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Make any vehicle UAV Controlled.

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I know that there are other threads about this, But i still wanted to open my own for simplicity. So this is what i have done. I took a normal hummingbird for testing and i added/edited this in the config:




And that actually worked. I can now control it with the UAV terminal. BUT since "crew="B_UAV_AI";" Makes it so that the pilot seats are busy with the invisible UAV personel. Which means that i can't sit there but only "ride in back"


So my question is, is it possible to make it controllable + make the pilot seats empty so that i can sit there also? I don't know much about scripting in arma, but i know how to convert the config.bin to config.cpp, and then make it an addon but that's pretty much it.





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So my goal is to be able to use a UAV control on a completly empty vehicle. (if that's even possible).

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Have you looked at Little Melb mod and how they do it with the helis? Theres one that you can pilot/passenger or use as UAV

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