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ARGO Official Premium Servers - Great Service

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Thanks for creating Project ARGO...what a great game.  Where is it going and what will we see next in this adventure?




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  On 12/21/2017 at 11:37 PM, AV8R_Six said:

The ARGO Premium Servers are just taking up space.
Not sure what you mean by space, but if you refer to the Server Browser, you can set the filter so it doesn't show you empty servers ;)

They rarely get used and there is no incentive to venture into them.
Mostly due to the small playerbase.
People that have bought the supporter's pack would lost "private" servers and would be forced to play with Guests too.

I recommend you delete them and work on providing a broad base of servers for PING consideration around the world.
Again, the playerbase is too small... and probably will never get better.


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Hey Eric, what server are you in and when do you play ARGO the most, I'll join you!

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Don, you know there is PM for privacy or other ways to contact more directly devs ?

I thought you had your own contacts at Bohemia,
cause you told me that you helped them by giving professional advice on the Arma 3's Jets DLC.

If you need help to find ways to contact them, just ask me in PM ;)

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  On 12/21/2017 at 11:37 PM, AV8R_Six said:

The ARGO Premium Servers are just taking up space.  They rarely get used and there is no incentive to venture into them.  I recommend you delete them and work on providing a broad base of servers for PING consideration around the world.




I paid Argo Supporter's Pack to financially support the developers and not play with stupid "guests."
If the game for users is free, then this doesn't mean, that the electricity for the servers is also free. Developers also need pay to internet-provider. Don't forget, that programmers also want to eat. And food is not free too.

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  On 12/22/2017 at 8:42 AM, EricR said:

Don, you know there is PM for privacy or other ways to contact more directly devs ?

I thought you had your own contacts at Bohemia,
cause you told me that you helped them by giving professional advice on the Arma 3's Jets DLC.

If you need help to find ways to contact them, just ask me in PM ;)

I'm not part of the ARGO team and the public posts are for the benefit of the community.  Really Eric...the feedback I place in any public forum is never my own opinion but a recommendation based of of a collection of feedback from hundreds of community players who have shared this info with me but aren't inclined to report it on the forums.  I encourage them to submit their ideas here, but they don't feel that it will be taken seriously and they say there's always a guy name Eric that says 'naw, that will never work!' but not your personally, but there's always someone who promotes their opposition to an idea for whatever reasons.  I amended my original post and reply to you, sorry I got sarcastic with you as we're are friends and I am one of your two followers in the community.  Your feedback is valued.


That said, so where do you thing ARGO is going?  What will we see next, will we grow the player base?


BTW, I have noticed three categories of players in the ARGO community:  Supporters, Players with Accounts Login, and Guests...I'm seeing fewer and fewer Guests which indicates many players are signing up for accounts and progressing through the levels.  I have many friends that are supporters and to be honest, I paid $10 USD to support ARGO development.  Ironically, I received a Christmas Bonus from B01 and BI, the complete 2016-2017 Bohemia All Games Steam Key.  But I already own all the BI games and DLCs I use.  Does anyone need this Steam Key to get all the current BI games/DLCs?

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  On 12/22/2017 at 2:56 PM, urfinjuce said:

I paid Argo Supporter's Pack to financially support the developers and not play with stupid "guests."
If the game for users is free, then this doesn't mean, that the electricity for the servers is also free. Developers also need pay to internet-provider. Don't forget, that programmers also want to eat. And food is not free too.

Others have observed this, but here's how I see it from the West Coast of the United States.  I log into ARGO, view the server list, the premium servers at the top with no players in any of them the majority of the time.  I'm retired, work from home, and jump on ARGO, ARMA, DayZ, and DCS at various hours here and there, and in ARGO much of the time I see no players using the premium servers.  When I do find players in the premium, it's one or two servers with maybe one full server of Combat Patrol and one server of Link with 2 players in that .  Now the Premium servers from my client connection point offer about 9 servers with green pings of less than 100, many of them in the 50 ms range.  When I scroll down to the first public (non-premium) server, the lowest ping (I always sort by ping) and it's 135 at best.  I have asked friends from around the world about this, and most observe the same thing.  My friends in Australia and New Zealand say they have the fewest good-ping choices and would like to see more quality Oceania servers.


As for your view on Guests...I agree, it's frustrating to play with noobs that don't know what to do, hang back or run out and die early.  But I started out as a guest, and a good team-player guided me how to setup the ARGO account through my existing BI login, and another good team player, helped me learn how to gain points by staying in the circle, opening boxes (<--make those first-aid please), and eventually, I became a supporter and enjoy ARGO with the right team of tacticians and good sports.  The guests just need guidance.  We can be their mentors and make them into quality team players.  Help them out.

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  On 12/22/2017 at 2:56 PM, urfinjuce said:

I paid Argo Supporter's Pack to financially support the developers and not play with stupid "guests."
Yeah agree, oh those Guests... they know how to screw your rounds ;)


  On 12/22/2017 at 3:46 PM, AV8R_Six said:

Really Eric...the feedback I place in any public forum is never my own opinion but a recommendation based of of a collection of feedback from hundreds of community players who have shared this info with me but aren't inclined to report it on the forums.
Hundreds of players' feedback, directly to you ? You definitely should be a community manager I guess. *No sarcasm here.

 I encourage them to submit their ideas here, but they don't feel that it will be taken seriously and they say there's always a guy name Eric that says 'naw, that will never work!' but not your personally, but there's always someone who promotes their opposition to an idea for whatever reasons.
Feels like they are underage, cause if you fear the opposition on internet... you already lost.
In addition, it's not opposition that I give, but an another perspective... another choice to people.
Anyone is welcome to share an idea or to be against.
Also, when I do so, I try to give explanations about that "yea" or "naw". So it's easier to argue for others.
It's part of the basics of debating. You learn that at school usually.

That said, so where do you thing ARGO is going?  What will we see next, will we grow the player base?
I expect nothing more from that game really and I think that everything around it will stay pretty much the same.
So people that like it, will stay and the others that don't like it or expect changes soon will just leave the game.


BTW, I have noticed three categories of players in the ARGO community:  Supporters, Players with Accounts Login, and Guests...
I'm seeing fewer and fewer Guests which indicates many players are signing up for accounts and progressing through the levels.
I just see fewer players in general from my side (filtersON: 8 total servers, 1x Raid, 1x Link, 1x Challenge, 5x Patrol and 27 players on them).
Sure it's not the best "time" in the day, but not much better later on.


  On 12/22/2017 at 4:00 PM, AV8R_Six said:

Others have observed this, but here's how I see it from the West Coast of the United States.  I log into ARGO, view the server list, the premium servers at the top with no players in any of them the majority of the time.
Use the filters... so no empty servers will show up.


As for your view on Guests...I agree, it's frustrating to play with noobs that don't know what to do, hang back or run out and die early.  But I started out as a guest, and a good team-player guided me how to setup the ARGO account through my existing BI login, and another good team player, helped me learn how to gain points by staying in the circle, opening boxes (<--make those first-aid please), and eventually, I became a supporter and enjoy ARGO with the right team of tacticians and good sports.  The guests just need guidance.  We can be their mentors and make them into quality team players.  Help them out.
Best way to help both the players and guests is by introducing a tutorial Single Player mission.
There was a new Guest in almost every matches I played, and since there is no ping restriction or any region filtering, all the players don't speak the same language and it adds to the difficulty of teach noobs how the game works.
Maybe you always play with a bunch of friends, so you control much of the game and how to manage those Guests.


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  On 12/22/2017 at 4:00 PM, AV8R_Six said:

I log into ARGO, view the server list, the premium servers at the top with no players in any of them the majority of the time. 

If I'm not mistaken, Argo is advertising Arma 3. Therefore, it's free for players. If players are not greedy, they can pay for the work of developers. In this case, the premium server will be populated. And on the shared servers will learn to play "guests".


  On 12/22/2017 at 4:00 PM, AV8R_Six said:

But I started out as a guest, and a good team-player guided me how to setup the ARGO account through my existing BI login, and another good team player, helped me learn ...

The guests just need guidance.  We can be their mentors and make them into quality team players.  Help them out.

I agree, the guests need guidance. Example of search 1. Example of search 2. Some players don't want to learn the rules of the game first. They immediately start the game and create problems for other players.
I also helped some players. And now a question on the subject of mathematics. How many "guests" comes into game? How many "guests" don't know the rules of the game?
How many "guests" are you ready to train? 10+? 20+? 50+? How many "guests" will keep playing? (How many "guests" will remain to play?)



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I am a supporter and have been commended by Guests daily for helping them learn the game.  I play ARGO for the teamwork and tactics and not to troll noobs! BTW, Noob is a good teammate!


To increase the player base, we will need to convert the guest into regular players and supporters ;^)


What's your ARGO name, what level are you, are you a supporter, are you military, how many friends have added you because of ARGO, what times do you play GMT, have you ever had VAC ban on steam, are you a troll?  Just asking.






ARGO Supporter

MSgt, USAF Ret.

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  On 1/11/2018 at 6:44 PM, AV8R_Six said:

I am a supporter and have been commended by Guests daily for helping them learn the game.  I play ARGO for the teamwork and tactics and not to troll noobs! BTW, Noob is a good teammate!


To increase the player base, we will need to convert the guest into regular players and supporters ;^)

If you have a lot of free time, then no one is against, that you are helping new players. :thumbsup::respekt:
But after workday I want to relax in the game and don't want to explain to every beginner the rules of the game. :huh2:


What's your ARGO name,

Nickname on the forum and in the game are identical. ;)


what level are you,

You can see the level in the game. ;)


are you a supporter, are you military,

No. No.


how many friends have added you because of ARGO,

Not many. How important is it? :)


what times do you play GMT,

Usually after 17-18 hours on GMT on servers "Combat Patrol" (general and premium). If you want to join, then I warn in advance, that I don't speak English.


have you ever had VAC ban on steam,

How important is this for the game? :)


are you a troll?

You can look at all my messages, for example, at a forum and independently solve - I'm troll or not. ;)


Just asking.

It is very similar to filling out a questionnaire. :)

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I confirm that urfinjuce is NOT a troll. He's also a good contributor to the community (forums and feedback). (Even if we don't always agree ;))
Also played couples of Combat Patrol with him in the past and I don't remember having a bad time then.

Btw, the level of an account doesn't bring any relevant information about a player IMO.

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