be compatible with dedicated servers)

-Changed: AO ambient objects pre-generation is now done during server init

-Changed: code optimizations (especially in this update: rewrote from scratch the reinforcement scripts and the related cache system; AI spawn script by SPUn / LostVar is fantastic but it’s more satisfying with my own systems J; ported most execVM to compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers spawns; rewrote large chunks of main missions)

-Fixed: random event “Black ops reinforcement”: the reinforcements belong to East

-Fixed: random event “Black ops paradrop”: the reinforcements belong to East

-Fixed: the custom vehicle crew function will spawn turret crew again

-Fixed: main mission end: in case of mission failure the heads up about artillery will be displayed to independent as well

-Fixed: Halo respawn vote

-Fixed: parachuted crates of diesel cans should have the relevant item inside them

-Fixed: case where searching for loot in garbage, a wreck or a vehicle would not work properly

-Fixed: Vanilla ToolKit removed from the game (use Hero Survive one by double clicking on it)

-Fixed: civilian traders will no longer belong to Blufor



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New version up, balancing, fixes and hammer swings!



[h1]1.37 [/h1]

-Added: new behavior for instant random reinforcements: units will spawn and patrol directly inside a building if applicable

-Added: hero survive’s hammer in the Misc loot tables. Using this item will enable action menu commands, either to swing the hammer or to store it back in the inventory. The hammer can damage and push other units

-Added: hero survive’s heat pack in the Aids loot tables

-Added: new security to prevent vehicles to explode when spawned (not 100% working though)

-Changed: total amount of regular opfor units required to liberate an AO reduced by 40%

-Changed: regular AO opfor units now have a chance to spawn directly inside a building when applicable

-Changed: main missions, secondary missions, leaflets, points of interest and supplies parachutes can no longer spawn when an AO has been liberated

-Changed: main mission “hold the area”: there is now a chance to fight against a vehicle in the initial enemy group; also added a chance for both friendly and enemy extra reinforcements to arrive; the buildings in the area also have a chance to be occupied by enemy if applicable

-Changed: main mission “refuel the generator”: fuel can now be delivered per car/truck (75% chance versus parachute). Also added a 15% chance of a brutal overeat (3-5 liters) and a 25% of a regular leak (2 liters per minute instead of one), and finally more chances to receive friendly or enemy reinforcements.

-Changed: main mission “rescue the civilians”: there a chance more than one civilian spawns per location, to have ambient items near the civilian or for the civilian to spawn in a building; finally the amount of civilians to rescue changed from a flat to a random one.

-Changed: “drone patrol” random event: amount of spawned drones changed from 1-ePPU to 1-1+0.5*ePPU where ePPU is the hostility factor

-Changed: “Point of interest” tasks will now be visible to players within 200 meters (and remain visible until the AO is deactivated or the task completed) to avoid 1-visual spam 2-to use them as intel about the presence of other players

-Changed: water canister and empty water canister are now part of the Food loot table instead of the Misc loot table

-Changed: Hero Survive’s vitamins and water purification tablets are now part of the Aids loot table instead of the Misc loot table

-Changed: disabled Hero survive’s merging menu and related items until those are properly sorted

-Changed: modified the way AOs ambient objects are generated to avoid for example crates positions conflicting with vehicles positions

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: main mission “hold the area”: players must be in the relevant area to win the mission (to avoid tricking the unit cache)

-Fixed: main mission “outpost”: the friendly reinforcements called when the mission is over can be greenfor

-Fixed: hero survive’s blood bags class names

-Fixed: hostility reactived; blufor is combined with greenfor

-Fixed: an AO liberated by greenfor will receive greenfor reinforcements

-Fixed: formula calculating the average amount of opfor units per playable units when they are in the AO, in case of more than 8 players


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New version online, includes headless client support and new custom savegames.





-Added: save game manager. The server will save the game’s state regularly through profile namespace. The mission progress should be almost identical when restarting the server. The script currently saves:

----the date

----the color correction

----the weather

----the game modes and options

----the amount of respawn tickets

----the AOs parameters (position, name,  size, size index, ambient vehicles, construction materials, garbage and wrecks with their related loot parameters, amount of civilians and opfor already spawned, points of interests).

----the alive players position and gears

----the respawn positions

----the non-cached objects (like player bases, vehicles etc.) and their health, fuel, and inventory if applicable

The script currently does NOT save:

----the main missions

----the secondary missions

----the random events.

----the loot not related to AO ambient items/wrecks/vehicles/garbage

----the cached objects (like random reinforcements, zombies, etc.)

----the dead players

----the non-players playable units (AI in player squads) position and gears

-Added: 4 headless clients (WerthlesHeadless’ script). Server admins can now add up to 4headless client to optimize the server load brought by heavy AI use especially when they are 16 players online.

-Changed: ambient vehicle loot will now spawn directly in their inventory; it is no longer needed to use the search function on them

-Changed: chance to get launcher ammunition spawned with launchers changed from 100 to 50%

-Changed: rewrote the loot framework code: the search function now include all related terrain objects

-Changed: base camp reinforcements are spawned instantly only now

-Changed: AO ambient objects pre-generation (vehicles, wrecks, garbage) removed and replaced by an on-the go system.

-Changed: ambient wrecks and garbage are simple objects again now that the loot system is compatible with them

-Changed: code optimizations

-Fixed: random color correction is the same for all players

-Fixed: case during which extra camps would not finalize and stuck the game

-Fixed: cases during which the script was looking for safePos with bounding boxes too big for the map and causing timeouts, very long map initialization etc.

-Fixed: defined speaker to part of the spawned AI



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Yeah I'm a slow learner but I'm trying to make it working better version after version. The "profileNameSpace" thing is quite interesting, reminded me of the old "load codes" with letters and numbers from consoles back in the days.

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1.39 live, player slots raised from 16 to 40, few critical bug fixed and more alternatives for some missions.





-Changed: amount of player slots raised from 16 to 40 (20 per team). Note that passed 16 players the infection and hostility factors won’t change.

-Changed: main mission “convoy”: added a chance the convoy waits for the player to approach the RDV before starting. The convoy will start on a road when available. Also added alternatives to the convoy waypoints: the convoy will either patrol in the AO or try to move to another nearby AO. Waypoints should also be more often on the road.  Furthermore there is now a chance the convoy is protected by a friendly armored, in which case each waypoint may be under assault of either enemy armed vehicles or opfor units.

-Changed: main mission “evac”: added a chance the convoy waits for the player to approach the RDV before starting. Civilians may now gather in a nearby building if available. Added a chance for a friendly squad to protect the evac site at the beginning. The mission can now be failed if more than 50% of the civilians are killed or 50% of the transports are destroyed. Finally evacuation vehicles are no longer helicopters only but can also be cars & trucks.

-Changed: main mission “enemy convoy”: The convoy will start on a road when available. Also added alternatives to the convoy waypoints: the convoy will either patrol in the AO or try to move to another nearby AO. Waypoints should also be more often on the road. There is now a chance the convoy receives reinforcements on each waypoint.

-Changed: main mission “outpost”: added a chance for the enemy to receive extra reinforcements when their squad gets more than 50% of KIA, and a smaller chance to receive motorized reinforcements. Finally added an alternative scenario in which the players has to seize two small outposts instead of one large one.

-Changed: secondary mission “group kill”: there is now a chance the enemy squad will populate a small camp on the road and defend it instead of a random patrol in the area. There is also a small chance to have less enemy troops to fight but a static weapon instead.

-Fixed: getRoad function was using a waitUntil in a nonscheduled environment

-Fixed: getSafePos function was using a waitUntil in a nonscheduled environment

-Fixed: main mission “outpost”: enemy patrols are not cached anymore

-Fixed: main mission “evac”: group assignment for civilians when a chopper lands



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New update available; construction materials can now be crafted from loot, towing works better and more buildings to build!




-Added: base building framework: collecting specific loot and wearing specific tools will grant the player the ability to craft specific construction materials to build then a specific structure. This can be done by double clicking any loot material. If all requirements are met then the action menu will be filled with all the available options.

-Added: base building framework: 19 slum houses (shelter and heat)

-Added: base building framework: 7 cargo containers (persistent storage)

-Added: base building framework: 16 new fortifications

-Added: base building framework: 43 different flags can now be built (cosmetics)

-Added: hero survive’s wire, duct tape, red white tape, bits for electric screwdriver, extension cord, tents (dome shape and A-Shape), book, copper wire, car battery, screw drivers, gloves, and pliers in the Misc loot tables. They are used as componets to craft construction materials.

-Changed: total amount of regular opfor units required to liberate an AO raised by 25%

-Changed: the side liberating the AO will now be the one with most kills and not the one killing the last zombie. Zombies spawned with hordes now account in the calculation.

-Changed: construction materials: structure placement will snap the structures to the ground per default and not relative to the player anymore. Also changed the previous objects used (storage props) to containers to avoid confusion since storage props had inventories.

-Changed: towing framework: when the ropes are deployed from a ground vehicle, the towed object will be moved artificially to avoid a too huge friction. This should help moving objects. Increased the detection range for towed objects from 10 to 15.

-Changed: towing and cargo frameworks: action menu options will be visible to the players only in specific situations to avoid the spam of actions (for example, the player will see no option to set a vehicle as cargo transport if he is too far from the vehicle or that the vehicle cannot transport objects in its cargo)

-Changed: base building framework: amount of structures to build from a construction crate reduced from 1-4 to 1.

-Changed: base building framework: modified the container used for the fuel storage

-Changed: base building framework: removed the Large barbed wire fence [fortification] and the Sandbag wall (long) [fortification] since they were duplicating their “short” version

-Changed: base building framework: raised the amount of reinforcements spawning with a cargo HQ from 4 to 5

-Changed: base building framework: reduced the amount of reinforcements spawning with a cargo post from 5 to 2

-Changed: reduced the amount of construction materials spawned in each AO by 75% since they can now be crafted from loot.

-Fixed: headless client initialization in case of a dedicated server

-Fixed: secondary mission: “paint the target”: case during which the script was trying to purge a non existing group

-Fixed: save manager: the save manager will no longer try to save the points of interest mission precompiled codes

-Fixed: save game manager: player bases will be saved properly

-Fixed: base building framework: built structures can no longer be “searched” to gain loot

-Fixed: base building framework: increased the range to place the largest buildings



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Hi loop.exe,

I like the sound of this.  Would it be possible to have another repository for these files apart from Steam please? 

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Thanks mate!  Steam doesn't work that well for my dedi server.

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Tried the mssion just there on my dedi ... works very well.  Lots of action.  Shame that I didn't spawn with a map however!

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Thanks for the feedback. Yeah maps are something you can loot ;)

Just so you know current persistent saves are broken for the Point of Interest missions (tasks labelled "Unknown contact"), I've just fixed them for the next version (ETA unknown).

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So will my dedi server automatically save progress (even if I turn it off)?

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Minor updated pushed to correct a few bugs




****You may want to delete save games older than 1.41 for this version****

-Changed: zombies spawning due to the noise of a player will spawn closer (from 150-300 meters to 50-200 meters)

-Changed: object bounding boxes and masses library is no longer generated through vehicles created locally to the server.

-Fixed: Points of interest scripts no longer trying to broadcast local variables in global space (you may want to delete all save games for that purpose)

-Fixed: point of interest “trap”: enemies and explosives will be opfor when available (and not greenfor); fixed a case during which the script was looking for a non-declared variable.

-Fixed: Werthles Headless Script ignores Ryan zombies since not compatible with

-Fixed: when being the server the player will no longer try to compile shared functions twice


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Thanks mate .... having a separate archive for non-Steam'ers is great !


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Although...again 1.41 has some weird bugs I just fixed ;) (headless client not initialized properly if you use one, noise framework not working when no players are alive etc.) Still a slow learner!

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