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Tank replacement using sigma-6 models

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Hi all !

Like I promise in other post I just finish an Unofficial Tank Replacement for "OF: Resistance" 1.90 and is ready for download!

The idea is/was this:

This will replace the original T72/T80 tank model (by BIS) with the T72/T90 models by Sigma-6  so you will can play against/with them in the original campaigns/missions of the game wow.gif

The config values remains the same as in the original config.cpp of the game for avoid troubles with the AI of the game. ANY other values of the config.bin were changed, just the 3D  model of the tanks for can have the mighty monster NSVT over them inside campaign.  So... You will see a different tank model but the simulation of it (armour, weapons, speed...)  remains the same as the original config.bin of the game. I did this in the past replacing the east RPG with the great RPG-7 model and play with it in the campaign...

You have 3 versions for download and try :

Version 1: T72M1 (with NSVT) instead of the original T72

Version 2: for replace the T72 with Sigmas-6's T72B W/ Kontakt ERA 3D model

Version 3: for replace the T72 with Sigmas-6's T72B W/ Kontakt ERA 3D model AND the original T80 with Sigmas-6's T90 3D model.

Here you have a sample pic of the official credits animation of

the game but instead of the official T72 you have the T72M1 by Sigma-6, got the idea? wink.gif


So don't waist time and download the version you want right


From now I think we can replace any official model by user addons... Oh! I love all the possibilities OF give us.

Enjoy and hope you like the idea.

ps: please if you run a site post news about this. I'm sure other people will like to have these tanks inside the official campaigns/missions smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">T-90's in 1985...<span id='postcolor'>

I know...

that is why I put 3 versions to download. 2 without the T90 model , if you dont want to have that unit you can use the T72 versions wink.gif

... and check that in game when you see the T90 model in action it will appear like normal T80 -also at editor- (I mean the description so you will dont see any T90 in action and the models are quite similar) so I think is nice have this high quality model for replace the T80 that is nice also but dont have the NSVT over it. So no T90 in game hehe No big problem, no? Have fun! tounge.gif

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Hi Locke@Germany!

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> I've done everything right but unfortunatly i can't see the new models in da Official Missions<span id='postcolor'>

do you have version 1.90 of the game? do you have sigma-'s tanks PBO inside the OF\addons\  main folder? -the main folder not the \OF\RES\ADDONS\ one- Did you replace the config.bin inside \OF\RES\BIN\ folder?

The thing is working fine... Good luck there!


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