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RHS T-72 traverse and autoloader sound editing

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In my humble opinion, the sound effects for the turret traverse and autoloader on the T-series tanks of the RHS mod are obnoxiously loud.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to lower the volume on them? I made a report about it on the RHS feedback site but they don't care.


I've de-PBO'd the T-72 file, found the .wss file for the turret traverse, converted it to .wav, put it in audacity, tried lowering the volume, converting it back to .wss and putting it back in the .PBO only to then me unable to place T-72s or T-90s in the editor. I don't even understand how I screwed up so bad.


So I reloaded the entire mod and am back to square one. Any ideas? Any tips?


Here's a video I recorded on my phone, just,so you get an idea. The autoloader is audible outside the tank FFS...



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2 hours ago, Izhevsk said:

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to lower the volume on them? I made a report about it on the RHS feedback site but they don't care.


That's quite a blunt statement perhaps they haven't got round to looking at it yet.

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10 hours ago, Izhevsk said:

I made a report about it on the RHS feedback site but they don't care.


I've de-PBO'd the T-72 file, found the .wss file for the turret traverse, converted it to .wav, put it in audacity, tried lowering the volume, converting it back to .wss and putting it back in the .PBO only to then me unable to place T-72s or T-90s in the editor. I don't even understand how I screwed up so bad.



The RHS EULA is 100% clear: You are NOT allowed to reverse engineer, edit/modify and repack our content.


make your own sounds separately if you want to

also, we prioritize stuff as we see fit, the fact that you put it on our feedback tracker doesn’t mean it turns into a prio, it also doesn’t mean that “we don’t care”


@R0adki11 - please do the honors and close this thread

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